Friday, September 5, 2014

Parva 05 008


"Vaisampayana said, 'O king, having learnt the news from the messengers,
Salya, accompanied by a large body of troops and by his sons, all of whom
were mighty in battle, was coming to the Pandavas. His encampment covered
an area of one and a half yojana, so large was the force owned by that
best of men. He was the master, O king, of an Akshauhini and had great
prowess and valour. And there were in his army heroes bearing armour of
various colours, with diverse kinds of banners and bows and ornaments and
cars and animals, all wearing excellent garlands, and various robes and
ornaments. And hundreds and thousands of foremost of Kshatriyas were the
leaders of his troops, dressed and decorated in the manner of their
native land. And he proceeded by slow marches, giving rest to his troops,
towards the place where the Pandava was. And the creatures of the earth
felt oppressed and the earth trembled under the tread of his troops. And
king Duryodhana, hearing that magnanimous and mighty hero was on his way,
hastened towards him and paid him honours, O best of the Bharata race and
caused finely decorated places of entertainment to be constructed at
different spots for his reception, on beautiful sites, and whither many
artists were directed to entertain the guests. And those pavilions
contained garlands and meat and the choicest viands and drinks, and wells
of various forms, capable of refreshing the heart, and tanks of various
forms, and edibles, and roomy apartments. And arriving at those
pavilions, and waited upon like a very god by the servants of Duryodhana
located at different spots, Salya reached another house of entertainment
resplendent as a retreat of the celestials. And there, greeted with
choice creature-comforts fit for beings superior to man, he deemed
himself superior even to the lord himself of the gods and thought meanly
of Indra as compared with himself. And that foremost of Kshatriyas,
well-pleased, asked the servants, saying, 'Where are those men of
Yudhishthira, who have prepared these places of refreshment? Let those
men who made these be brought to me. I deem them worthy of being rewarded
by me. I must reward them, let it so please the son of Kunti!' The
servants, surprised, submitted the whole matter to Duryodhana. And when
Salya was exceedingly pleased and ready to grant even his life,
Duryodhana, who had remained concealed, came forward and showed himself
to his maternal uncle. And the kind of the Madras saw him and understood
that it was Duryodhana who had taken all the trouble to receive him. And
Salya embraced Duryodhana and said, 'Accept something that you may

"Duryodhana thereupon said, 'O you auspicious one, let your word be true,
grant me a boon. I ask you to be the leader of all my army.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'And hearing this, Salya said, 'Be it so! What
else is to be done?' And the son of Gandhari repeated again and again,
'It is done.' And Salya said, 'O Duryodhana, O best of men, go to your own
city. I shall proceed to pay a visit to Yudhishthira, the subduer of
foes. O king, I shall speedily come back, O ruler of men. That best of
men, Pandu's son Yudhishthira, must, by all means, be visited by me.' And
bearing this Duryodhana said, 'O king, O ruler of the earth, having seen
the Pandava, come speedily back. I depend entirely upon thee, O king of
kings. Remember the boon that you hast granted me.' And Salya answered,
'Good betide thee! I shall come speedily back. Repair to your own city, O
protector of men.' And then those two kings Salya and Duryodhana embraced
each other. And having thus greeted Salya, Duryodhana came back to his
own city. And Salya went to inform the sons of Kunti of that proceeding
of his. And having reached Upaplavya, and entered the encampment, Salya
saw there all the sons of Panda. And the mighty-armed Salya having met
the sons of Panda, accepted as usual water for washing his feet, and the
customary gifts of honour including a cow. And the king of the Madras,
that slayer of foes, first asked them how they were, and then with great
delight embraced Yudhishthira, and Bhima, and Arjuna, and the sons of his
sister the two twin-brothers. And when all had sat down, Salya spoke to
Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, saying, 'O tiger among kings, O thou
delighter of the race of Kuru, is it all well with thee? O best of
victors, how fortunately hast you spent the term of your residence in the
wilderness, O king, O lord of monarchs, it was an exceedingly hard task
that you hast performed by dwelling in the wilderness together with thy
brothers and this noble lady here. And awfully difficult task again was
that sojourn of thine,--the period of concealment,--which task also thou
hast performed, O descendant of Bharata; for one pulled down from a
throne it is nothing but hardship that awaits him. O king, where is there
any happiness for him! O afflicter of your foes, in compensation for all
this vast misery wrought by Dhritarashtra's son, you wilt attain to
proportional happiness after having killed your foes, O great king, O lord
of men, the ways of the world are known to thee. Therefore, O my son,
thou are never guided by avarice in any of your dealings. O descendant of
Bharata, do you treat on the foot-prints of ancient saintly kings. My
son, Yudhishthira, be steady in the path of liberality, and
self-abnegation, and truth. And, O royal Yudhishthira, mercy and self
control, and truth and universal sympathy, and everything wonderful in
this world, are to be found in thee. Thou are mild, munificent,
religious, and liberal, and you regardest virtue as the highest good. O
king, many are the rules of virtue that prevail amongst men, and all
those are known to thee. O my son, O afflicter of foes, you knowest in
fact everything relating to this world. O king, O best of Bharata's race,
how lucky it is that you hast come out of this difficulty of thine. How
lucky, O king, O foremost of monarchs, O lord, it is that I see thee, so
virtuous a soul, a treasure-house of righteousness, freed with thy
followers from this.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then, O descendant of Bharata, the king spoke
of his meeting with Duryodhana and gave a detailed account regarding that
promise of his and that boon granted by himself. And Yudhishthira said, O
valiant king, it has been well-done by you that being pleased at heart
thou hast plighted your truth to Duryodhana. But good betide thee, O ruler
of the earth, I ask you to do one thing only. O king, O best of men,
thou wilt have to do it solely for my sake, though it may not be proper
to be done. O valiant one, hear what I submit to thee. O great king, thou
art equal to Krishna on the field of battle. When, O best of kings, the
single combat between Karna and Arjuna will take place, I have no doubt
thou wilt have to drive Karna's car. On that occasion, if you art
inclined to do good to me, you must protect Arjuna. O king, you must
likewise so act that the Suta's son Karna may be dispirited and the
victory may be ours. Improper it no doubt is; but, O my uncle, for all
that you must do it. Salya said, 'Good betide thee. Listen, O son of
Panda. Thou tellest me to so act that the vile son of the Suta may be
dispirited in fight. To be sure, I shall be his charioteer' on the field,
for he always considers me equal to Krishna. O tiger like descendant of
Kuru, I shall certainly speak to him, when desirous of fighting on the
field of battle, words contradictory and fraught with harm to him, so
that bereft of pride and valour, he may be easily slain by his
antagonist. This I tell you truly. Asked by you to do it, this I am
determined to do, O my son. Whatever else I may be able to bring about, I
shall do for your good. Whatever troubles were suffered by you together
with Draupadi on the occasion of the game at dice, the rude inhuman words
uttered by the Suta's son, the misery inflicted by the Asura Jata and by
Kichaka, O illustrious one, all the miseries experienced by Draupadi,
like those formerly experienced by Damayanti,--will all, O hero, end in
joy. Thou shouldst not be aggrieved at this; for Destiny is all powerful
in this world; and, O Yudhishthira, high-minded persons have to endure
miseries of various kinds, nay, even the gods themselves, O king, have
suffered misfortunes. O king, O descendant of Bharata, it is narrated
that the high-minded Indra, the chief of the celestials, had to endure
together with his wife very great misery, indeed.'

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 8 ---------------------