Friday, September 5, 2014

Parva 05 119


"Narada said, 'Seeing Galava, Vinata's son smilingly addressed him,
saying, 'By good luck it is, O Brahmana, that I behold you successful.'
Galava, however, hearing the words spoken by Garuda informed him that a
fourth part of the task was still un-finished.' Garuda then, that
foremost of all speakers, said unto Galava, 'Do not make any endeavour
(to obtain the remaining two hundred), for it will not succeed. In days
of yore, Richika sought at Kanyakuyja Gadhi's daughter, Satyavati, for
making her his wife.' Thereupon Gadhi, O Galava, addressing the Rishi,
said, 'O holy one, let a thousand steeds of lunar brightness, each with
one ear black of hue, be presented to me.' Thus requested, Richika said,
'So be it'. And then wending his way to the great mart of steeds
(Aswatirtha) in Varuna's abode, the Rishi obtained what he sought and
gave them unto the king. Performing a sacrifice then of the name of
Pundarika, that monarch gave away those steeds (as Dakshina) unto the
Brahmanas. The three kings to whom you had applied had purchased those
horses from the Brahmanas, each to the number of two hundred. The
remaining four hundred, O best of Brahmanas, while being transported over
the river, were taken by the Vitasta.[17]Therefore, O Galava, you canst
never have that which is not to be had. Do you then, O virtuous one,
present unto Viswamitra this maiden as an equivalent for two hundred
steeds, along with the six hundred you hast already obtained. Thou wilt
then, O best of Brahmanas, be freed from your grief and crowned with
success. Galava then, saying, 'So be it,' and taking with him both the
maiden and the steeds, went with Garuda in his company unto Viswamitra.
And arrived in his presence, Galava said, 'Here are six hundred steeds of
the kind demanded by thee. And this maiden is offered as an equivalent
for the remaining two hundred. Let all these be accepted by thee. Upon
this maiden have been begotten three virtuous sons by three royal sages.
Let a fourth, foremost of all, be begotten upon her by thee. And thus let
the number of steeds, eight hundred, be regarded by you as full, and let
me also, being freed from your debt, go and practise ascetic penances as I
list.' Viswamitra then, beholding Galava in the company of the bird, and
that highly beautiful maiden, said, 'Why, O Galava, didst you not give
me this maiden before? Four sons then, sanctifiers of my race, would all
have been mine alone. I accept this maiden of yours for begetting upon
her one son. As regards the steeds, let them graze in my asylum.' Saying
this, Viswamitra of great effulgence began to pass his time happily with
her, And Madhavi bore him a son of the name of Ashtaka. And as soon as
that son was born, the great Muni Viswamitra addressed him to both virtue
and profit, and gave him those six hundred steeds. Ashtaka then went to a
city, bright as the city of Soma. And Kusika's son Viswamitra also having
made over the damsel to his disciple, himself went into the Woods. And
Galava also, with his friend Suparna, having in this way succeeded in
giving his preceptor the fee he had demanded, with a cheerful heart
addressed that maiden and said, 'Thou hast borne a son who is exceedingly
charitable, and another who is exceedingly brave, and a third who is
devoted to truth and righteousness, and yet another who is a performer of
great sacrifices. O beautiful maiden, you hast, by these sons, saved not
only your father, but four kings and myself, also. Go now, O you of
slender waist.' Saying this, Galava dismissed Garuda that devourer of
snakes, and returning the maiden unto her father himself went into the

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 119 ---------------------