"Sanjaya said, 'After the slaughter of Duhshasana, O king, ten of thy
sons, heroes that never retreated from battle, all of whom were great
car-warriors, endued with mighty energy, and filled with the poison of
wrath, shrouded Bhima with their shafts. Nishangin, and Kavachin, and
Pasin and Dundadhara and Dhanurgraha, and Alolupa, and Saha, and Shanda,
and Vatavega and Suvarchasas, these ten, afflicted at the slaughter of
their brother, united together and checked the mighty-armed Bhimasena
with their shafts. Resisted on all sides with their shafts by those great
car-warriors, Bhima, with eyes red as fire with fury, looked resplendent
like the Destroyer himself in rage. Partha, however, with ten
broad-headed shafts of great impetuosity, equipped with golden wings,
despatched to Yama's abode those ten Bharata princes decked with golden
bracelets. Upon the fall of those ten heroes, your army fled away in the
very sight of the Suta's son, overwhelmed with the fear of the Pandavas.
Then, O king, great fear entered the heart of Karna at sight of Bhima's
prowess which resembled that of the Destroyer himself unto living
creatures. Then Shalya, that ornament of assemblies, understanding the
state of Karna's mind from a survey of his features, addressed that
chastiser of foes in words suited to the hour, "Do not be grieved, O son
of Radha! This deed does not become thee. Afflicted with the fear of
Bhimasena, these kings are all flying away. Exceedingly pained by the
calamity that has befallen his brother Duhshasana in consequence of his
blood having been quaffed by the high-souled Bhima, Duryodhana is
stupefied! Kripa and others, and those of the king's brothers that are
still alive, with afflicted hearts, their rage quelled by sorrow, are
tending Duryodhana, sitting around him. Those heroes, the Pandavas of
sure aim, headed by Dhananjaya, are advancing against you for battle.
For these reasons, O tiger among men, mustering all your prowess and
keeping the duties of a Kshatriya before your eyes, proceed against
Dhananjaya. The entire burthen (of this battle) has been placed upon thee
by the son of Dhritarashtra. O you of mighty arms, bear that burthen to
the best of your power and might. In victory there will be great fame. In
defeat, heaven is certain. There, O son of Radha, your son, Vrishasena,
filled with wrath at sight of the stupefaction that has overwhelmed thee,
is rushing towards the Pandavas." Hearing these words of Shalya of
immeasurable energy, Karna, reflecting, concluded unalterably that
fighting had become unavoidable. Then Vrishasena, filled with wrath, and
riding upon his own car, rushed towards that son of Pandu, viz.,
Vrikodara, who, armed with his mace, resembled the Destroyer himself with
his fatal rod and was employed in slaughtering your troops. That foremost
of heroes, Nakula, filled with wrath, rushed at that enemy of theirs,
Karna's son, striking him with arrows, like the victorious Maghavat with
joyous heart rushing against (the Asura) Jambha. Then the brave Nakula,
with a razor-headed shaft, cut off his enemy's standard decked with gems.
With a broad-headed arrow, he next cut off the bow also of Karna's son,
with a golden belt attached to it. Possessed of mighty weapons, Karna's
son then, desirous of showing his regard for Duhshasana, quickly took up
another bow, and pierced Nakula, the son of Pandu with many mighty
celestial weapons. The high-souled Nakula, then, filled with rage,
pierced his antagonist with shafts that resembled large blazing brands.
At this Karna's son also, accomplished in weapons, showered celestial
weapon upon Nakula. From rage engendered by the strokes of his enemy's
weapon, as also from his own resplendence and the energy of his weapons,
the son of Karna blazed up like a fire with libations of clarified
butter. Indeed, O king, Karna's son then slew with his excellent weapons
the beautiful steeds of the delicate Nakula, that were of the Vanayu
breed, white in hue, and decked with trappings of gold. Alighting then
from his steedless vehicle, and taking up a bright shield decked with
golden moons, and armed also with a sword that was blue as the sky,
Nakula, frequently jumping up, careered there like a bird. Performing
diverse beautiful evolutions in the air, the son of Pandu cut off many
foremost of men and steeds and elephants. Cut off with that sword, they
fell down on the earth like animals cut off in a Ashvamedha-Yajna by the
person appointed to that duty. 2,000 well-trained heroes, delighting in
battle, hailing from diverse realms, well-paid, of sure aim, and their
limbs smeared with excellent sandal-paste, were quickly cut off by the
single-handed Nakula inspired with desire of victory. Then Karna's son,
suddenly advancing with great speed against the rushing Nakula in that
battle pierced him from every side with many keen arrows from desire of
slaying him. Thus struck with shafts (by Vrishasena), Nakula struck his
brave antagonist in return. Pierced by the son of Pandu, Vrishasena
became filled with wrath. Protected, however, in that dreadful battle, by
his brother Bhima, the high-souled Nakula achieved such terrible feats on
that occasion. Filled with rage, the son of Karna then pierced with
eighteen shafts the heroic Nakula who seemed to sport in that battle,
while employed, unaided, in destroying the foremost of men and steeds and
elephants. Deeply pierced by Vrishasena in that battle, O king, Pandu's
son Nakula, that foremost of men, endued with great activity, became
filled with rage and rushed in that encounter against the son of Karna
from desire of slaying him. Then Vrishasena poured showers of keen shafts
upon Nakula of great energy as the latter precipitately advanced against
him in that battle like a hawk with outstretched wings from desire of
meat. Baffling, however, his antagonist's showers of shafts, Nakula
careered in diverse beautiful motions. Then Karna's son, O king, in that
dreadful battle, cut off, with his mighty shafts, the shield, decked with
a 1,000 stars, of Nakula, while he was careering with great activity in
those beautiful motions. Without losing a moment, that resister of foes,
(Vrishasena), with half a dozen sharp razor-headed shafts, then cut off
that naked sword of Nakula, polished and keen-edged, made of steel,
capable of bearing a great strain and of destroying the bodies of all
foes, and terrible and fierce as the poison of the snake, while he was
whirling it rapidly. After this, Vrishasena deeply pierced his antagonist
in the centre of his chest with some well-tempered and keen shafts.
Having achieved those feats in battle that were applauded by all noble
persons and that could not be achieved by other men, the high-souled
Nakula of great activity, afflicted with those shafts, proceeded to the
car, O king, of Bhimasena. The steedless son of Madri, thus afflicted by
Karna's son, sprang upon Bhima's car like a lion springing upon a
mountain summit, in the sight of Dhananjaya. The high-souled and heroic
Vrishasena then, filled with wrath, poured his arrowy showers upon those
two mighty car-warriors for piercing those two sons of Pandu. After the
destruction of that car belonging to the son of Pandu (Nakula), and after
his sword also had been speedily cut off with (Vrishasena's) shafts; many
other foremost of Kuru heroes, uniting together, approached the Pandava
brothers, and began to strike them with showers of shafts. Then those two
sons of Pandu, Bhima and Arjuna, filled with wrath, and resembling two
fires fed with libations of clarified butter, poured terrible showers of
arrows upon Vrishasena and the other assembled warriors around him. The
son of the Wind-god then, addressing Phalguna, said, "Behold, Nakula here
is being afflicted. The son of Karna is resisting us. Proceed, therefore,
against Karna's son." Hearing these words, the diadem-decked (Arjuna)
approached the car of his brother Vrikodara. Beholding that hero arrived
near, Nakula addressed him, saying, "Do you speedily slay this one."
Thus addressed in that battle by his brother, Nakula, standing before
him, the diadem-decked Arjuna, that formidable hero, precipitately caused
his ape-bannered vehicle, guided by Keshava himself, to be driven towards
--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 84 ---------------------