"Vaisampayana said, 'King Yudhishthira then caused his troops to encamp
on a part of the field that was level, cool, and abounding with grass and
fuel. Avoiding cemeteries, temples and compounds consecrated to the
deities, asylums of sages, shrines, and other sacred plots. Kunti's
high-souled son, Yudhishthira, pitched his camp on a delightful, fertile,
open and sacred part of the plain. And rising up, again, after his
animals had been given sufficient rest, the king set out joyously
surrounded by hundreds and thousands of monarchs. And Kesava accompanied
by Partha began to move about, scattering numerous soldiers of
Dhritarashtra (kept as outposts). And Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race
and that mighty car-warrior of great energy, viz., Yuyudhana, otherwise
called Satyaki, measured the ground for the encampment. And arrived, O
Bharata, at the holy Hiranwati which flows through Kurukshetra, which was
filled with sacred water, and whose bed was divested of pointed pebbles
and mire, and which was regarded as an excellent tirtha, Kesava caused a
moat to be excavated there, and for its protection stationed a sufficient
number of troops with proper instructions. And the rules that were
observed in respect of the tents of the high-souled Pandavas, were
followed by Kesava in the matter of the tents he caused to be set up for
the kings (that came as their allies). And, O monarch, costly tents,
incapable of being attacked, apart from one another, were, by hundreds
and thousands, set up for those kings on the surface of the earth, that
looked like palatial residences and abounded with fuels and edibles and
drinks. And there were assembled hundreds upon hundreds of skilled
mechanics, in receipt of regular wages and surgeons and physicians,
well-versed in their own science, and furnished with every ingredient
they might need. And king Yudhishthira caused to be placed in every
pavilion large quantities, high as hills, of bow-strings and bows and
coats of mail and weapons, honey and clarified butter, pounded lac,
water, fodder of cattle, chaff and coals, heavy machines, long shafts,
lances, battleaxes, bow-staffs, breast-plates, scimitars and quivers. And
innumerable elephants cased in plates of steel with prickles thereon,
huge as hills, and capable of fighting with hundreds and thousands, were
seen there. And learning that the Pandavas had encamped on that field,
their allies, O Bharata, with their forces and animals, began to march
thither. And many kings who had practised Brahmacharya vows, drunk
(consecrated) Soma and had made large presents to Brahmanas at
sacrifices, came there for the success of the sons of Pandu.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 153 ---------------------