"Dhritarashtra said, 'It seems that Arjuna slew all of you at his will.
Indeed, the Destroyer himself could not escape him in battle, if Arjuna
took up arms against Him. Single-handed, Partha ravished Bhadra, and
single-handed, he gratified Agni. Single-handed, he subjugated the whole
Earth, and made all the kings pay tribute. Single-handed, with his
celestial bow he slew the Nivatakavachas. Single-handed, he contended in
battle with Mahadeva who stood before him in the guise of a hunter.
Single-handed, he protected the Bharatas, and single-handed, he gratified
Bhava. Single-handed, were vanquished by him all the kings of the Earth
endued with fierce prowess. The Kurus cannot be blamed. On the other
hand, they deserve praise (for having fought with such a warrior). Tell
me now what they did. Tell me also, O Suta, what Duryodhana did after
"Sanjaya said, 'Struck and wounded and overthrown from their vehicles and
divested of armour and deprived of weapons and their beasts slain, with
plaintive voices and burning with grief and vanquished by their foes, the
vain Kauravas, entering their tents once more took counsel of one
another. They then looked like snakes deprived of fangs and poison trod
upon by others. Unto them, Karna, sighing like an angry snake, squeezing
his hands, and eyeing your son, said, "Arjuna is always careful, firm,
possessed of skill, and endued with intelligence. Again, when the time
comes, Vasudeva awakes him (to what should be done). Today, by that
sudden shower of weapons we were deceived by him. Tomorrow, however, O
lord of Earth, I will frustrate all his purposes." Thus addressed by
Karna, Duryodhana said, "So be it," and then granted permission to those
foremost of kings to retire. Bidden by the king, all those rulers
proceeded to their respective tents. Having passed the night happily,
they cheerfully went out for battle (the next day). They then beheld an
invincible array formed by king Yudhishthira the just, that foremost one
of Kuru race, with great care, and according to the sanction of
Brihaspati and Usanas. Then that slayer of foes, Duryodhana, called to
mind the heroic Karna, that counteractor of foes, that warrior with neck
like that of a bull, equal to Purandara himself in battle, the Maruts in
might, and Kartavirya in energy. Indeed, the heart of the king turned
towards Karna. And the hearts of all the troops also turned to that hero,
that Suta's son, that mighty bowman, as one's heart turns to a friend in
a situation of great danger.'
"Dhritarashtra said, 'What did Duryodhana next do, O Suta, when the
hearts of all of you turned towards Vikarna's son Karna? Did my troops
cast their eyes on Radha's son like persons afflicted with cold turning
their gaze towards the Sun? Upon the recommencement of the battle after
the withdrawal of the troops, how, O Sanjaya, did Vikarna's son Karna
fight? How also did all the Pandavas fight with the Suta's son? The
mighty-armed Karna would, single-handed, slay the Parthas with the
Srinjayas. The might of Karna's arms in battle equals that of Sakra or
Vishnu. His weapons are fierce, and the prowess also of that high-souled
one is fierce. Relying upon Karna, king Duryodhana had set his heart on
battle. Beholding Duryodhana deeply afflicted by the son of Pandu, and
seeing also the sons of Pandu displaying great prowess, what did that
mighty car-warrior, viz., Karna, do? Alas, the foolish Duryodhana,
relying on Karna, hopeth to vanquish the Parthas with their sons and
Keshava in battle! Alas, it is a matter of great grief that Karna could
not, with his strength, overcome the sons of Pandu in fight! Without
doubt, Destiny is supreme. Alas, the terrible end of that gambling match
hath now come! Alas, these heartrending sorrows, due to Duryodhana's
acts, many in number and like unto terrible darts, are now being borne
by, me, O Sanjaya! O sire, Subala's son used to be then regarded as a
politic person. Karna also is always exceedingly attached to king
Duryodhana. Alas, when such is the case, O Sanjaya, why have I then to
hear of the frequent defeats and deaths of my sons? There is no one that
can resist the Pandavas in battle. They penetrate into my army like a man
into the midst of helpless women. Destiny, indeed, is supreme.'
"Sanjaya said, 'O king, think now of all those wrongful acts of thine
like that match at dice and the others--acts that have passed away from
the subjects of thought with man. One should not, however, reflect on
bygone acts. One may be ruined by such reflection. That result (which
thou had expected) is now much removed from the point of fruition,
since, although possessed of knowledge, you didst not reflect on the
propriety or impropriety of your acts then. Many a time wert thou, O king,
counselled against warring with the Pandavas. Thou didst not, however, O
monarch, accept those counsels, from folly. Diverse sinful acts of a
grave nature were perpetrated by you against the sons of Pandu. For
those acts this awful slaughter of kings hath now come. All that,
however, is now past. Do not grieve, O bull of Bharata's race. O you of
unfading glory, listen now to the details of the awful carnage that has
"'When the night dawned, Karna repaired to king Duryodhana. Approaching
the king, the mighty-armed hero said, "I shall, O king, engage in battle
today the illustrious son of Pandu. Either I will slay that hero today,
or he will slay me. In consequence of the diverse things both myself and
Partha had to do, O Bharata, an encounter, O king, could not hitherto
take place between myself and Arjuna! Listen now, O monarch, to these
words of mine, spoken according to my wisdom. Without slaying Partha in
battle I will not come back, O Bharata. Since this army of ours hath been
deprived of its foremost warriors, and since I will stand in battle,
Partha will advance against me, especially because I am destitute of the
dart Sakra gave me. Therefore, O ruler of men, listen now to what is
beneficial. The energy of my celestial weapons is equal to the energy of
Arjuna's weapons. In counteracting the feats of powerful foes, in
lightness of hands, in range of the arrows shot, in skill, and in hitting
the mark, Savyasaci is never my equal. In physical strength, in courage,
in knowledge of (weapons), in prowess, O Bharata, in aiming, Savyasaci is
never my equal. My bow, called Vijaya, is the foremost of all weapons (of
its kind). Desirous of doing what was agreeable (to Indra), it was made
by Vishakarman (the celestial artificer) for Indra. With that bow, O
king, Indra had vanquished the Daityas. At its twang the Daityas beheld
the ten points to be empty. That bow, respected by all, Sakra gave to
Bhrigu's son (Rama). That celestial and foremost of bows Bhrigu's son
gave to me. With that bow I will contend in battle with the mighty-armed
Arjuna, that foremost of victorious warriors, like Indra fighting with
the assembled Daityas. That formidable bow, the gift of Rama, is superior
to Gandiva. It was with that bow that the Earth was subjugated thrice
seven times (by Bhrigu's son). With that bow given to me by Rama I will
contend in battle with the son of Pandu. I will, O Duryodhana, gladden
thee today with your friends, by slaying in battle that hero, viz.,
Arjuna, that foremost of conquerors. The whole Earth with her mountains
and forest and islands, without a heroic warrior (to oppose your wish),
will, O king, become yours today, over which thyself with your sons and
grandsons will reign supreme. Today there is nothing that is incapable of
being achieved by me, especially when the object is to do what is
agreeable to thee, even as success is incapable of being missed by an
ascetic zealously devoted to virtue and having his soul under control.
Arjuna will not be able to bear me in battle, even as a tree in contact
with fire is incapable of bearing that element. I must, however, declare
in what respect I am inferior to Arjuna. The string of his bow is
celestial, and the two large quivers of his are inexhaustible. His driver
is Govinda. I have none like him. His is that celestial and foremost of
bows, called Gandiva, which is irrefragible in battle. I also have that
excellent, celestial, and formidable bow called Vijaya. In respect of our
bows, therefore, O king, I am superior to Arjuna. Listen now to those
matters in which the heroic son of Pandu is superior to me. The holder of
the reins (of his steeds) is he of Dasharha's race who is adored by all
the worlds. His celestial car decked with gold, given unto him by Agni,
is impenetrable in every part, and his steeds also, O hero, are endued
with the speed of the mind. His celestial standard, bearing the blazing
Ape, is exceedingly wonderful. Again, Krishna, who is Creator of the
universe, protects that car. Though inferior to Arjuna in respect of
these things, I still desire to fight with him. This Shalya, however, the
ornament of assemblies, is equal to Saurin. If he becomes my driver,
victory will certainly be thine. Let Shalya, therefore, who is incapable
of being resisted by foes be the driver of my car. Let a large number of
carts bear my long shafts and those that are winged with vulturine
feathers. Let a number of foremost cars, O monarch, with excellent steeds
yoked unto them, always follow me, O bull of Bharata's race. By these
arrangements I will, as regards the qualities mentioned, be superior to
Arjuna. Shalya is superior to Krishna, and I am superior to Arjuna. As
that slayer of foes, viz., he of Dasharha's race, is acquainted with
horselore, even so is that mighty car-warrior, viz., Shalya acquainted
with horselore. There is none equal to the chief of the Madras in might
of arms. As there is none equal to myself in weapons, so there is none
equal to Shalya in knowledge of steeds. So circumstanced, I will become
superior to Partha. Against my car, the very gods with Vasava at their
head will not dare advance. All these being attended to, when I take my
stand on my car, I will become superior to Arjuna in the attributes of
warrior and will then, O best of the Kurus, vanquish Phalguna. I desire,
O monarch, all this to be done by thee, O scorcher of foes. Let these
wishes of mine be accomplished. Let no time be suffered to elapse. If all
this be accomplished, the most effectual aid will be rendered to me on
every desirable point. Thou wilt then see, O Bharata, what I will achieve
in battle. I will by every means vanquish the sons of Pandu in battle
when they will approach me. The very gods and Asuras are not able to
advance against me in battle. What need be said then of the sons of Pandu
that are of human origin?'"
"Sanjaya continued, 'Thus addressed by that ornament of battle, viz.,
Karna, your son, worshipping the son of Radha, answered him, with a glad
heart, saying, "Accomplish that, O Karna, which you thinkest. Equipped
with goodly quivers and steeds, such cars shall follow you in battle.
Let as many cars as you wishest bear your long shafts and arrows equipped
with vulturine feathers. Ourselves, as also all the kings, O Karna will,
follow you in battle.'"
"Sanjaya continued, 'Having said these words, your royal son, endued with
great prowess, approached the ruler of the Madras and addressed him in
the following words.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 31 ---------------------