Monday, September 15, 2014

Parva 05 189


"Rama said, 'O damsel, in the very sight of all these persons, I have
fought according to the best of my power and displayed my prowess! By
using even the very best of weapons I have not been able to obtain any
advantage over Bhishma, that foremost of all wielders of weapons! I have
exerted now to the best of my power and might. O beautiful lady, go
withersoever you wishest! What other business of yours can I accomplish?
Seek the protection of Bhishma himself! Thou hast no other refuge now!
Shooting mighty weapons Bhishma hath vanquished me!' Having said this,
the high-souled Rama sighed and remained silent. That maiden then
addressed him, saying, 'O holy one, it is even so as your holy self hath
said! This Bhishma of great intelligence is incapable of being vanquished
in battle by even the gods! Thou hast done my business to the best of thy
exertion and power. Thou hast displayed in this battle energy incapable
of being baffled and weapons also of diverse kinds. Thou hast yet been
unable to obtain any advantage over Bhishma in combat. As regards myself,
I will not go a second time to Bhishma. I will, however, O perpetuator of
Bhrigu's race, go thither, O you endued with wealth of asceticism, where
I may (obtain the means to) myself slay Bhishma in battle!' Having said
the words, that maiden went away, with eyes agitated with wrath, and
thinking to compass my death, she firmly resolved to devote herself to
asceticism. Then that foremost one of Bhrigu's race, accompanied by those
ascetics, bidding me farewell, departed, O Bharata, for the mountains
whence he had come. I also, ascending my car, and praised by the
Brahmanas, entered our city and represented, everything unto my mother
Satyavati, everything that had transpired, and she, O great king, uttered
benedictions on me. I then appointed persons endued with intelligence to
ascertain the doings of that maiden. Devoted to the good of myself--their
well-wisher, those spies of mine, with great application brought to me
accounts of her course of action, her words and actions, from day to day.
When that maiden went to the woods, resolved on ascetic austerities, even
then I became melancholy, and afflicted with pain, I lost my heart's
tenor. Except one acquainted with Brahma and observant of vows, that are
praiseworthy owing to the austerities they involve, no Kshatriya hath
ever by his prowess, vanquished me in battle! I then, O king, humbly
represented to Narada as also to Vyasa all that the maiden did. They both
told me, 'O Bhishma, do not give way to sorrow on account of the daughter
of Kasi. Who is there that would venture to baffle destiny by individual
exertion?' Meanwhile, O great king, that maiden, entering a cluster of
retreats practised austerities, that were beyond human powers (of
endurance). Without food, emaciated, dry, with matted-locks and begrimed
with filth, for six months she lived on air only, and stood unmoved like
a street-post. And that lady, possessed of wealth of asceticism,
foregoing all food in consequence of the fast she kept, passed a whole
year after this, standing in the waters of the Yamuna. Endued with great
wrath, she passed the next whole year standing on her front toes and
having eaten only one fallen leaf (of a tree). And thus for twelve years,
she made the heavens hot by her austerities. And though dissuaded by her
relatives, she could not by any means be weaned off (from that course of
action). She then went unto Vatsabhumi resorted to by the Siddhas and
Charanas, and which was the retreat of high-souled ascetics of pious
deeds. Bathing frequently in the sacred waters of that retreat, the
princess of Kasi roamed about according to her will. Proceeding next (one
after another) to the asylum, O king, of Narada, and to the auspicious
asylum of Uluka and to that of Chyavana, and to the spot sacred to
Brahmana, and to Prayaga the sacrificial platform of the gods, and to
that forest sacred to the gods, and to Bhogawati, and, O monarch, to the
asylum of Kusika's son (Viswamitra), and to the asylum of Mandavya, and
also to the asylum of Dwilipa, and to Ramhrada, and, O Kaurava, to the
asylum of Garga, the princess of Kasi, O king, performed ablutions in the
sacred waters of all these, observing all the while the most difficult of
vows. One day, my mother from the waters asked her, O Kauravya, saying,
'O blessed lady, for what dost you afflict thyself so? Tell me the
truth!' Thus asked, O monarch, that faultless damsel answered her with
joined hands, saying, 'O you of handsome eyes, Rama hath been vanquished
in battle by Bhishma. What other (Kshatriya) king then would venture to
defeat the latter when ready with his weapons? As regards myself, I am
practising the severest penances for the destruction of Bhishma. I wander
over the earth, O goddess, so that I may slay that king! In every thing I
do, O goddess, even this is the great end of my vows!' Hearing these
words of hers, the Ocean-going (river Ganga) replied unto her, saying, 'O
lady, you are acting crookedly! O weak girl, this wish of yours thou
shalt not be able to achieve, O faultless one? if, O princess of Kasi,
thou observest these vows for destruction of Bhishma, and if you takest
leave of your body while observing them, you shalt (in your next birth)
become a river, crooked in her course and of water only during the rains!
All the bathing places along your course will be difficult of approach,
and filled only during the rains, you shalt be dry for eight months
(during the year)! Full of terrible alligators, and creatures of
frightful mien you shalt inspire fear in all creatures! Addressing her
thus, O king, my mother, that highly-blessed lady, in seeming smiles,
dismissed the princess of Kasi. That highly fair damsel then once more
began to practise vows, foregoing all food, aye, even water, sometimes
for eight months and sometimes for ten months! And the daughter of the
king of Kasi, wandering hither and thither for her passionate desire of
tirthas, once more came back, O Kauravya, to Vatsabhumi. And it is there,
O Bharata, that she is known to have become a river, filled only during
the rainy seasons, abounding with crocodiles, crooked in her course, and
destitute of easy access to her water. And, O king, in consequence of her
ascetic merit only half her body became such a river in Vatsabhumi, while
with the other half, she remained a maiden as before!'

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 189 ---------------------