Sunday, December 7, 2014

Parva 08 054


"Sanjaya said, 'Then Kritavarma, and Kripa, and the son of Drona and the
Suta's son, O sire, and Uluka, and Subala's son (Shakuni), and the king
himself, with his uterine brothers, beholding the (Kuru) army afflicted
with the fear of Pandu's son, unable to stand together, like a vessel
wrecked on the ocean, endeavoured to rescue it with great speed. For a
short space of time, O Bharata, the battle that once more took place
became exceedingly fierce, enhancing as it did the fears of timid and the
joy of the brave. The dense showers of arrows shot in battle by Kripa,
thick, as flights of locusts, covered the Srinjayas. Then Shikhandi,
filled with rage, speedily proceeded against the grandson of Gautama
(Kripa) and poured upon that bull amongst Brahmanas his arrowy downpours
from all sides. Acquainted with the highest weapons Kripa then checked
that arrowy downpour, and wrathfully pierced Shikhandi with ten arrows in
that battle. Then Shikhandi filled with rage, deeply pierced Kripa, in
that encounter, with seven straight arrows equipped with Kanka feathers.
The twice-born Kripa then, that great car-warrior, deeply pierced with
those keen arrows, deprived Shikhandi of his steeds, driver and car.
Jumping down from his steedless vehicle, the mighty car-warrior
(Shikhandi) rushed impetuously at the Brahmana, having taken up a sword
and a shield. As the Pancala prince advanced, Kripa quickly covered him
with many straight arrows in that encounter, which seemed exceedingly
wonderful. Indeed, exceedingly wonderful was the sight that we then
beheld, even like the flying of rocks, for Shikhandi, O king, (thus
assailed) remained perfectly inactive in that battle. Beholding Shikhandi
covered (with arrows) by Kripa, O best of the kings, the mighty
car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna speedily proceeded against Kripa. The great
car-warrior Kritavarma, however, rushing impetuously received
Dhrishtadyumna as the latter proceeded against the son of Sharadvata
(Kripa). Then Drona's son checked Yudhishthira as the latter, with his
son and troops, was rushing towards the car of Sharadvata's son. Thy son
Duryodhana, shooting a shower of arrows, received and checked Nakula and
Sahadeva, those two great car-warriors endued with celerity. Karna too,
otherwise called Vaikartana, O Bharata, in that battle, resisted
Bhimasena, and the Karushas, the Kaikayas, and the Srinjayas. Meanwhile
Sharadvata's son, in that battle, O sire, with great activity, sped many
arrows at Shikhandi, as if for the purpose of burning him outright. The
Pancala prince, however, whirling his sword repeatedly, cut off all those
arrows, decked with gold, that had been sped at him by Kripa from all
sides. The grandson of Gautama (Kripa) then quickly cut off with his
arrows the shield of Prishata's son, that was decked with hundred moons.
At this feat of his, the troops made a loud uproar. Deprived of his
shield, O monarch, and placed under Kripa's power Shikhandi still rushed,
sword in hand, (towards Kripa), like a sick man towards the jaws of
Death. Then Suketu, the son of Citraketu, O king, quickly proceeded
towards the mighty Shikhandi plunged into such distress and assailed in
that manner by Kripa with his arrows. Indeed, the young prince of
immeasurable soul rushed towards the car of Sharadvata's son and poured
upon that Brahmana, in that battle, innumerable shafts of great keenness.
Beholding that Brahmana observant of vows thus engaged in battle (with
another), Shikhandi, O best of kings, retreated hastily from that spot.
Meanwhile Suketu, O king, piercing the son of Gautama with nine arrows,
once more pierced him with seventy and again with three. Then the prince,
O sire, cut off Kripa's bow with arrow fixed thereon, and with another
shaft struck hard the latter's driver in a vital limb. The grandson of
Gautama then, filled with rage, took up a new and very strong bow and
struck Suketu with thirty arrows in all his vital limbs. All his limbs
exceedingly weakened, the prince trembled on his excellent car like a
tree trembling exceedingly during an earthquake. With a razor-headed
arrow then, Kripa struck off from the prince's trunk, while the latter
was still trembling, his head decked with a pair of blazing earrings and
head-protector. That head thereupon fell down on the Earth like a piece
of meat from the claws of a hawk, and then his trunk also fell down, O
thou of great glory. Upon the fall of Suketu, O monarch, his troops
became frightened, and avoiding Kripa, fled away on all sides.

"'Encompassing the mighty Dhrishtadyumna, Kritavarma cheerfully addressed
him saying, "Wait, Wait!" The encounter then that took place between the
Vrishni and the Pancala warriors in that battle became exceedingly
fierce, like that between two hawks, O king, for a piece of meat. Filled
with rage, Dhrishtadyumna, in that battle, struck the son of Hridika
(Kritavarma, the ruler of Bhoja) with nine arrows in the chest, and
succeeded in afflicting him greatly. Then Kritavarma, thus deeply struck
by Prishata's son in that encounter, covered his assailant, his steeds,
and his car with his shafts. Thus shrouded, O king, along with his car,
Dhrishtadyumna became invisible, like the Sun shrouded by rain-charged
clouds. Baffling all those shafts decked with gold, Dhrishtadyumna, O
king, looked resplendent in that battle in his wounds. The commander of
the Pandava forces, viz., the son of Prishata, then, filled with rage,
approached Kritavarma and poured upon him a fierce shower of arrows. The
son of Hridika, however, in that battle, with many thousands of his own
arrows, destroyed that fierce arrowy shower coursing towards him with
great impetuosity. Beholding his irresistible shower of arrows checked in
that battle by Kritavarma, the son of Prishata, approaching his
antagonist, began to resist him. And soon he despatched Kritavarma's
driver to Yama's abode with a broad-headed arrow of great sharpness.
Deprived of life, the driver fell down from the car. The mighty
Dhrishtadyumna, having vanquished his mighty antagonist, began then to
resist the Kauravas with shafts, without losing a moment. Then thy
warriors, O king, rushed towards Dhrishtadyumna, uttering loud leonine
roars. At this a battle once more took place between them.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 54 ---------------------