Sunday, December 7, 2014

08 Karna Parva 001


(73) Karna-vadha



ॐ Having bowed down unto Narayana, and unto that most exalted of male
beings, Nara, and unto the goddess Sarasvati also, must the word Jaya be

Vaishampayana said, "After Drona had been slain, O monarch, the royal
warriors (of the Kaurava army) headed by Duryodhana, with hearts filled
with great anxiety, all repaired to Drona's son. Lamenting the loss of
Drona, and deprived of energy in consequence of their cheerlessness, they
sat around the son of Sharadvata's daughter, afflicted with grief.
Comforted for a little while by considerations founded upon the
scriptures, when night came, those rulers of Earth proceeded to their
respective tents. Those lords of Earth, however, O you of Kuru's race,
could feel no happiness in their abodes. Thinking of that immense
slaughter, they could not also sleep. The Suta's son (Karna), and king
Suyodhana and Duhshasana and Shakuni, in special, could not compose
themselves to sleep. Those four passed that night together in
Duryodhana's tent, reflecting upon the woes they had inflicted upon the
high-souled Pandavas. Formerly they had brought Draupadi, plunged into
woe on account of the match at dice, into the assembly. Recollecting it
they experienced great regret, their hearts being filled with anxiety.
Thinking of those sufferings inflicted (upon the Pandavas) in consequence
of the gambling match they passed that night in sorrow, O king, as if it
were really a hundred years. Then when morning came, observing the
dictates of the ordinance, all of them duly went through the customary
rites. Having gone through these customary rites, and comforted to some
extent, O Bharata, they ordered their troops to be arrayed, and then came
out for battle, having made Karna their generalissimo by tying the
auspicious thread round his wrists, and having caused many foremost of
brahmanas, by presents of vessels of curds, clarified butter, akshatas,
coins of gold, kine, jewels and gems, and costly robes, to pray for their
victory, and having caused heralds and musicians, and panegyrists to
adore them with hymns about victory. The Pandavas also, O king, having
gone through their morning rites, issued from their camp, resolved on
battle. Then commenced a fierce battle, making the hair to stand on end,
between the Kurus and the Pandavas, each desirous of vanquishing the
other. During the commandership of Karna, the battle that took place
between the Kuru and the Pandava troops was exceedingly fierce and lasted
for two days. Then Vrisha (Karna) having made an immense slaughter of his
enemies in battle, was at last slain in the sight of the Dhartarashtras,
by Arjuna. Then Sanjaya, repairing to Hastinapura told Dhritarashtra all
that had happened at Kurujangala."

Janamejaya said, "Having heard of the fall of Bhishma and that other
mighty car-warrior, Drona, the old king Dhritarashtra the son of Ambika
had been afflicted with great grief. How, O foremost of brahmanas, could
he, plunged into grief, support his life having heard of the death of
Karna, that well-wisher of Duryodhana? How indeed, could that descendant
of Kuru support his life when he, upon whom that monarch had rested the
hope of his sons' victory, had fallen? When the king did not lay down his
life even after hearing of Karna's death, I think that it is very
difficult for men to yield up life even under circumstances of great
grief! O brahmana, when the king did not yield up his life after hearing
of the fall of the venerable son of Shantanu, of Bahlika and Drona and
Somadatta and Bhurishrava, as also other friends and his sons and
grandsons, I think, O regenerate one, that the act of yielding up one's
life is exceedingly difficult! Tell me all these in detail and as they
actually happened! I am not satiated with hearing the high achievements
of my ancestors!"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 1 ---------------------