Sunday, December 7, 2014

Parva 08 044


"'Shalya said, "These, O Karna, are ravings that you utterest regarding
the foe. As regards myself without a 1,000 Karnas I am able to vanquish
the foe in battle.'"

"Sanjaya continued, 'Unto the ruler of Madras, of harsh features, who was
saying such disagreeable things unto Karna, the latter once more said
words that were twice bitter.

"'Karna said, "Listen with devoted attention to this, O ruler of the
Madras, that was heard by me while it was recited in the presence of
Dhritarashtra. In Dhritarashtra's abode the brahmanas used to narrate the
accounts of diverse delightful regions and many kings of ancient times. A
foremost one among brahmanas, venerable in years while reciting old
histories, said these words, blaming the Vahikas and Madrakas, 'One
should always avoid the Vahikas, those impure people that are out of the
pale of virtue, and that live away from the Himavat and the Ganga and
Sarasvati and Yamuna and Kurukshetra and the Sindhu and its five
tributary rivers. I remember from the days of my youth that a
slaughter-ground for kine and a space for storing intoxicating spirits
always distinguish the entrances of the abodes of the (Vahika) kings. On
some very secret mission I had to live among the Vahikas. In consequence
of such residence the conduct of these people is well known to me. There
is a town of the name of Sakala, a river of the name of Apaga, and a clan
of the Vahikas known by the name of the Jarttikas. The practices of these
people are very censurable. They drink the liquor called Gauda, and eat
fried barley with it. They also eat beef with garlic. They also eat cakes
of flour mixed with meat, and boiled rice that is bought from others. Of
righteous practices they have none. Their women, intoxicated with drink
and divested of robes, laugh and dance outside the walls of the houses in
cities, without garlands and unguents, singing while drunk obscene songs
of diverse kinds that are as musical as the bray of the ass or the bleat
of the camel. In intercourse they are absolutely without any restraint,
and in all other matters they act as they like. Maddened with drink, they
call upon one another, using many endearing epithets. Addressing many
drunken exclamations to their husbands and lords, the fallen women among
the Vahikas, without observing restrictions even on sacred days, give
themselves up to dancing. One of those wicked Vahikas,--one that is, that
lived amongst those arrogant women,--who happened to live for some days
in Kurujangala, burst out with cheerless heart, saying, "Alas, that
(Vahika) maiden of large proportions, dressed in thin blankets, is
thinking of me,--her Vahika lover--that is now passing his days in
Kurujangala, at the hour of her going to bed." Crossing the Sutlej and
the delightful Iravati, and arriving at my own country, when shall I cast
my eyes upon those beautiful women with thick frontal bones, with blazing
circlets of red arsenic on their foreheads, with streaks of jet black
collyrium on their eyes, and their beautiful forms attired in blankets
and skins and themselves uttering shrill cries! When shall I be happy, in
the company of those intoxicated ladies amid the music of drums and
kettle-drums and conchs sweet as the cries of asses and camels and mules!
When shall I be amongst those ladies eating cakes of flour and meat and
balls of pounded barley mixed with skimmed milk, in the forests, having
many pleasant paths of Sami and Pilu and Karira! When shall I, amid my
own countrymen, mustering in strength on the high-roads, fall upon
passengers, and snatching their robes and attires beat them repeatedly!
What man is there that would willingly dwell, even for a moment amongst
the Vahikas that are so fallen and wicked, and so depraved in their
practises?' Even thus did that brahmana describe the Vahikas of base
behaviour, a sixth of whose merits and demerits is thine, O Shalya.
Having said this, that pious brahmana began once more to say what I am
about to repeat respecting the wicked Vahikas. Listen to what I say, 'In
the large and populous town of Sakala, a Rakshasa woman used to sing on
every fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, in accompaniment with a drum,
"When shall I next sing the songs of the Vahikas in this Sakala town,
having gorged myself with beef and drunk the Gauda liquor? When shall I
again, decked in ornaments, and with those maidens and ladies of large
proportions, gorge upon a large number of sheep and large quantities of
pork and beef and the meat of fowls and asses and camels? They who do not
eat sheep live in vain!"' Even thus, O Shalya, the young and old, among
the inhabitants of Sakala, intoxicated with spirits, sing and cry. How
can virtue be met with among such a people? Thou shouldst know this. I
must, however, speak again to you about what another brahmana had said
unto us in the Kuru court, 'There where forests of Pilus stand, and those
five rivers flow, viz., the Satadru, the Vipasa, the Iravati, the
Candrabhaga, and the Vitasa and which have the Sindhu for their sixth,
there in those regions removed from the Himavat, are the countries called
by the name of the Arattas. Those regions are without virtue and
religion. No one should go thither. The gods, the pitris, and the
brahmanas, never accept gifts from those that are fallen, or those that
are begotten by Shudras on the girls of other castes, or the Vahikas who
never perform sacrifices and are exceedingly irreligious.' That learned
brahmana had also said in the Kuru court, 'The Vahikas, without any
feelings of revulsion, eat of wooden vessels having deep stomachs and
earthen plates and vessels that have been licked by dogs and that are
stained with pounded barley and other corn. The Vahikas drink the milk of
sheep and camels and asses and eat curds and other preparations from
those different kinds of milk. Those degraded people number many bastards
among them. There is no food and no milk that they do not take. The
Aratta-Vahikas that are steeped in ignorance, should be avoided.' Thou
shouldst know this, O Shalya. I must, however, again speak to you about
what another brahmana had said unto me in the Kuru court, 'How can one go
to heaven, having drunk milk in the town called Yugandhara, and resided
in the place called Acyutasthala, and bathed in the spot called
Bhutilaya? There where the five rivers flow just after issuing from the
mountains, there among the Aratta-Vahikas, no respectable person should
dwell even for two days. There are two Pishacas named Vahi and Hika in
the river Vipasa. The Vahikas are the offspring of those two Pishacas.
They are not creatures created by the Creator. Being of such low origin,
how can they be conversant with the duties ordained in the scriptures?
The Karashakas, the Mahishakas, the Kalingas, the Keralas, the
Karkotakas, the Virakas, and other peoples of no religion, one should
always avoid.' Even thus did a Rakshasa woman of gigantic hips speak unto
a brahmana who on a certain occasion went to that country for bathing in
a sacred water and passed a single night there. The regions are called by
the name of Arattas. The people residing there are called the Vahikas.
The lowest of brahmanas also are residing there from very remote times.
They are without the Veda and without knowledge, without sacrifice and
without the power to assist at other's sacrifices. They are all fallen
and many amongst them have been begotten by Shudras upon other peoples'
girls. The gods never accept any gifts from them. The Prasthalas, the
Madras, the Gandharas, the Arattas, those called Khasas, the Vasatis, the
Sindhus and the Sauviras are almost as blamable in their practices.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 44 ---------------------