"Vasudeva said, 'After Gandhari had said this, that ruler of men,
Dhritarashtra, then said these words to Duryodhana in the midst of the
(assembled) monarchs, 'O Duryodhana, listen, O son, to what I say, and
blessed be thou; do that if you hast any respect for your father. The
lord of creatures, Soma, was the original progenitor of the Kuru race.
Sixth in descent from Soma, was Yayati, the son of Nahusha. Yayati had
five best of royal sages as his sons. Amongst them, lord Yadu of mighty
energy was the eldest-born. Younger to Yadu was Puru, who, as our
progenitor, brought forth by Sarmistha the daughter of Vrishaparvan.
Yadu, O best of the Bharatas, was born of Devayani and, therefore, O
sire, was the daughter's son of Sukra, otherwise called Kavya, of
immeasurable energy. Endued with great strength and prowess, that
progenitor of the Yadavas, filled with pride and possessed of wicked
understanding, humiliated all the Kshatriyas. Intoxicated with pride of
strength, he obeyed not the injunctions of his father. Invincible in
battle, he insulted his father and brother. On this earth girt on four
sides by the sea, Yadu became all-powerful, and reducing all to
subjection, he established himself in this city called after the
elephant. His father Yayati, the son of Nahusha, enraged with him, cursed
that son of his, and, O son of Gandhari, even expelled him from the
kingdom. Angry Yayati also cursed those brothers of Yadu who were
obedient to that eldest brother of theirs, who was so proud of his
strength. And having cursed his these sons, that best of kings placed on
his throne his youngest son Puru who was docile and obedient to him. Thus
even the eldest son may be passed over and deprived of the kingdom, and
younger sons may, in consequence of their respectful behaviour to the
aged, obtain the kingdom. So also, conversant with every virtue there was
my father's grandfather, king Pratipa, who was celebrated over the three
worlds. Unto that lion among kings, who ruled his kingdom virtuously were
born three sons of great fame and resembling three gods. Of them, Devapi
was the eldest, Vahlika the next and Santanu of great intelligence, who,
O sire, was my grandfather, was the youngest. Devapi, endued with great
energy, was virtuous, truthful in speech, and ever engaged in waiting
upon his father. But that best of kings had a skin-disease. Popular with
both the citizens and the subjects of the provinces, respected by the
good, and dearly loved by the young and the old, Devapi was liberal
firmly adhering to truth, engaged in the good of all creatures, and
obedient to the instructions of his father as also of the Brahmanas. He
was dearly loved by his brother Vahlika as also the high-souled Santanu.
Great, indeed, was the brotherly love that prevailed between him and his
high-souled brothers. In course of time, the old and best of kings,
Pratipa, caused all preparations to be made according to the scriptures
for the installation of Devapi (on the throne). Indeed, the lord Pratipa
caused every auspicious preparation. The installation of Devapi, however,
was forbidden by the Brahmanas and all aged persons amongst the citizens
and the inhabitants of the provinces. Hearing that the installation of
his son was forbidden, the voice of the old king became choked with tears
and he began to grieve for his son. Thus, though Devapi was liberal,
virtuous, devoted to truth, and loved by the subjects, yet in consequence
of his skin-disease, he was excluded from his inheritance. The gods do
not approve of a king that is defective of a limb. Thinking of this,
those bulls among Brahmanas forbade king Pratipa to install his eldest
son. Devapi then, who was defective of one limb, beholding the king (his
father) prevented (from installing him on the throne) and filled with
sorrow on his account, retired into the woods. As regards Vahlika,
abandoning his (paternal) kingdom he dwelt with his maternal uncle.
Abandoning his father and brother, he obtained the highly wealthy kingdom
of his maternal grandfather. With Vahlika's permission, O prince, Santanu
of world-wide fame, on the death of his father (Pratipa), became king and
ruled the kingdom. In this way also, O Bharata, though I am the eldest,
yet being defective of a limb, I was excluded from the kingdom by
intelligent Pandu, no doubt, after much reflection. And Pandu himself,
though younger to me in age, obtained the kingdom and became king. At his
death, O chastiser of foes, that kingdom must pass to his sons. When I
could not obtain the kingdom, how canst you covet it? Thou are not the
son of a king, and, therefore, hast no right to this kingdom. Thou,
however, desirest to appropriate the property of others. High-souled
Yudhishthira is the son of a king. This kingdom is lawfully his. Of
magnanimous soul, even he is the ruler and lord of this race of Kuru. He
is devoted to truth, of clear perception, obedient to the counsels of
friends, honest, loved by the subjects, kind to all well-wishers, master
of his passions, and the chastiser of all that are not good. Forgiveness,
renunciation, self-control, knowledge of the scriptures, mercy to all
creatures, competence to rule according to the dictates of virtue, of all
these attributes of royalty exist in Yudhishthira. Thou are not the son
of a king, and are always sinfully inclined towards your relatives. O
wretch, how canst you succeed in appropriating this kingdom that
lawfully belongeth to others? Dispelling this delusion, give half the
kingdom with (a share of the) animals and other possessions. Then, O
king, mayest you hope to live for some time with your younger brothers.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 149 ---------------------