Friday, September 5, 2014

Parva 05 113


"Narada said, 'Alighting then on the peak of the Rishabha, the Brahmana
and the Bird beheld a Brahmana lady of the name of Sandili, engaged there
on ascetic penances. And Galava and Garuda both saluted her by bending
their heads, and worshipped her. And thereupon, the lady enquired after
their welfare and gave them seats. And having taken their seats, both of
them took the cooked food the lady offered them, after having first
dedicated it to the gods with Mantras. And having taken that food, they
laid themselves down on the ground and fell into a profound sleep. And
Garuda, from desire of leaving that place, upon awakening, found that his
wings, had fallen off. Indeed, he had become like a ball of flesh, with
only his head and legs. And beholding him come to that plight, Galava
sorrowfully enquired, saying, 'What is this condition that has overtaken
thee as the consequence of your sojourn here? Alas, how long shall we have
to reside here? Hadst you harboured any evil and sinful thought in thy
mind? It cannot, I am sure, be any trivial sin of which you hast been
guilty.' Thus addressed, Garuda replied unto the Brahmana, saying,
'Indeed, O regenerate one, I entertained the thought of carrying away
this lady crowned with ascetic success from this spot to where the
Creator himself, the divine Mahadeva, the eternal Vishnu, and both Virtue
and Sacrifice personified, live together, for as I thought this lady
should live there. I shall now, from desire of doing myself good,
prostrate myself before this holy lady, and pray unto her, saying,--with
a heart full of pity, I had, indeed, entertained such a thought. Whether
I acted rightly or wrongly, even this was the wish, evidently against thy
own, that was cherished by me from my respect for thee. It behoveth thee,
therefore, to grant me forgiveness, from the nobility of your heart.' That
lady became gratified with that prince of birds and that bull of
Brahmanas. And addressing Garuda, she said, 'Fear not, O you of
beautiful feathers. Resume your wings, and cast off your fears. I was
contempted by thee, but know that I do not pardon contempt. That sinful
being who entertains contempt for me, would speedily fall away from all
blissful regions. Without a single inauspicious indication about me, and
perfectly blameless as I am, I have, in consequence of the purity of my
conduct, attained to high ascetic success. Purity of conduct beareth
virtue as its fruit. Purity of conduct beareth wealth as its fruit. It is
purity of conduct that bringeth on prosperity. And it is purity of
conduct that driveth away all inauspicious indications. Go thou, O
blessed prince of birds, whithersoever you wishest, from this place.
Never entertain contempt for me, and take care that you dost not
contempt women that may even be truly blamable. Thou shalt again be, as
before, invested with both strength and energy.' At these words of that
lady Garuda had his wings again, and they became even stronger than
before. And then with Sandili's leave, Garuda with Galava on his back
took his departure. But they failed to find the kind of steeds they were
in search of. And it so happened that Viswamitra met Galava on the way.
And thereupon, that foremost of speakers addressed Galava in the presence
of Vinata's son and said, 'O regenerate one, the time is already come
when you shouldst give me the wealth you had promised me of your own
accord. I do not know what you mayst. I have waited so long. I will wait
for some time more. Seek you the way by which you mayst succeed (in the
matter of your promise).' Hearing these words, Garuda addressed cheerless
Galava who was overwhelmed with sorrow, saying, 'What Viswamitra said
unto you before hath now been repeated in my presence. Come, therefore,
O Galava, best of Brahmanas, we will deliberate on the matter. Without
giving your preceptor the whole of the wealth (promised by thee), thou
canst not even sit down.'

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 113 ---------------------