Friday, December 12, 2014

Parva 08 072


"Sanjaya said, 'Having with a cheerful heart gratified king Yudhishthira
the just, Partha, prepared to slay the Suta's son, addressed Govinda,
saying, "Let my car be once more equipped and let my foremost of steeds
be yoked thereto. Let all kinds of weapon be placed upon that great
vehicle. The steeds have rolled on the ground. They have been trained by
persons skilled in horse lore. Along with the other equipment of the car,
let them be quickly brought and decked in their trappings. Proceed
quickly, O Govinda, for the slaughter of the Suta's son." Thus addressed,
O monarch, by the high-souled Phalguna, Krishna commanded Daruka, saying,
"Do all that Arjuna, that chief of Bharata's race and that foremost of
all wielders of the bow, hath said." Thus ordered by Krishna, Daruka, O
best of kings, yoked those steeds unto that car covered with tiger-skins
and ever capable of scorching all foes. He then represented unto the
high-souled son of Pandu the fact of having equipped his vehicle.
Beholding the car equipped by the high-souled Daruka, Phalguna, obtaining
Yudhishthira's leave and causing the Brahmanas to perform propitiatory
rites and utter benedictions on him, ascended that excellent vehicle.
King Yudhishthira the just, of great wisdom, also blessed him. After
this, Phalguna proceeded towards Karna's car. Beholding that great bowman
thus proceeding, all creatures, O Bharata, regarded Karna as already
slain by the high-souled Pandava. All the points of the compass, O king,
became serene. King-fishers and parrots and herons, O king, wheeled
around the son of Pandu. A large number of beautiful and auspicious
birds, O king, called Pung, causing Arjuna (by their timely appearance)
to put forth greater speed in battle, cheerfully uttered their cries
around him. Terrible Kankas and vultures, and cranes and hawks and
ravens, O king, tempted by the prospect of food, proceeded in advance of
his car, and indicated auspicious omens foreboding the destruction of the
hostile host and the slaughter of Karna. And while Partha proceeded, a
copious perspiration covered his body. His anxiety also became very great
as to how he would achieve his vow. The slayer of Madhu then, beholding
Partha filled with anxiety as he proceeded, addressed the wielder of
Gandiva and said these words.

"'Vasudeva said, "O wielder of Gandiva, save you there exists no other
man that could vanquish those whom you hast vanquished with this bow of
thine. We have seen many heroes, who, endued with prowess like that
Sakra, have attained to the highest regions, encountering your heroic self
in battle! Who else, O puissant one, that is not equal to thee, would be
safe and sound after encountering Drona and Bhishma and Bhagadatta, O
sire, and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti and Sudakshina, the chief of the
Kambojas and Srutayudha of mighty energy and Acyutayudha as well? Thou
hast celestial weapons, and lightness of hand and might, and you art
never stupefied in battle! Thou hast also that humility which is due to
knowledge! Thou canst strike with effect! Thou hast sureness of aim, and
presence of mind as regards the selection of means, O Arjuna! Thou art
competent to destroy all mobile and immobile creatures including the very
gods with the Gandharvas! On earth, O Partha, there is no human warrior
who is equal to you in battle. Amongst all Kshatriyas, invincible in
battle, that wield the bow, amongst the very gods, I have not seen or
heard of even one that is equal to thee. The Creator of all beings, viz.,
Brahma himself created the great bow Gandiva with which you fightest, O
Partha! For this reason there is no one that is equal to thee. I must,
however, O son of Pandu, say that which is beneficial to thee. Do not. O
mighty-armed one, disregard Karna, that ornament of battle! Karna is
possessed of might. He is proud and accomplished in weapons. He is a
maharatha. He is accomplished (in the ways of battle) and conversant with
all modes of warfare. He is also well-acquainted with all that suits
place and time. What need is there of saying much? Hear in brief, O son
of Pandu! I regard the mighty car-warrior Karna as your equal, or perhaps,
thy superior! With the greatest care and resolution shouldst you slay
him in great battle. In energy he is equal to Agni. As regards speed, he
is equal to the impetuosity of the wind. In wrath, he resembles the
Destroyer himself. Endued with might, he resembles a lion in the
formation of his body. He is eight ratnis in stature. His arms are large.
His chest is broad. He is invincible. He is sensitive. He is a hero. He
is, again, the foremost of heroes. He is exceedingly handsome. Possessed
of every accomplishment of a warrior, he is a dispeller of the fears of
friends. Engaged in the good of Dhritarashtra's son, he always hates the
sons of Pandu. No one, not even the gods with Vasava at their head, can
slay the son of Radha, save thee, as I think. Slay, therefore, the Suta's
son today. No one possessed of flesh and blood, not even the gods
fighting with great care, not all the warriors (of the three worlds)
fighting together can vanquish that car-warrior. Towards the Pandavas he
is always of wicked soul and sinful behaviour, and cruel, and of wicked
intelligence. In his quarrel with the sons of Pandu, he is actuated by no
consideration affecting his own interests. Slaying that Karna, therefore,
fulfill your purpose today. Despatch today unto Yama's presence that
Suta's son, that foremost of car-warriors, whose death is near. Indeed,
slaying that Suta's son, that first of car-warriors, show the love for
Yudhishthira the just. I know your prowess truly, O Partha, which is
incapable of being resisted by the gods and Asuras. The Suta's son of
wicked soul, from exceeding pride, always disregards the sons of Pandu. O
Dhananjaya, slay that man today for whose sake the wretched Duryodhana
regardeth himself a hero, that root of all (those) sinful persons, that
son of a Suta. Slay, O Dhananjaya, that tiger among men, that active and
proud Karna, who hath a sword for his tongue, a bow for his mouth, and
arrows for his teeth. I know you well as regards the energy and the
might that are in thee. Slay the brave Karna in battle, like a lion
slaying an elephant. Slay in battle today, O Partha, that Karna,
otherwise called Vaikartana, in consequence of whose energy
Dhritarashtra's son disregards thine.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 72 ---------------------