Sunday, December 7, 2014

Parva 08 013


"Sanjaya said, 'Then the mighty and heroic bowman Karna began to smite
the Pandava army in that battle, with his straight shafts. Similarly,
those great car-warriors, viz., the Pandavas, O king, filled with wrath,
began to smite the army of your son in the very sight of Karna. Karna
also, O king, in that battle slew the Pandava army with his cloth-yard
shafts bright as the rays of the Sun and polished by the hands of the
smith. There, O Bharata, the elephants, struck by Karna with his shafts,
uttered loud cries, lost strength, became faint, and wandered on all
sides. While the army was being thus destroyed by the Suta's son, Nakula
rushed with speed against that mighty car-warrior. And Bhimasena rushed
against Drona's son who was engaged in the accomplishment of the most
difficult feats. Satyaki checked the Kaikaya princes Vinda and Anuvinda.
King Citrasena rushed against the advancing Srutakarman; and Prativindhya
against Citra owning a beautiful standard and a beautiful bow. Duryodhana
rushed against king Yudhishthira the son of Dharma; while Dhananjaya
rushed against the angry throngs of the samsaptakas. In that slaughter of
great heroes, Dhrishtadyumna proceeded against Kripa. The invincible
Shikhandi closed with Kritavarma. Srutakirti encountered Shalya, and
Madri's son, the valiant Sahadeva, O king, encountered your son
Duhshasana. The two Kaikaya princes, in that battle, shrouded Satyaki
with a shower of blazing arrows, and the latter also, O Bharata, shrouded
the two Kaikaya brothers. Those two heroic brothers deeply struck Satyaki
in the chest like two elephants striking with their tusks a hostile
compeer in the forest. Indeed, O king, those two brothers, in that
battle, their own vitals pierced with shafts, pierced Satyaki of true
deeds with their shafts. Satyaki, however, O great king, covering all the
points of the compass with a shower of arrows and smiling the while,
checked the two brothers, O Bharata. Checked by those showers of arrows
shot by the grandson of Sini, the two brothers speedily shrouded the car
of Sini's grandson with their shafts. Cutting off their beautiful bows,
Saurin of great fame checked them both with his keen arrows in that
battle. Taking up two other beautiful bows, and a number of powerful
shafts, the two began to cover Satyaki and career with great activity and
skill. Shot by the two brothers, those mighty shafts equipped with the
feathers of the Kanka and the peacock and decked with gold, began to
fall, illumining all the points of the compass. In that dreadful battle
between them, O king, the arrows they shot caused a darkness there. Those
mighty car-warriors then cut off each other's bows. Then the invincible
Satwata, O king, filled with rage, took up another bow in that battle,
and stringing it, cut off Anuvinda's head with a keen razor-headed shaft.
Decked with earrings, that large head, O king, fell like the head of
Samvara slain in the great battle (of old). And it reached the Earth in
no time, filling all the Kaikayas with grief. Beholding that brave
warrior slain, his brother, the mighty car-warrior Vinda, stringing
another bow began to resist the grandson of Sini from every side.
Piercing with sixty arrows equipped with wings of gold and whetted on
stone, he uttered a loud shout and said, "Wait, Wait!" Then that mighty
car-warrior of the Kaikayas speedily struck Satyaki with many thousands
of shafts in his arms and chest. All his limbs wounded with arrows,
Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, looked resplendent in
that battle, O king, like a flowering Kinsuka. Pierced by the high-souled
Kaikaya in that encounter, Satyaki, with the greatest ease, pierced the
Kaikaya (in return) with five and twenty arrows. Then those two foremost
of car-warriors, having each cut off the other's handsome bow in that
encounter, and having each quickly slain the other's driver and steeds
approached each other on foot for a fight with swords. Both endued with
massive arms, they looked resplendent on that extensive arena, each
having taken up a shield decked with a hundred moons, and each armed with
an excellent sword, like Jambha and Sakra, both endued with great might,
in the battle between the gods and the Asuras (of old). Both of them, in
that great battle, then began to career in circles. And then they
speedily encountered each other in battle, each approaching the other
near. And each of them made great efforts for the destruction of the
other. Then Satwata cut in twain the shield of Kaikeya. The latter also,
O king, cut in twain the shield of Satyaki. Having cut off his
antagonist's shield covered with centuries of stars, Kaikeya began to
career in circles, advancing and receding (at times). Then the grandson
of Sini, endued with great activity, cut off by a sidestroke the prince
of the Kaikeyas thus careering in that great arena armed with excellent
sword. Cased in armour that great bowman, viz., the Kaikeya prince, O
king, thus cut off in twain in that great battle, fell down like a hill
riven with thunder. Having slain him in battle that foremost of
car-warriors that scorcher of foes, viz., the brave grandson of Sini
quickly got upon the car of Yudhamanyu. Afterwards riding upon another
car duly equipped (with everything), Satyaki began to slay with his
shafts the large force of the Kaikeyas. The vast army of the Kaikeyas,
thus slaughtered in battle, leaving that foe of theirs fled away on all

--------------------END OF PARVA 8 : UPA-PARVA 13 ---------------------