"Narada then said, 'This one is the charioteer of the name of Matali. He
is besides a dear friend of Sakra. Pure in conduct, he hath an excellent
disposition and possesses numerous virtues. Endued with strength of mind,
he hath great energy and great might. He is the friend, counsellor, and
charioteer of Sakra. It has been seen in every battle that small is the
difference that exists between him and Vasava as regards prowess and
strength. In all the battles between the gods and Asuras, it is this
Matali that driveth, by his mind alone, that ever-victorious and best of
cars belonging to Indra, which is drawn by thousand steeds. Vanquished by
his management of the steeds, the enemies of the gods are subjugated by
Vasava by the use of his hands. Defeated before-hand by Matali, the
Asuras are subsequently slain by Indra. Matali hath an excellent
daughter, who in beauty is unrivalled in the world. Truthful and
possessed of every accomplishment, she is known by the name of Gunakesi.
He was searching the three worlds for an eligible bridegroom. O you that
art possessed of the splendour of a celestial, your grandson, Sumukha,
hath become acceptable to him as a husband for his daughter. If O best of
serpents, his proposal be acceptable to thee, quickly make up your mind, O
Aryaka, to take his daughter in gift for your grandson. As Lakshmi in
Vishnu's house, or Swaha in that of Agni so let the slender-waisted
Gunakesi be a wife in your race. Let Gunakesi, therefore be accepted by
thee for your grandson, like Sachi for Vasava who deserveth her. Although
this youth hath lost his father, yet we choose him for his virtues, and
for the respectability of Airavata and your own. Indeed, it is in
consequence of Sumukha's merits, his disposition, purity, self-restraint
and other qualifications that Matali hath become himself desirous of
giving away his daughter unto him. It behoveth thee, therefore, to honour
"Kanwa continued, 'Thus addressed by Narada, Aryaka beholding his
grandson elected as a bridegroom and remembering the death of his son was
filled with delight and sorrow at the same time. And he then addressed
Narada and said, 'How, O celestial Rishi, can I desire Gunakesi for a
daughter-in-law'! It cannot be, O great Rishi, that your words are not
highly honoured by me, for who is there that would not desire an alliance
with the friend of Indra? I hesitate, however, O great Muni, in
consequence of the instability of the very cause that would not make that
alliance lasting. O you of great effulgence, the author of this youth,
viz., my son, hath been devoured by Garuda. We are afflicted with sorrow
on that account. But worse still, O lord, Vinata's son, at the time of
leaving these regions, said, 'After a month I will devour this Sumukha
also. Surely, it will happen as he hath said, for we know with whom we
have to deal. At these words, therefore, of Suparna we have become
"Kanwa continued, 'Matali then said unto Aryaka, 'I have formed a plan.
This your grandson is elected by me as my son-in-law. Let this Naga then,
proceeding with me and Narada, come to the Lord of heaven the chief of
the celestials, O best of Nagas. I shall then endeavour to place
obstacles in the way of Suparna, and as a last resource, we will
ascertain the period of life that hath been vouchsafed to Sumukha.
Blessed be thou, O Naga, let Sumukha, therefore, come with me to the
presence of the Lord of the celestials.' Saying this, they took Sumukha
with them, and all the four, endued with great splendour, coming to
heaven beheld Sakra the chief of the gods seated in all his glory. And it
so happened that the illustrious Vishnu of four arms was also present
there. Narada then represented the whole story about Matali and his
"Kanwa continued, 'Hearing all that Narada said, Vishnu directed
Purandara, the Lord of the universe, saying, 'Let Amrita be given to this
youth, and let him be made immortal like gods themselves. Let Matali, and
Narada, and Sumukha, O Vasava, all attain their cherished wish through
thy grace.' Purandara, however, reflecting on the prowess of Vinata's
son, said unto Vishnu, 'Let Amrita be given unto him by thee.' Thus
addressed, Vishnu said, 'Thou are the Lord of all mobile and immobile
creatures. Who is there, O lord, that would refuse a gift that may be
made by thee'?' At these words Sakra gave unto that Naga length of days.
The slayer of Vala and Vritra did not make him a drinker of Amrita.
Sumukha, having obtained that boon, became Sumukha[11] (in reality) for
his face was suffused with marks of joy. And having married Matali's
daughter, he cheerfully returned home. And Narada and Aryaka also filled
with delight at the success of their object, went away, after having
worshipped the glorious chief of the celestials.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 104 ---------------------