"Garuda said, 'O Brahmanas, since this quarter saveth from sin, and since
one attaineth to salvation here, it is for this saying (Uttarana) power
that it is called the north (uttara). And, O Galava, because the abode of
all the treasures of the north stretches in a line towards the east and
the west, therefore is the north sometimes called the central region
(madhyama). And, O bull among the twice-born, in this region that is
superior to all, none can live that is unamiable, or of unbridled
passions, or unrighteous. Hither, in the asylum, known by the name of
Vadari, eternally dwell Krishna who is Narayana's self, and Jishnu that
most exalted, of all male beings, and Brahman (the Creator). Hither, on
the breast of Himavat always dwelleth Maheswara endued with the
effulgence of the fire that blazeth up at the end of the Yuga. As
Purusha, he sporteth here with Prakriti (the universal mother). Except by
Nara and Narayana, he is incapable of being seen by the diverse classes
of Munis, the gods with Vasava at their head, the Gandharvas, the
Yakshas, and the Siddhas. Though invested with Maya, him the eternal
Vishnu alone, of a thousand heads and thousand legs, can behold. It was
in this region that Chandramas (the moon) was installed into the
sovereignty of the entire regenerate order. It was in this region, O thou
foremost of all acquainted with Brahma, that Mahadeva first receiving her
on his head, afterwards let (the sacred stream) Ganga fall from the
heavens to the world of men. It was here that the Goddess (Uma) underwent
her ascetic austerities from her desire of obtaining Maheswara (as her
Lord). It was in this region that Kama, the wrath (of Siva), Himavat, and
Uma, all together shone brilliantly. It was here, on the breast of
Kailasa, O Galava, that Kuvera, was installed on the sovereignty of the
Rakshasas, the Yakshas, and the Gandharvas. It is in this region that
(Kuvera's gardens called) Chitraratha lie, and it is here that the asylum
of (the Munis called the) Vaikhanasas is situate. It is here, O bull
among the twice-born, that the celestial stream called Mandakini, and the
mountain Mandara are to be seen. It is here that the gardens called
Saugandhi-kanaka are always guarded by the Rakshasas. Here are many
plains covered with grassy verdure, as also the plantain forest, and
those celestial trees called the Sautanakas. It is in this, region, O
Galava, that the Siddhas, with souls ever under control and always
sporting at will, have their fit abodes, abounding with every object of
enjoyment. It is here that the seven Rishis with Arundhati may be seen.
It is here that the constellation Swati is to be seen, and it is here
that it first rises to the view. It is in this region that the Grandsire
Brahman dwelleth in the vicinity of Yajna (sacrifice embodied). It is in
this quarter that the sun, the moon, and the other luminaries are seen to
revolve regularly.
It is in this region, O foremost of Brahmanas, that those illustrious and
truth-speaking Munis called by the name of Dharma, guard the source of
the Ganges. The origin and physical features and ascetic penances of
these Munis are not known to all. The thousand dishes they use for
serving the food offered in hospitality and the edibles also they create
at will, are all a mystery, The man, O Galava, that passeth beyond the
point guarded by these Munis, is certain, O foremost of Brahmanas, to
meet with destruction. None else, O bull among Brahmanas, save the divine
Narayana, and the eternal Nara called also Jishnu, succeeded in passing
beyond the point so guarded. It is in this region that the mountains of
Kailasa lie, the abode of Ailavila (Kuvera). It is here that the ten
Apsaras known by the name of Vidyutprabha had their origin. In covering,
O Brahmana, the three worlds with three steps in the sacrifice of Vali
(the Asura king), Vishnu had covered this whole northern region; and,
accordingly, there is a spot here called Vishnupada. And it is so called
after the footprint of Vishnu caused on that occasion. Here, in this
quarter, at a place called Usiravija, by the side of the golden lake,
king Marutta performed, O foremost of Brahmanas, a sacrifice. It is here
that the brilliant and shining gold mines of Himavat exhibit themselves
to the illustrious and regenerate Rishi Jimuta. And Jimuta gave away the
whole of that wealth to the Brahmanas. And having given it away, that
great Rishi solicited them to call it after his own name. And hence that
wealth is known by the name of the Jaimuta gold. Here, in this region, O
bull among Bharatas, the regents of the worlds, O Galava, every morning
and evening, proclaim, 'What business of what person shall we do?' It is
for these, O foremost of Brahmanas, and other incidents, that the
northern region is superior to all quarters. And because this region is
superior (uttara) to all, therefore, it is called the north (uttara). The
four regions have thus, O sire, been, one after another described to thee
in details. Towards which quarter then dost you desire to go? I am
ready, O foremost of Brahmanas, to show you all the quarters of the
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 111 ---------------------