Friday, September 5, 2014

Parva 05 126


"Vaisampayana said, 'Hearing these words of Dhritarashtra, both Bhishma
and Drona who sympathised with the old king, again addressed disobedient
Duryodhana and said, 'As yet the two Krishnas are not accoutred in mail,
as yet Gandiva resteth inactive, as yet Dhaumya doth not consume the
enemy's strength by pouring libations on the war-fire, as yet that mighty
bowman Yudhishthira, having modesty for his ornament, doth not cast angry
glances on your troops, so let hostility cease. As yet that mighty bowman,
Bhimasena, the son of Pritha, is not seen stationed in the midst of his
division, so let hostility cease. As yet Bhimasena, doth not, mace in
band, stalk on the field of battle, grinding (hostile) divisions, so let
peace be made with the Pandavas. As yet Bhima doth not, with his
hero-slaying mace, make the heads of warriors fighting from the backs of
elephants roll on the field of battle, like the palmyra-fruits in the
season of their ripening, so let hostility cease. As yet Nakula, and
Sahadeva, Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race, and Virata, and Sikhandin,
and Sisupal's son, accoutred in mail and all well-versed in arms, do not
penetrate your ranks, like huge crocodiles penetrating the deep, and pour
their arrowy showers, so let hostility cease. As yet fierce-winged shafts
do not fall upon the delicate bodies of the assembled kings, so let
hostility cease. As yet fierce weapons made of iron and steel, shot
unerringly by mighty bowmen well-skilled in arms, endued with lightness
of hand and capable of hitting howsoever long distance, do not penetrate
the breasts of warriors, smeared with sandal and other fragrant unguents,
and adorned with golden garlands and gems, so let hostility cease. Let
that elephant among kings, Yudhishthira the Just, receive you with an
embrace while you salutest him bending your head. O bull of Bharata's
race, let that king, distinguished for the liberality of his sacrificial
presents, place on your shoulder that right arm of his, the palm of which
beareth the marks of the banner and the hook. Let him, with hands
begemmed and red, adorned with fingers, pat your back while you art
seated. Let the mighty-armed Vrikodara, with shoulder broad as those of
the sala tree, embrace thee, O bull of Bharata's race, and gently
converse with you for peace. And, O king, saluted with reverence by
those three, viz., Arjuna and the Twins, smell you their heads and
converse with them affectionately. And beholding the united with thy
heroic brothers--the sons of Pandu--let all these monarchs shed tears of
joy. Let the tidings of this cordial union be proclaimed in the cities of
all the kings. Let the Earth be ruled by you with feelings of brotherly
affection (in your bosom), and let your heart be freed from the fever (of
jealousy and wrath).'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 126 ---------------------