Monday, September 15, 2014

Parva 05 157


"Vaisampayana said, Dhritarashtra's son, accompanied by all the kings,
then addressed Bhishma, son of Santanu, and with joined hands said these
words, 'Without a commander, even a mighty army is routed in battle like
a swarm of ants. The intelligence of two persons can never agree.
Different commanders, again, are jealous of one another as regards their
prowess. O you of great wisdom, it is heard (by us) that (once on a
time) the Brahmanas, raising a standard of Kusa grass, encountered in
battle the Kshatriyas of the Haihaya clan endued with immeasurable
energy. O grandsire, the Vaisyas and the Sudras followed the Brahmanas,
so that all the three orders were on one side, while those bulls among
the Kshatriyas were alone on the other. In the battles, however, that
ensued, the three orders repeatedly broke, while the Kshatriyas, though
alone, vanquished large army that was opposed to them. Then those best of
Brahmanas enquired of the Kshatriyas themselves (as to the cause of
this). O grandsire, those that were virtuous among the Kshatriyas
returned the true answer to the enquirers, saying, 'In battle we obey the
orders of one person endued with great intelligence, while the are
disunited from one another and act according to your individual
understanding.' The Brahmanas then appointed one amongst themselves as
their commander, who was brave and conversant with the ways of policy.
And they then succeeded in vanquishing the Kshatriyas. Thus people always
conquer their foes in battle who appoint a skilled, brave, and sinless
commander, observing the good of the forces under him. As regards thee,
thou are equal to Usanas himself, and always seekest my good. Incapable
of being slain, you art, again devoted to virtue. Be thou, therefore,
our commander. Like the sun among all luminaries, like the moon unto all
delicious herbs, like Kuvera among the Yakshas, like Vasava among the
gods, like Meru among mountains, Suparna among the birds, Kumara among
the gods, Havyavaha among Vasus, you are amongst ourselves. Like the
gods protected by Sakra, ourselves, protected by thee, will assuredly
become invincible by the very gods. Like Agni's son (Kumara) at the head
of the gods, march you at our head, and let us follow you like calves
following the lead of a mighty bull.'

"Bhishma said, 'O mighty-armed one, it is even so, 'O Bharata, as thou
sayest. But the Pandavas are as dear to me as the yourselves. Therefore, O
king, I should certainly seek their good as well, although I shall
certainly fight for thee, having given you a pledge (before) to that
effect. I do not see the warrior on earth that is equal to me, except
that tiger among men, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti. Endued with great
intelligence, he is conversant with innumerable celestial weapons. That
son of Pandu, however, will never fight with me openly. With the power of
my weapons, I can, in a trice, destroy this universe consisting of gods,
Asuras, Rakshasas, and human beings. The sons of Pandu, however, O king,
are incapable of being exterminated by me. I shall, therefore, slay every
day ten thousand warriors. If, indeed, they do not slay me in battle
first, I will continue to slaughter their forces thus. There is another
understanding on which I may willingly become the commander of thy
forces. It behoveth you to listen to that. O lord of earth, either Karna
should fight first, or I will fight first. The Suta's son always boasts
of his prowess in battle, comparing it with mine.'

"Karna said, 'As long as Ganga's son liveth, O king, I shall never fight.
After Bhishma is slain, I shall fight with the wielder of Gandiva.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'After this, Dhritarashtra's son duly made
Bhishma the commander of his force, distributing large presents. And
after, his installation in the command, he blazed forth with beauty. And
at the king's behest, musicians cheerfully played upon drums and blew
conchs by hundreds and thousands. And numerous leonine roars were sent
forth and all the animals in the camp uttered their cries together. And
although the sky was cloudless, a bloody shower fell and made the ground
miry. And fierce whirl-winds, and earthquakes, and roars of elephants,
occurring, depressed the hearts of all the warriors. Incorporeal voices
and flashes of meteoric falls were heard and seen in the welkin. And
jackals, howling fiercely, foreboded great calamity. And, O monarch,
these and a hundred other kinds of fierce portents made their appearance
when the king installed Ganga's son in the command of his troops. And
after making Bhishma--that grinder of hostile hosts--his general, and
having also caused by abundant gifts of kine and gold to the Brahmanas to
pronounce benedictions on him, and glorified by those benedictions, and
surrounded by his troops, and with Ganga's son in the van, and
accompanied by his brothers, Duryodhana marched to Kurukshetra with his
large host. And the Kuru king, going over the plain with Karna in his
company, caused his camp to be measured out on a level part, O monarch,
of that plain. And the camp, pitched on a delightful and fertile spot
abounding with grass and fuel, shone like Hastinapura itself.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 157 ---------------------