Sunday, December 7, 2014

Parva 08 034


"'Duryodhana said, "After the fears of those throngs of the pitris, the
gods, and the Rishis had thus been dispelled by that high-souled Deity,
Brahman then offered his adorations, unto Sankara, and said these words
for the benefit of the universe, 'Through your favour, O Lord of all, the
Lordship of all creatures is mine. Occupying that rank, I have given a
great boon to the Danavas. It behoveth none else, save thee, O Lord of
the Past and the Future, to destroy those wicked wights that show no
regard for any one. Thou O god, are the only person competent to slay the
foes of these denizens of heaven that have sought your protection and that
solicit thee. O lord of all the gods, show favour to these. Slay the
Danavas, O wielder of the trident. O giver of honours, let the universe,
through your grace, obtain happiness. O Lord of all the worlds, you art
the one whose shelter should be sought. We all seek your shelter.'

"'"Sthanu said, 'All your foes should be slain. But, I shall not however,
slay them single-handed. The enemies of the gods are possessed of might.
Therefore, all of you, united together, consume those enemies of yours in
battle, with half my might. Union is great strength.'

"'"The gods said, 'Theirs (Danavas') is twice the energy and might of
ourselves, we think, for we have already seen their energy and might.'

"'"The holy one said, 'Those sinful wights that have offended against ye
should be slain. With half of my energy and might, slay all those enemies
of yours.'

"'"The gods said, 'We will not be able, O Maheswara, to bear half of thy
energy. With, on the other hand, half of our united might, do you slay
those foes.'

"'"The holy one said, 'If, indeed, the have not the ability to bear half
of my might, then, endued with half of your united energy, I will slay

"'Duryodhana continued, "The celestials then, addressing the god of gods,
said 'So be it' O best of kings. Taking half of their energies from all
of them, he became superior in might. Indeed, in might that god became
superior to all in the universe. From that time Sankara came to be called
Mahadeva. And Mahadeva then said, 'Armed with bow and shaft, I will, from
my car, slay in battle those foes of yours, the denizens of heaven.
Therefore, the gods, see now to my car and bow and shaft so that I may,
this very day, throw the Asuras down on the Earth.'

"'"The gods said, 'Gathering all forms that may be found in the three
worlds and taking portions of each, we will each, O Lord of the gods,
construct a car of great energy for thee. It will be a large car, the
handiwork of Viswakarman, designed with intelligence.' Saying this, those
tigers among the gods began the construction of that car. And they made
Vishnu and Soma and Hutasana the arrow for Sankara's use. Agni became the
staff, and Soma became the head, and Vishnu the point, O king, of that
foremost of arrows. The goddess Earth, with her large cities and towns,
her mountains and forests and islands, that home of diverse creatures,
was made the car. The Mandara mountain was made its axle; and the great
river Ganga was made its Jangha; and the points of the compass, cardinal
and subsidiary became the ornaments of the car. The constellations became
its shaft; the Krita age became its yoke; and that best of Snakes, viz.,
Vasuki, became the Kuvara of that car. Himavat and Vindhya mountains
became its Apaskara and Adhishthana; and the Udaya and the Asta mountains
were made the wheels of that car by those foremost ones among the gods.
They made the excellent Ocean, that abode of the Danavas its other axle.
The seven Rishis became the protectors of the wheels of that car. Ganga
and Sarasvati and Sindhu and the Sky became its Dhura; all the other
rivers and all the waters became the chords for binding the several limbs
of that car. Day and Night and the other divisions of time such as Kalas
and Kasthas, and the Seasons became its Amukarsha. The blazing planets
and the stars became its wooden fence; Religion, Profit, and Pleasure,
united together, became its Trivenu. The herbs and the creepers, decked
with flowers and fruits, became its bells. Making the Sun and the Moon
equal, these were made the (other two) wheels of that foremost of cars.
Day and Night were made its auspicious wings on the right and left. The
ten foremost of snakes having Dhritarashtra for their first, all
exceedingly strong, formed the (other) shaft of that car. The Sky was
made its (other) yoke, and the clouds called Samvartaka and Valahaka were
the leathern strings of the yoke. The two Twilights and Dhritri and Medha
and Sthiti and Sannati, and the firmament bespangled with planets and
stars, were made the skins for covering that car. Those Regents of the
world, viz., the Lords of the gods, of the waters, of the dead, and of
treasures, were made the steeds of that car. Kalaprishtha, and Nahusha,
and Karkotaka, and Dhananjaya and the other snakes became the chords for
binding the manes of the steeds. The cardinal and the subsidiary
directions became the reins of the steeds of that car. The Vedic sound
Vashat became the goad, and Gayatri became the string attached to that
goad. The four auspicious days were made the traces of the steeds, and
the pitris presiding over them were made the hooks and pins. Action and
truth and ascetic penances and profit were made the chords of that car.
The Mind became the ground upon which that car stood, and Speech the
tracks upon which it was to proceed. Beautiful banners of various hues
waved in the air. With lightning and Indra's bow attached to it, that
blazing car gave fierce light. That space of time which, on a former
occasion, had, in the Sacrifice of the high-souled Ishana, been fixed as
a Year, became the bow, and the goddess Savitri became the loud-sounding
bow-string. A celestial coat of mail was made, decked with costly gems,
and impenetrable and effulgent, sprung from the wheel of Time. That
golden mountain, viz., the beautiful Meru, became the flagstaff, and the
clouds decked with flashes of lightning became its banners. Thus
equipped, that car shone brilliantly like a blazing fire in the midst of
the priests officiating at a sacrifice. Beholding that car properly
equipped, the gods became filled with wonder. Seeing the energies of the
entire universe united together in one place, O sire, the gods wondered,
and at last represented unto that illustrious Deity that the car was
ready. After, O monarch, that best of cars had thus been constructed by
the gods, O tiger among men, for grinding their foes, Sankara placed upon
it his own celestial weapons. Making the sky its flagstaff, he placed
upon it his bovine bull. The Brahmana's rod, the rod of Death, Rudra's
rod, and Fever became the protectors of the sides of that car and stood
with faces turned towards all sides. Atharvan and Angirasa became the
protectors of the car-wheels of that illustrious warrior. The Rigveda,
the Samaveda, and the Puranas stood in advance of that car. The histories
and the Yajurveda became the protectors of the rear. All sacred Speeches
and all the Sciences stood around it, and all hymns, O monarch, and the
Vedic sound of Vashat also. And the syllable Om, O king, standing in the
van of that car, made it exceedingly beautiful. Having made the Year
adorned with the six seasons his bow, he made his own shadow the
irrefragable string of that bow in that battle. The illustrious Rudra is
Death's self. The Year became his bow; Kala Ratri the Death-night
therefore, which is Rudra's shadow, became the indestructible string of
that bow. Vishnu and Agni and Soma became (as already said) the arrow.
The universe is said to consist of Agni and Soma. The universe is
similarly said to consist of Vishnu. Vishnu is, again, the Soul of the
holy Bhava of immeasurable energy. For this the touch of that bow-string
became unbearable to the Asuras. And the lord Sankara cast on that arrow
his own irresistible and fierce wrath, the unbearable fire of anger,
viz., that which was born of wrath of Bhrigu and Angirasa. Then He called
Nila Rohita (Blue and Red or smoke)--that terrible deity robed in
skins,--looking like 10,000 Suns, and shrouded by the fire of
superabundant Energy, blazed up with splendour. That discomfiter of even
him that is difficult of being discomfited, that victor, that slayer of
all haters of Brahma, called also Hara, that rescuer of the righteous and
destroyer of the unrighteous, viz., the illustrious Sthanu, accompanied
by many beings of terrible might and terrible forms that were endued with
the speed of the mind and capable of agitating and crushing all foes, as
if with all the fourteen faculties of the soul awake about him, looked
exceedingly resplendent. Having his limbs for their refuge, this entire
universe of mobile and immobile creatures that were present there, O
king, looked beautiful, presenting a highly wonderful appearance.
Beholding that car, duly equipped, he cased himself in mail and armed
himself with the bow, and took up that celestial shaft born of Soma and
Vishnu and Agni. The gods, O king, then commanded that foremost of
celestials, viz., Wind, to breathe after that puissant Deity all the
fragrance that he carries. Then Mahadeva, terrifying the very gods, and
making the very Earth tremble, ascended that car resolutely. Then the
great Rishis, the Gandharvas, those throngs of gods and those diverse
tribes of Apsaras began to praise that Lord of the gods while he was
about to ascend that car. Adored by the regenerate Rishis, and praised by
the eulogists and diverse tribes of dancing Apsaras well-versed in the
art of dancing, that boon-giving lord, armed with scimitar and arrow and
bow, looked very beautiful. Smiling, he then asked the gods, 'Who will
become my driver?' The gods answered him, saying, 'He whom you wilt
appoint, will, O Lord of the gods, without doubt, become your driver!'
Unto them the god replied, 'Reflecting yourselves, without delay make him
my driver who is superior to me!' Hearing these words uttered by that
high-souled Deity, the gods repaired unto the Grandsire and inclining him
to grace, said these words, 'We have accomplished everything, O holy one,
that you had ordered us to do in the matter of afflicting the foes of
celestials. The Deity having the bull for his mark has been gratified
with us. A car hath been constructed by us, equipped with many wonderful
weapons. We do not, however, know who is to become the driver of that
foremost of cars. Therefore, let some foremost one among the gods be
appointed as the driver. O holy one, it behoveth you to make true those
words that thou, O lord, had then said to us. Before this, O god, thou
hadst even said to us that you wouldst do us good. It behoveth you to
accomplish that promise. That irresistible and best of cars, that router
of our foes, hath been constructed out of the component parts of the
celestials. The Deity armed with Pinaka hath been made the warrior who is
to stand on it. Striking the Danavas with fear, he is prepared for
battle. The four Vedas have become the four foremost of steeds. With her
mountains, the Earth has become the car of that high-souled one. The
stars have become the adornments of that vehicle. (As already said) Hara
is the warrior. We do not, however, see who is to become the driver. A
driver should be sought for that car who is superior to all these. Equal
to you in importance is that car, O god, and Hara is the warrior.
Armour, and weapons, and bow, these we have got already, O Grandsire.
Except thee, we do not behold any person that can make its driver. Thou
art endued with every accomplishment. Thou, O lord, are superior to all
the gods. Mounting upon that car with speed, hold the reins of those
foremost of steeds, for the victory of the celestials and the destruction
of their foes.' It has been heard by us that bowing with their heads unto
the Grandsire that Lord of the three worlds, the gods sought to gratify
him for inducing him to accept the drivership.

"'"The Grandsire said, 'There is nothing of untruth in all this that ye
have said, the denizens of heaven. I will hold the reins of the steeds for
Kapaddin while he will be engaged in fight.' Then that illustrious god,
that Creator of the worlds, the Grandsire, was appointed by the gods as
the driver of the high-souled Ishana. And when he was about to ascend
quickly upon that car worshipped by all, those steeds, endued with the
speed of the wind, bowed themselves with their heads to the Earth. Having
ascended the car the illustrious Deity, viz., the Grandsire resplendent
with his own energy, took the reins and the goad. Then the illustrious
god, raising those steeds addressed that foremost one among the gods,
viz., Sthanu, saying, 'Ascend.' Then, taking that arrow composed of
Vishnu and Soma and Agni, Sthanu ascended the car, causing the foe to
tremble by means of his bow. The great Rishis, the Gandharvas, the
throngs of gods, and the diverse tribes of Apsaras, then praised that
Lord of the gods after he had ascended the car. Resplendent with beauty,
the boon-giving Lord, armed with scimitar, shaft, and bow, stayed on the
car causing the three worlds to blaze forth with his own energy. The
great Deity once more said unto the gods headed by Indra, 'Ye should
never grieve, doubting my ability to destroy the Asura. Know that the
Asuras have already been slain by means of this arrow'. The gods then
answered, saying, 'It is true! The Asuras have already been slain.'
Indeed, the gods thinking that the words which the divine Lord had said
could not be untrue, became exceedingly gratified. Then that Lord of the
gods proceeded surrounded by all the gods, upon that large car, O king,
which had nothing to compare with it. And the illustrious Deity was
adored, all the while by the attendants that always wait upon him, and by
others that subsisted on meat, that were invincible in battle, and that
danced in joy on the present occasion, running wildly on all sides and
shouting at one another, Rishis also, of great good fortune, possessed of
ascetic merit and endued with high qualities, as also the gods, wished
for Mahadeva's success. When that boon-giving Lord, that dispeller of the
fears of the three worlds, thus proceeded, the entire universe, all the
gods, O best of men, became exceedingly gratified. And the Rishis there
adored the Lord of the gods with diverse hymns, and enhancing his energy,
O king, took up their station there. And millions upon millions of
Gandharvas played upon diverse kinds of musical instruments at the hour
of his setting out. When the boon-giving Brahman, having ascended the
car, set out for the Asuras, the Lord of the Universe, smiling the while,
said, 'Excellent, Excellent! Proceed, O god, to the spot where the
Daityas are. Urge the steeds wakefully. Behold today the might of arms
while I slay the foe in battle.' Thus addressed, Brahman urged those
steeds endued with the fleetness of the wind or thought towards that spot
where the triple city, O king, stood, protected by the Daityas and the
Danavas. With those steeds worshipped by all the worlds, and which
coursed with such speed that they seemed to devour the skies, the
illustrious god quickly proceeded for the victory of the denizens of
heaven. Indeed, when Bhava, riding on the car, set out towards the triple
city, his bull uttered tremendous roars, filling all the points of the
compass. Hearing that loud and terrible roar of the bull, many of the
descendants and followers of Taraka, those enemies of the gods, breathed
their last. Others amongst them stood facing the foe for battle. Then
Sthanu, O king, armed with trident became deprived of his senses in
wrath. All creatures became frightened, and the three worlds began to
tremble. Frightful portents appeared when he was on the point of aiming
that shaft. In consequence, however, of the pressure caused by the weight
of Soma, Agni, and Vishnu that were in that shaft, as also of the
pressure caused by the weight of Brahman and Rudra and the latter's bow,
that car seemed to sink. Then Narayana, issuing out of the point of that
shaft, assumed the form of a bull and raised that large car. During the
time the car had sunk and the foe had began to roar, the illustrious
Deity, endued with great might began, from rage, to utter loud shouts,
standing, O giver of honours, on the head of his bull and the back of his
steeds. At that time the illustrious Rudra was employed in eyeing the
Danava city. While in that posture, O best of men, Rudra cut off the
teats of the horses and clove the hoofs of the bull. Blessed be thou,
from the date the hoofs of all animals of the bovine species came to be
cloven. And from that time, O king, horses, afflicted by the mighty Rudra
of wonderful deeds, came to be without teats. Then Sarva, having stringed
his bow and aimed that shaft with which he had united the Pasupata
weapon, waited thinking of the triple city. And O king, as Rudra thus
stood, holding his bow, the three cities during that time became united.
When the three cities, losing their separate characters became united,
tumultuous became the joy of the high-souled gods. Then all the gods, the
Siddhas, and the great Rishis, uttered the word Jaya, adoring Maheshwara.
The triple city then appeared immediately before that god of unbearable
energy, that Deity of fierce and indescribable form, that warrior who was
desirous of slaying the Asuras. The illustrious deity, that Lord of the
universe, then drawing that celestial bow, sped that shaft which
represented the might of the whole universe, at the triple city. Upon
that foremost of shafts, O you of great good fortune, being shot, loud
wails of woe were heard from those cities as they began to fall down
towards the Earth. Burning those Asuras, he threw them down into the
Western ocean. Thus was the triple city burnt and thus were the Danavas
exterminated by Maheswara in wrath, from desire of doing good to the
three worlds. The fire born of his own wrath, the three-eyed god
quenched, saying, 'Do not reduce the three worlds to ashes.' After this,
the gods, the Rishis, and the three worlds became all restored to their
natural dispositions, and gratified Sthanu of unrivalled energy with
words of high import. Receiving then the permission of the great god, the
gods with the Creator at their head went away to the places they came
from, their object being accomplished after such effort. Thus that
illustrious Deity, that Creator of the worlds, that Lord of both the Gods
and the Asuras, viz., Maheswara, did that which was for the good of all
the worlds. As the illustrious Brahman, the Creator of the worlds, the
Grandsire, the Supreme Deity of unfading glory, acted as the driver of
Rudra, so do you restrain the steeds of the high-souled son of Radha
like Grandsire restraining those of Rudra. There is not the slightest
doubt, O tiger among kings, that you are superior to Krishna, to Karna,
and to Phalguna. In battle, Karna is like Rudra, and you are like
Brahman in policy. United, the two, therefore, are competent to vanquish
my foes that are even like the Asuras. Let, O Shalya, that be done
speedily today by which this Karna, grinding the Pandava troops, may be
able to slay Kunti's son owning white steeds and having Krishna for the
driver of his car. Upon you depend Karna, ourselves, our kingdom, and
(our) victory in battle. Hold the reins, therefore, of the excellent
steeds (of Karna). There is another story which I will narrate. Listen
once more to it. A virtuous brahmana had recited it in the presence of my
father. Hearing these delightful words fraught with the reasons and
purposes of acts, do, O Shalya, what you mayst settle, without
entertaining any scruples. In the race of the Bhrigus was Jamadagni of
severe ascetic penances. He had a son endued with energy and every
virtue, who became celebrated by the name of Rama. Practising the
austerest penances, of cheerful soul, bound to observances and vows, and
keeping his senses under control, he gratified the god Bhava for
obtaining weapons. In consequence of his devotion and tranquillity of
heart. Mahadeva became gratified with him. Sankara, understanding the
desire cherished in his heart, showed himself unto Rama. And Mahadeva
said, 'O Rama, I am gratified with thee. Blessed be thou, your desire is
known to me. Make your soul pure. Thou wilt then have all that thou
desirest. I will give you all weapons when you wilt become pure. Those
weapons, O son, of Bhrigu, burn a person that is incompetent and that is
not deserving of them.' Thus addressed by that god of gods, that deity
bearing the trident, the son of Jamadagni, bending his head unto that
puissant high-souled one, said, 'O god of gods, it behoveth you to give
those weapons unto me that am always devoted to your service, when, indeed
thou wilt regard me fit for holding them.'"

"'Duryodhana continued. "With penances then, and restraining his senses,
and observances of vows, and worship and offerings and with sacrifices
and Homa performed with mantras, Rama adored Sarva for many long years.
At last Mahadeva, pleased with the high-souled son of Bhrigu's race,
described him, in the presence of his divine spouse, as possessed of many
virtues: 'This Rama, of firm vows is ever devoted to me.' Gratified with
him, the Lord Sankara thus repeatedly proclaimed his virtues in the
presence of gods and the Rishis, O slayer of foes. Meanwhile, the Daityas
became very mighty. Blinded by pride and folly, they afflicted the
denizens of heaven. The gods then, uniting together, and firmly resolved
to slay them, strove earnestly for the destruction of those foes. They,
however, failed to vanquish them. The gods then, repairing to Maheswara,
the Lord of Uma, began to gratify him with devotion, saying, 'Slay our
foes.' That god, having promised the destruction of their foes unto the
celestials, summoned Rama the descendant of Bhrigu. And Sankara addressed
Rama, saying, 'O descendant of Bhrigu, slay all the assembled foes of the
gods, from desire of doing good unto all the worlds as also for my
satisfaction.' Thus addressed, Rama replied unto that boon-giving Lord of
Three-eyes, saying, 'What strength have I, O chief of the gods destitute
as I am of weapons, to slay in battle the assembled Danavas that are
accomplished in weapons and invincible in fight? Maheswara said, 'Go thou
at my command. Thou shalt slay those foes. Having vanquished all those
enemies, you shalt acquire numerous merits.' Hearing these words and
accepting them all, Rama, causing propitiatory rites to be performed for
his success, proceeded against the Danavas. Addressing those enemies of
the gods that were endued with might and possessed with folly and pride,
he said, 'Ye Daityas that are fierce in battle, give me battle. I have
been sent by the God of gods to vanquish you.' Thus addressed by the
descendant of Bhrigu, the Daityas began to fight. The delighter of the
Bhargavas, however, slaying the Daityas in battle, with strokes whose
touch resembled that of Indra's thunder, came back to Mahadeva.
Jamadagni's son, that foremost of brahmanas returned with many wounds on
his person inflicted by the Danavas. Touched, however by Sthanu, his
wounds were immediately healed. Gratified also with that feat of his, the
illustrious god gave diverse kinds of boons unto the high-souled son of
Bhrigu. With satisfaction in his heart, the trident-wielding God of gods
said, 'The pain you hast suffered in consequence of the fall of weapons
upon your body evidences the super-human feat that you hast achieved, O
delighter of the Bhrigus. As desired by thee, accept from me these
celestial weapons.'"

"'Duryodhana continued, "Having obtained all the celestial weapons and
the boons that had been desired by him, Rama bowed unto Siva with his
head. Obtaining the leave also of the gods that great ascetic went away.
This is the old story that the rishi had recited. The descendant of
Bhrigu gave the whole science of weapons unto the high-souled Karna, O
tiger among kings with delighted heart. If Karna had any fault, O lord of
Earth, the delighter of Bhrigu's race would never have given him his
celestial weapons. I do not think that Karna could have been born in the
Suta order. I think him to be the son of a god, born in the kshatriya
order. I think that he was abandoned (in infancy) in order that the race
in which he was born might be ascertained (by his features and feats). By
no means, O Shalya, could this Karna have been born in the Suta order.
With his (natural) earring and (natural) coat of mail, this mighty
car-warrior of long arms, resembling Surya himself, could not be borne by
a common woman even as a she-deer can never bear a tiger. His arms are
massive, each resembling the trunk of a prince of elephants. Behold his
chest that is so broad and capable of resisting every foe. Karna
otherwise called Vaikartana, O king, cannot be an ordinary person. Endued
with great valour, this disciple of Rama, O king of kings, is a
high-souled personage.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 34 ---------------------