Sunday, December 7, 2014

Parva 08 029


"Dhritarashtra said, 'I have heard from thee, O Sanjaya, of many poignant
and unbearable griefs as also of the losses sustained by my sons. From
what you hast said unto me, from the manner in which the battle has been
fought, it is my certain conviction, O Suta, that the Kauravas are no
more. Duryodhana was made carless in that dreadful battle. How did
Dharma's son (then) fight, and how did the royal Duryodhana also fight in
return? How also occurred that battle which was fought in the afternoon?
Tell me all this in detail, for you are skilled in narration, O Sanjaya.'

"Sanjaya said, 'When the troops of both armies were engaged in battle,
according to their respective divisions, your son Duryodhana, O king,
riding on another car and filled with rage like a snake of virulent
poison, beholding king Yudhishthira the just, quickly addressed his own
driver, O Bharata, saying, "Proceed, proceed, quickly take me there, O
driver, where the royal son of Pandu, clad in mail shineth under yon
umbrella held over his head." Thus urged by the king, the driver, in that
battle, quickly urged his royal master's goodly car towards the face of
Yudhishthira. At this, Yudhishthira also, filled with rage and looking
like an infuriate elephant, urged his own driver saying, "Proceed to
where Suyodhana is." Then those two heroes and brothers and foremost of
car-warriors encountered each other. Both endued with great energy, both
filled with wrath, both difficult of defeat in battle, approaching each
other, those two great bowmen began to mangle each other with their
arrows in that battle. Then king Duryodhana, in that encounter, O sire,
with a broad-headed arrow whetted on stone, cut in twain the bow of the
virtuous monarch. Filled with rage, Yudhishthira could not brook that
insult. Casting aside his broken bow, with eyes red in wrath, Dharma's
son took up another bow at the head of his forces, and then cut off
Duryodhana's standard and bow. Duryodhana then, taking up another bow,
pierced the son of Pandu. Filled with rage, they continued to shoot
showers of shafts at each other. Desirous of vanquishing each other, they
resembled a pair of angry lions. They struck each other in that battle
like a couple of roaring bulls. Those mighty car-warriors continued to
career, expecting to find each other's lapses. Then wounded with shafts
sped from bows drawn to their fullest stretch the two warriors, O king,
looked resplendent like flowering Kinsukas. They then, O king, repeatedly
uttered leonine roars. Those two rulers of men, in that dreadful battle,
also made loud sounds with their palms and caused their bows to twang
loudly. And they blew their conchs too with great force. And they
afflicted each other very much. Then king Yudhishthira, filled with rage,
struck your son in the chest with three irresistible shafts endued with
force of thunder. Him, however, your royal son quickly pierced, in return,
with five keen shafts winged with gold and whetted on stone. Then king
Duryodhana, O Bharata, hurled a dart capable of slaying everybody,
exceedingly keen, and resembling a large blazing brand. As it advanced,
king Yudhishthira the just, with sharp shafts, speedily cut it off into
three fragments, and then pierced Duryodhana also with five arrows.
Equipped with golden staff, and producing a loud whizz, that dart then
fell down, and while falling, looked resplendent like a large brand with
blazing flames. Beholding the dart baffled, your son, O monarch, struck
Yudhishthira with nine sharp and keen-pointed arrows. Pierced deeply by
his mighty foe, that scorcher of foes quickly took up an arrow for aiming
it at Duryodhana. The mighty Yudhishthira then placed that arrow on his
bow-string. Filled with rage and possessed of great valour, the son of
Pandu then shot it at his foe. That arrow, striking your son, that mighty
car-warrior, stupefied him and then (passing through his body) entered
the Earth. Then Duryodhana, filled with wrath, uplifting a mace of great
impetuosity, rushed at king Yudhishthira the just, for ending the
hostilities (that raged between the Kurus and the Pandus). Beholding him
armed with that uplifted mace and resembling Yama himself with his
bludgeon, king Yudhishthira the just hurled at your son a mighty dart
blazing with splendour, endued with great impetuosity, and looking like a
large blazing brand. Deeply pierced in the chest by that dart as he stood
on his car, the Kuru prince, deeply pained, fell down and swooned away.
Then Bhima, recollecting his own vow, addressed Yudhishthira, saying,
"This one should not be slain by thee, O king." At this Yudhishthira
abstained from giving his foe the finishing blow. At that time
Kritavarma, quickly advancing, came upon your royal son then sunk in an
ocean of calamity. Bhima then, taking up a mace adorned with gold and
flaxen chords, rushed impetuously towards Kritavarma in that battle. Thus
occurred the battle between your troops and the foe on that afternoon, O
monarch, every one of the combatants being inspired with the desire of

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 29 ---------------------