"Sanjaya said, 'Meanwhile Arjuna, O monarch, having slain the four kinds
of forces (of the enemy), and having obtained a sight of the angry son of
the Suta in that dreadful battle, caused a river of blood to flow there
that was tawny with flesh and marrow and bones. Human heads constituted
its rocks and stones. Elephants and steeds formed its banks. Full of the
bones of heroic combatants, it resounded with the cries of ravens and
vultures. Umbrellas were its swans or rafts. And that river ran, bearing
away heroes like trees along its current. (Even) necklaces constituted
its assemblage of lotuses, and head-gears formed its excellent foam. Bows
and shafts constituted its fishes; and the crowns of crushed men floated
on its surface. Shields and armour were its eddies, and cars were the
rafts with which it teemed. And it could be easily forded by persons
desirous of victory, while to those that were cowards it was unfordable.
Having caused that river to flow, Vibhatsu, that slayer of hostile heroes
and bull among men, addressing Vasudeva said, "Yonder, O Krishna, the
standard of the Suta's son is visible. There, Bhimasena and others are
fighting with that great car-warrior. There, the Pancalas, afraid of
Karna, are flying away, O Janardana. Yonder, king Duryodhana, with the
white umbrella over his head, along with Karna, looketh exceedingly
resplendent as he is engaged in routing the Pancalas. There Kripa, and
Kritavarma, and Drona's son, that mighty car-warrior, are protecting king
Duryodhana, themselves protected by the Suta's son. There, O Krishna,
Shalya, well conversant with holding the reins, looketh exceedingly
resplendent as, seated on the terrace of Karna's car, he guideth that
vehicle. Bear me to that mighty car-warrior, for even such is the wish
cherished by me. Without slaying Karna in this battle I will never
return. Otherwise, the son of Radha, O Janardana, will, in my sight,
exterminate the mighty car-warriors of the Parthas and the Srinjayas."
Thus addressed, Keshava quickly proceeded on his car, towards the mighty
bowman Karna, for causing a single combat to take place between Karna and
Savyasaci. Indeed, the mighty-armed Hari, at the command of Pandu's son,
proceeded on his car, assuring (by that very act) all the Pandava troops.
The rattle then of Arjuna's vehicle rose loud in that battle, resembling,
O sire, the tremendous peal of Vasu's thunder. Beholding Arjuna of white
steeds and having Krishna for his driver thus advance, and seeing the
standard of that high-souled one, the king of the Madras, addressing
Karna, said, "There cometh that car-warrior having white steeds yoked
unto his vehicle and having Krishna for his driver, slaying his foes in
battle. There cometh he about whom you wert enquiring, holding his bow
Gandiva. If you canst slay him today, great good may then be done to us.
He cometh, O Karna, desirous of an encounter with thee, slaying, as he
cometh, our chief warriors. Do you proceed against that hero of
Bharata's race. Avoiding all our warriors, Dhananjaya advanceth with
great speed, for, as I think, an encounter with thee, judging by his form
swelling with rage and energy. Blazing with wrath, Partha will not stop
from desire of battle with anybody else save thee, especially when
Vrikodara is being so much afflicted (by thee). Learning that king
Yudhishthira the just hath been exceedingly mangled and made carless by
thee, and seeing (the plight of) Shikhandi, and Satyaki, and
Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Prishata, and the (five) sons of Draupadi, and
Yudhamanyu, and Uttamauja, and the brothers, Nakula and Sahadeva, that
scorcher of foes, Partha, advanceth impetuously on a single car against
thee. Without doubt, he is advancing with speed against us, avoiding
other combatants. Do thou, O Karna, proceed against him, for there is no
other bowman (among us that can do so). I do not behold any arrangements
made for his protection, either on his flanks or at his rear. He
advanceth alone against thee. Look after your success now. Thou alone art
able to encounter the two Krishnas in battle. Proceed, therefore, against
Dhananjaya. Thou are the equal of Bhishma, of Drona, of Drona's son, of
Kripa. Do you resist in this great battle the advancing Savyasaci.
Indeed, O Karna, slay this Dhananjaya that resembles a snake frequently
darting out its tongue, or a roaring bull, or a tiger in the forest.
There, those kings, those mighty car-warriors of the Dhritarashtra's
army, through fear of Arjuna, are quickly flying away, regardless of one
another. Save thee, O Suta's son, there is no other man, O hero, that
can, in battle, dispel the fears of those retreating combatants. All
those Kurus, O tiger among men, obtaining you as their refuge in this
battle, stand depending on you and desirous of your protection. Mustering
thy great prowess, O mighty-armed one, proceed against Vrishni's race,
who is always gratified by the diadem-decked (Arjuna)."
"'Karna said, "Thou seemest now to be in your usual frame of mind and thou
art now agreeable to me. Do not, O mighty-armed one, entertain any fear
of Dhananjaya. Behold the might of my arms today, and behold my skill.
Single-handed, I will today destroy the mighty host of the Pandavas, as
also those two lions among men, the two Krishnas! I say this truly unto
thee. I will never return from the field today without slaying two
heroes. Or, slain by those two, I shall today sleep on the field of
battle. Victory is uncertain in battle. Slaying or slain, I shall today
achieve my purpose."
"'Shalya said, "All great car-warriors, O Karna, say that this foremost
of car-warriors, (Arjuna), even when alone, is invincible. When again, he
is protected by Krishna, who will venture to vanquish him?"
"'Karna said, "As far as I have heard, such a superior car-warrior has
never been born on earth! Behold my prowess, since I will contend in
battle with even that Partha who is such. This prince of Kuru's line,
this foremost of car-warriors, careers in battle, borne by his steeds
white in hue. Perhaps he will despatch me to Yama's abode today. Know,
however, that with Karna's death, these all will be exterminated. The two
arms of this prince are never covered with sweat. They never tremble.
They are massive and covered with cicatrices. Firm in the use of weapons,
he is possessed of great skill and endued with great lightness of hands.
Indeed, there is no warrior equal to the son of Pandu. He taketh a large
number of arrows and shooteth them as if they were one. Quickly fixing
them on the bow-string, he propelleth them to the distance of two miles.
They always fall on the foe. What warriors is there on earth that is
equal to him? That Atiratha, endued with great activity, with Krishna as
his ally, gratified the god Agni at Khandava. There, on that occasion,
the high-souled Krishna obtained his discus, and Savyasaci, the son of
Pandu, obtained his bow Gandiva. There that mighty-armed one, endued with
might that knows no decay, also obtained his terrible car unto which are
yoked those white steeds, as also his two great celestial and
inexhaustible quivers, and many celestial weapons, from the God of Fire.
In the region of Indra he obtained his conch Devadatta and slew
innumerable Daityas, and all the Kalakeyas. Who is there on earth that is
superior to him? Possessed of greatness of soul, he gratified Mahadeva
himself in fair fight, and obtained from him the terrible and mighty
weapon Pasupata that is capable of destroying the three worlds. The
several Regents of the world, united together gave him their weapons of
immeasurable energy, with which that lion among men quickly destroyed in
battle those united Asuras, the Kalakhanjas. So also, in Virata's city,
moving on a single car he vanquished all of us, and snatched from us that
wealth of kine, and took from all the foremost of car-warriors (portions
of) their garments. Challenging that foremost of Kshatriyas, that hero
having him of Vrishni's race for his ally, that warrior who is endued
with such energy and such attributes, I regard myself, O Shalya, to be
the foremost of persons in all the world in point of courage. He is,
again, protected by that Keshava of great energy, who is Narayana himself
and who is without a rival, that high-souled Vasudeva, that
ever-victorious Vishnu armed with conch, discus, and mace, whose
attributes all the world united together, cannot (in narrating) exhaust
in 10,000 years. Beholding the two Krishnas together on the same car,
fear entereth my heart together with courage. Partha is the foremost of
all bowmen, while Narayana is unrivalled in encounters with the discus.
Even such are Vasudeva, and the son of Pandu. Indeed, the mountains of
Himavat may move from the spot where they stand but not the two Krishnas.
Both of them are heroes, possessed of great skill, firm in the use of
weapons, and mighty car-warriors. Both of them have adamantine frames.
Who else, O Shalya, save myself, would proceed against Phalguna and
Vasudeva that are even such? The desire cherished by me today, viz., that
of a battle with the son of Pandu, O ruler of the Madras, will be
fulfilled without delay. Soon will that wonderful and matchless and
beautiful battle take place. Either I will overthrow those two in battle
today, or the two Krishnas will today overthrow me." Saying these words
unto Shalya, Karna, that slayer of foes, began to utter loud roars in
that battle, like those of the clouds. Approaching then your son, that
foremost one among the Kurus, and saluted respectfully by him, Karna said
unto that prince as also unto those two mighty-armed warriors, Kripa and
the Bhoja chief Kritavarma, and the ruler of the Gandharvas with his son,
and the preceptors and his own younger brothers, and all the
foot-soldiers and horsemen and elephant-riders, these words, "Rush
towards Acyuta and Arjuna and close up their path all around, and cause
them to be tired with exertion, so that, the lords of the earth, I may
easily slay those two after the all will have mangled them deeply."
Saying, "So be it!" those foremost of heroes, desirous of slaying Arjuna,
speedily proceeded against him. Those mighty car-warriors then, obeying
the behest of Karna, began to strike Dhananjaya with innumerable arrows
in that battle. Like the great ocean containing a vast quantity of water
receiving all rivers with their tributaries Arjuna received all those
warriors in battle. His foes could not notice when he fixed his excellent
arrows on the bow-string and when he let them off. All that could be seen
was that men and steeds and elephants, pierced with the arrows sped by
Dhananjaya, continually fell down, deprived of life. Like men with
diseased eyes that are unable to gaze at the sun, the Kauravas on that
occasion could not gaze at Jaya who seemed to be possessed of the energy
of the all-destroying Sun that rises at the end of the Yuga, having
arrows for his rays, and Gandiva for his beautiful circular disc. Smiling
the while, Partha with his own showers of arrows cut off the excellent
arrows sped at him by those mighty car-warriors. In return, he struck
them with innumerable arrows, drawing his bow Gandiva to a complete
circle. As the sun of fierce rays between the months of Jyaishtha and
Ashadha easily drieth up the waters (of the earth), even so Arjuna,
baffling the arrows of his foes, consumed your troops, O king of kings!
Then Kripa, and the chief of the Bhojas, and your son himself shooting
showers of shafts, rushed towards him. Drona's son also, that mighty
car-warrior, rushed towards him, shooting his shafts. Indeed, all of them
rained their arrows on him, like the clouds pouring torrents of rain on a
mountain. The son of Pandu, however, with great activity and speed, cut
off with his own shafts those excellent arrows sped at him with great
care in that dreadful battle by those accomplished warriors desirous of
slaying him, and pierced the chest of each of his adversaries with three
shafts. Having arrows for his fierce rays, the Arjuna sun, with gandiva
drawn to its fullest stretch constituting his corona, looked resplendent,
as he scorched his foes, like the Sun himself between the months of
Jyeshtha and Ashadha, within his bright corona. Then Drona's son pierced
Dhananjaya with ten foremost of shafts, and Keshava with three, and the
four steeds of Dhananjaya with four, and showered many shafts on the Ape
on Arjuna's banner. For all that, Dhananjaya cut off the full drawn bow
in his adversary's hand with three shafts, the head of his driver with a
razor-faced arrow, and his four steeds with his four other shafts and his
standard with three other arrows and felled him from his car. The son of
Drona then, filled with wrath, took up another costly bow, bright as the
body of Takshaka, and decked with gems and diamonds and gold, and
resembling a mighty snake caught from the foot of a mountain. Stringing
that bow as he stood on the earth, and bringing out one after another
shafts and weapons, Drona's son, that warrior who excelled in many
accomplishments, began to afflict those two unvanquished and foremost of
men and pierce them from a near point with many shafts. Then those mighty
car-warriors, Kripa and Bhoja and your son, standing at the van of battle,
fell upon and shrouded that bull among the Pandavas, shooting showers of
shafts, like clouds shrouding the dispeller of darkness. Possessed of
prowess equal to that of the thousand-armed (Kartavirya), Partha then
showered his shafts on Kripa's bow with arrow fixed on it, his steeds,
his standard, and his driver, like the wielder of the thunder in days of
yore showering his shafts on (the asura) Vali. His weapons destroyed by
Partha's shafts, and his standard also having been crushed in that great
battle, Kripa was afflicted with as many thousands of arrows by Arjuna as
Ganga's son Bhishma before them (on the day of his fall) by the same
diademdecked warrior. The valiant Partha then, with his shafts, cut off
the standard and the bow of your roaring son. Destroying next the handsome
steeds of Kritavarma, he cut off the latter's standard as well. He then
began to destroy with great speed the elephants of the hostile force, as
also its cars with their steeds and drivers and bows and standards.
Thereupon that vast host of yours broke into a hundred parts like an
embankment washed off by the waters. Then Keshava, quickly urging
Arjuna's car, placed all his afflicted foes on his right side. Then other
warriors, desirous of an encounter, with their well-equipped cars bearing
lofty standards, followed Dhananjaya who was proceeding with great speed
like Indra proceeding for the slaughter of Vritra. Then those mighty
car-warriors, Shikhandi and Satyaki and the twins, proceeding in the
direction of Dhananjaya, checked those foes and, piercing them with keen
arrows, uttered terrible roars. Then the Kuru heroes and the Srinjayas,
encountering one another with rage, slew one another with straight shafts
of great energy, like the Asuras and the celestials in days of yore in
great battle. Elephant-warriors and horsemen and car-warriors,--all
chastisers of foes,--inspired with desire of victory or impatient of
proceeding to heaven, fell fast on the field. Uttering loud shouts, they
pierced one another vigorously with well-shot arrows. In consequence of
those high-souled warriors of great courage shooting their arrows at one
another in that dreadful battle and by that means causing a darkness
there, the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary became
enveloped in gloom and the very effulgence of the sun became totally
--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 79 ---------------------