Monday, September 15, 2014

Parva 05 137


"Kunti said, 'Say unto Arjuna, these words, when you wert brought forth
in the lying-in room and when I was sitting in the hermitage surrounded
by ladies, a celestial and delightful voice was heard in the sky, saying,
'O Kunti, this your son will rival the deity of a thousand eyes. This one
will vanquish in battle all the assembled Kurus. Aided by Bhima, he will
conquer the whole Earth and his fame will touch the very heavens. With
Vasudeva as his ally, he will slay the Kurus in battle and recover his
lost paternal share in the kingdom. Endued with great prosperity, he
will, with his brothers, perform three great sacrifices.' O you of
unfading glory, you knowest how steady, in truth, is Vibhatsu, otherwise
called Savyasachin, how irresistible he is. O you of Dasarha's race, let
it be as that (celestial) voice said. If, O you of Vrishni's race, there
is anything like righteousness, those words will be true, for then,
Krishna, you wilt thyself accomplish it all. I do not doubt what that
voice said. I bow to righteousness which is superior to all. It is
righteousness that supports all creatures. Thou shalt say these words
unto Dhananjaya. Unto Vrikodara again, who is always ready for exertion,
thou shalt say these words, 'The time hath come for that in view of which
Kshatriya lady bringeth forth a son! They that are foremost among men
never become cheerless when they have hostilities to wage--Thou knowest
what the state of Bhima's mind is. That grinder of foes is never pacified
until he exterminates his foes. Thou shalt, O Madhava, next say unto the
auspicious Krishna of great fame, that daughter-in-law of the high-souled
Pandu, who is conversant with the details of every virtue, these words,
'O you that are highly blessed, O you of noble parentage, O you that
art endued with great fame, that becoming behaviour which you always
showest towards my sons is, indeed, worthy of thee.' Thou must also say
unto the sons of Madri who are always devoted to Kshatriya virtues, these
words, 'Covet the more than life itself, those enjoyments that are
acquired by prowess. Objects won by prowess always please the heart of a
person that liveth according to Kshatriya practices. Engaged as the are in
acquiring every kind of virtue, before your eyes the princess of Panchala
was addressed in cruel and abusive epithets. Who is there that can
forgive that insult? The deprivation of their kingdom grieved me not.
Their defeat at dice grieved me not. But that noble and fair Draupadi,
however, while weeping in the midst of the assembly, had to hear those
cruel and insulting words is what grieveth me most. Alas, exceedingly
beautiful Krishna, ever devoted to Kshatriya virtues, found no protector
on that occasion, though she was wedded to such powerful protectors. O
thou of mighty arms, say unto that tiger among men, Arjuna, that foremost
of all wielders of weapons, that he should always tread in the path that
may be pointed out by Draupadi. Thou knowest it very well, Kesava, that
Bhima and Arjuna,--that pair of fierce and all-destroying Yamas, are
capable of making the very gods go the way of all creatures. Is not this
an insult to them that (their wife) Krishna was dragged into the
assembly? O Kesava, recall to their remembrance all those cruel and harsh
words that Dussasana said unto Bhima in the very presence of all the
warriors of Kuru's race. Enquire (in my name) after the welfare of the
Pandavas with their children and Krishna. Say unto them, O Janardana,
that I am well. Go you on your auspicious way, and protect my sons!'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Saluting and walking round her, the
mighty-armed Krishna whose gait resembled the majestic gait of the lion,
then issued out of Pritha's abode. And he then dismissed those chiefs
among the Kurus with Bhishma at their head (who had followed him), and
taking Karna upon his chariot, left (the Kuru city), accompanied by
Satyaki. And after he of Dasarha's race had departed, the Kurus assembled
together and began to talk of that highly wonderful and marvellous
incident connected with him. And they said, 'Overcome with ignorance, the
whole earth hath been entangled in the meshes of death!' And they also
said, 'Through Duryodhana's folly, all this is doomed to destruction.'

'Having issued out of the (Kuru) city, that foremost of persons
proceeded, deliberating with Karna for a long time. And that delighter of
all the Yadavas then dismissed Karna and urged his steeds to greater
speed. And driven by Daruka, those swift coursers endued with the speed
of the tempest of the mind, went on as if drinking the skies. And quickly
traversing a long way like fleet hawks, they reached Upaplavya very soon,
bearing the wielder of Saranga.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 137 ---------------------