"Bhishma said, 'Those virtuous ascetics then set themselves about their
usual avocations, thinking all the while as to what they should do for
that maiden. And some amongst them said, 'Let her be taken to her
father's abode.' And some amongst them set their hearts upon reproaching
ourselves. And some thought that repairing to the ruler of the Salwas, he
should be solicited to accept the maiden. And some said, 'No, that should
not be done, for she hath been rejected by him.' And after some time had
passed thus, those ascetics of rigid vows once more said unto her, 'What,
O blessed lady, can ascetics with senses under control do? Do not devote
thyself to a life in the woods, renouncing the world! O blessed lady,
listen to these words that are beneficial to thee! Depart hence, blessed
be thou, to your father's mansion! The king, your father, will do what
should next be done. O auspicious one, surrounded by every comfort, thou
mayest live there in happiness. Thou are a woman! At present, therefore,
O blessed one, you hast no other protector save your father. O you of
the fairest complexion, as regards a woman, she hath her father for her
protector or her husband. Her husband is her protector when she is in
comfortable circumstances, but when plunged in misery, she hath her
father for her protector. A life in the woods is exceedingly painful,
especially to one that is delicate. Thou are a princess by birth; over
this, you art, again, very delicate, O beautiful dame! O blessed lady,
there are numerous discomforts and difficulties attaching to a life in a
(woody) retreat, none of which, O you of the fairest complexion, shalt
thou have to bear in your father's abode!' Other ascetics, beholding that
helpless girl said to her, 'Seeing you alone in deep and solitary woods,
kings may court thee! Therefore, set not your heart upon such a course!'
"Hearing these words, Amva said, 'I am incapable of going back to my
father's abode in the city of Kasi, for without doubt I shalt then be
disregarded by all my relatives. Ye ascetics, I lived there, in my
father's abode, during my childhood. I cannot, however, now go to thither
where my father is. Protected by the ascetics, I desire to practise
ascetic austerities, so that in even future life of mine such sore
afflictions may not be mine! Ye best of ascetics, I desire, therefore, to
practise ascetic austerities!'
"Bhishma continued, 'When those Brahmanas were thinking thus about her,
there came into that forest that best of ascetics, the royal sage
Hotravahana. Then those ascetics reverenced the king with worship,
enquiries of welcome and courtesy, a seat, and water. And after he was
seated and had rested for a while, those denizens of the forest once more
began to address that maiden in the hearing of that royal sage. Hearing
the story of Amva and the king of Kasi, that royal sage of great energy
became very anxious at heart. Hearing her speak in that strain, and
beholding her (distressed), that royal sage of rigid austerities, viz.,
the high-souled Hotravahana, was filled with pity. Then, O lord, that
maternal grandsire of her rose up with trembling frame and causing that
maiden to sit on his lap, began to comfort her. He then acquired of her
in details about that distress of hers from its beginning. And she,
thereupon, represented to him minutely all that had happened. Hearing all
she said, the royal sage was filled with pity and grief. And that great
sage settled in mind what she would do. Trembling from agitation he
addressed the afflicted maiden sunk in woe, saying, 'Do not go back to
thy father's abode, O blessed lady! I am the father of your mother. I will
dispel your grief. Rely on me, O daughter! Great, indeed, must thy
affliction he when you are so emaciated! At my advice, go unto the
ascetic Rama, the son of Jamadagni. Rama will dispel this great
affliction and grief of thine. He will slay Bhishma in battle if the
latter obeyeth not his behest. Go, therefore, unto that foremost one of
Bhrigu's race who resembleth the Yuga-fire itself in energy! That great
ascetic will place you once more on the right track!' Hearing this, that
maiden, shedding tears all the while, saluted her maternal grandsire,
Hotravahana, with a bend of her head and addressed him, saying, 'Go I
will at your command! But shall I succeed in obtaining a sight of that
reverend sire celebrated over the world? How will he dispel this poignant
grief of mine? And how shall I go to that descendant of Bhrigu? I desire
to know all this.'
"Hotravahana said, 'O blessed maiden, you wilt behold Jamadagni's son,
Rama, who is devoted to truth and endued with great might and engaged in
austere penances in the great forest. Rama always dwelleth in that
foremost of the mountains called Mahendra. Many Rishis, learned in the
Vedas, and many Gandharvas and Apsaras also dwell there. Go, blessed be
thou, and tell him these words of mine, having saluted with your bent head
that sage of rigid vows and great ascetic merit. Tell him also, O blessed
girl, all that you seekest. If you namest me, Rama will do everything
for thee, for Rama, the heroic son of Jamadagni, that foremost of all
bearers of arms, is a friend of mine highly pleased with me, and always
wisheth me well!' And while king Hotravahana, was saying all this unto
that maiden, thither appeared Akritavrana, a dear companion of Rama. And
on his advent those Munis by hundreds, and the Srinjaya king Hotravahana,
old in years, all stood up. And those denizens of the forest, uniting
with one another, did him all the rites of hospitality. And they all took
their seats surrounding him. And filled, O monarch, with gratification
and joy, they then started various delightful, laudable, and charming
subjects of discourse. And after their discourse was over, that royal
sage, the high-souled Hotravahana enquired of Akritavrana about Rama that
foremost of great sages, saying, 'O you of mighty arms, where, O
Akritavrana, may that foremost of persons acquainted with the Vedas,
viz., Jamadagni's son of great prowess be seen?' Akritavrana answered him
saying, 'O lord, Rama always speaketh of thee, O king, saying,--That
royal sage of the Srinjayas is my dear friend,--I believe, Rama will be
here tomorrow morning. Thou wilt see him even here when he cometh to
behold thee. As regards this maiden, for what, O royal sage, hath she
come to the wood? Whose is she, and what is she to thee? I desire to know
all this.' Hotravahana. said, 'The favourite daughter of the ruler of
Kasi, she is, O lord, my daughter's child! The eldest daughter of the
king of Kasi, she is known by the name of Amva. Along with her two
younger sisters, O sinless one, she was in the midst of her Swayamvara
ceremonies. The names of her two younger sisters are Amvika and Amvalika,
O you endued with wealth of asceticism! All the Kshatriya kings of the
earth were assembled together at the city of Kasi. And, O regenerate
Rishi, great festivities were going on there on account of (the
self-choice of) these maidens. In the midst of these, Santanu's son,
Bhishma, of mighty valour, disregarding all the kings, abducted the
girls. Vanquishing all the monarchs, the pure-souled prince Bhishma of
Bharata's race then reached Hastinapura, and representing everything unto
Satyavati, ordered his brother Vichitravirya's marriage to take place
with the girls he had brought. Beholding the arrangements for those
nuptials complete, this maiden, O bull among Brahmanas, then addressed
Ganga's son in the presence of his ministers and said,--I have, O hero,
within my heart chosen the lord of the Salwas to be my husband.
Conversant as you are with morality, it behoveth you not to bestow me
on your brother, whose heart is given away to another!--Hearing these
words of hers, Bhishma took counsel with his ministers. Deliberating on
the matter, he, at last, with Satyavati's consent, dismissed this maiden,
Permitted thus by Bhishma, this girl gladly repaired to Salwa, the lord
of Saubha, and approaching him said,--Dismissed I have been by Bhishma.
See that I do not fall off from righteousness! In my heart, I have chosen
thee for my lord, O bull among kings. Salwa, however, rejected her,
suspecting the purity of her conduct. Even she hath come to these woods,
sacred for asceticism, being ardently inclined to devote herself to
ascetic penances! She was recognised by me from the account that she gave
of her parentage. As regards her sorrow, Bhishma is considered by her to
be its root!' After Hotravahana had ceased, Amva herself said, 'O holy
one, it is even so as this lord of earth, this author of my mother's
body, Hotravahana of the Srinjaya race hath said. I cannot venture to go
back to my own city, O you that are endued with wealth of asceticism,
for shame and fear of disgrace, O great Muni! At present, O holy one,
even this is what hath been my determination, viz., that that would be my
highest duty which the holy Rama, O best of Brahmanas, might point out to
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 178 ---------------------