"Bhishma said, 'Then all those ascetics (that dwell in Vatsabhumi),
beholding the princess of Kasi firmly resolved on ascetic austerities,
dissuaded her and enquired of her, saying, 'What is your business?' Thus
addressed, the maiden answered those ascetics, old in ascetic penances,
saying, 'Expelled I have been by Bhishma, prevented by him from the
virtue that would have been mine by living with a husband! My observance
of this vow is for his destruction and not for the sake of regions of
bliss, the that are endued with wealth of asceticism! Having compassed the
death of Bhishma, peace will be mine. Even this is my resolve. He for
whom mine hath been this state of continuous grief, he for whom I have
been deprived of the region that would have been mine if I could obtain a
husband, he for whom I have become neither woman nor man, without slaying
in battle that son of Ganga I will not desist, the that are endued with
wealth of asceticism. Even this that I have said is the purpose that is
in my heart. As a woman, I have no longer any desire. I am, however,
resolved to obtain manhood, for I will be revenged upon Bhishma. I should
not, therefore, be dissuaded by you.' Unto them she said these words
repeatedly. Soon, the divine lord of Uma, bearing the trident, showed
himself in his own form unto that female ascetic in the midst of those
great Rishis. Being asked to solicit the boon she wished, she begged of
the deity my defeat. Thou shalt slay him,--were the words the god said
unto that lady of great force of mind. Thus assured, the maiden, however,
once more said unto Rudra, 'How can it happen, O god, that being a woman
I shall yet be able to achieve victory in battle. O lord of Uma, as a
woman, my heart is quite stilled. Thou hast, however, promised me, O lord
of creatures, the defeat of Bhishma. O lord, having the bull for thy
mount, act in such a way that promise of yours may become true, that
encountering Bhishma, the son of Santanu, in battle I may be able to slay
him.' The god of gods, having the bull for his symbol, then said unto
that maiden, 'The words I have uttered cannot be false. O blessed lady,
true they will be. Thou shalt slay Bhishma, and even obtain manhood. Thou
shalt also remember all the incidents (of this life) even when you shalt
obtain a new body. Born in the race of Drupada, you shalt become a
Maharatha. Quick in the use of weapons and a fierce warrior, you shalt
be well-skilled in battle. O blessed lady, all that I have said will be
true. Thou shalt become a man at the expiration of sometime (from thy
birth)!' Having said so, the god of gods, called also Kapardin, having
the bull for his symbol, disappeared then and there, in the very sight of
those Brahmanas. Upon this, that faultless maiden of the fairest
complexion, the eldest daughter of the king of Kasi, procuring wood from
that forest in the very sight of those great Rishis, made a large funeral
pyre on the banks of the Yamuna, and having set fire to it herself,
entered that blazing fire, O great king, with a heart burning with wrath,
and uttering, O king, the words,--(I do so) for Bhishma's destruction!'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 190 ---------------------