Friday, December 12, 2014

Parva 08 092


"Sanjaya said, 'Beholding the troops crushed with arrows in that
encounter between Karna and Arjuna, Shalya proceeded, filled with wrath,
on that car divested of equipment. Beholding his army deprived of the
Suta's son and its cars and steeds and elephants destroyed, Duryodhana,
with eyes bathed in tears, repeatedly sighed the very picture of woe.
Desirous of beholding the heroic Karna, pierced with arrows and bathed in
blood, and stretched on the earth like the sun dropped from the skies at
will, the warriors came there and stood surrounding the fallen hero.
Amongst those belonging to the enemy and your army that thus stood there,
some showed signs of joy, some of fear, some of sorrow, some of wonder,
and some gave themselves up to great grief, according to their respective
natures. Others amongst the Kauravas, hearing that Karna of mighty energy
had been slain by Dhananjaya, his armour, ornaments, robes, and weapons
having all been displaced, fled in fear like a herd of kine afflicted
with exceeding fear at losing its bull. Bhima then, uttering loud roars
and causing the welkin to tremble with those awful and tremendous shouts,
began to slap his armpits, jump, and dance, frightening the
Dhartarashtras by those movements. The Somakas and the Srinjayas also
loudly blew their conchs. All the Kshatriyas embraced one another in joy,
upon beholding the Suta's son slain at that juncture. Having fought a
dreadful battle, Karna was slain by Arjuna like an elephant by a lion.
That bull among men, Arjuna, thus accomplished his vow. Indeed even thus,
Partha reached the end of his hostility (towards Karna). The ruler of the
Madras, with stupefied heart, quickly proceeding, O king, to the side of
Duryodhana, on that car divested of standard said in sorrow these words,
"The elephants, the steeds, and the foremost of car-warriors of your army
have been slain. In consequence of those mighty warriors, and steeds, and
elephants huge as hills, having been slain after coming into contact with
one another, your host looks like the domains of Yama. Never before, O
Bharata, has a battle been fought like that between Karna and Arjuna
today. Karna had powerfully assailed the two Krishnas today and all
others who are your foes. Destiny, however, has certainly flowed,
controlled by Partha. It is for this that Destiny is protecting the
Pandavas and weakening us. Many are the heroes who, resolved to
accomplish your objects have been forcibly slain by the enemy. Brave
kings, who in energy, courage, and might, were equal to Kuvera or Yama or
Vasava or the Lord of the waters, who were possessed of every merit, who
were almost unslayable, and who were desirous of achieving your object,
have in battle been slain by the Pandavas. Do not, O Bharata, grieve for
this. This is Destiny. Comfort thyself. Success cannot be always
attained." Hearing these words of the ruler of the Madras and reflecting
on his own evil doings. Duryodhana, with a cheerless heart, became almost
deprived of his senses and sighed repeatedly the very picture of woe.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 92 ---------------------