Monday, September 15, 2014

Parva 05 155


"Vaisampayana said, 'Recollecting the words spoken by Vasudeva,
Yudhishthira once more addressed that scion of Vrishni's race, saying,
'How, O Kesava, could wicked Duryodhana say it? O you of unfading glory,
what should we do in view of the occasion that hath come? By acting in
what way may we keep on the track of our duty? Thou, O Vasudeva, art
acquainted with the views of Duryodhana, Karna, and Sakuni, the son of
Suvala. Thou knowest also what views are entertained by myself and my
brothers. Thou hast heard the words uttered by both Vidura and Bhishma. O
thou of great wisdom, you hast also heard in their entirety the words of
wisdom spoken by Kunti. Overlooking all these, tell us, O you of mighty
arms, after reflection, and without hesitation, what is for our good.'

"Hearing these words of king Yudhishthira the Just, that were fraught
with virtue and profit. Krishna replied, in a voice deep as that of the
clouds or cymbals, saying, 'Responding to his advantage and consistent
with both virtue and profit, those words that were uttered by me in the
Kuru court found no response in the Kuru prince Duryodhana with whom
deceit supplieth the place of wisdom. That wretch of wicked understanding
listeneth not in the least to the counsels of Bhishma or Vidura or mine.
He transgresseth everybody. He wisheth not to earn virtue, nor doth he
wish for fame. That wicked-souled wight, relying upon Karna, regardeth
everything as already won. Indeed, Suyodhana of wicked heart and sinful
in his resolves, even ordered my incarceration but he did not, however,
obtain the fruition of that wish. Neither Bhishma nor Drona said anything
on that subject. Indeed, all of them follow Duryodhana, except Vidura, O
thou of unfading glory, Sakuni, the son of Suvala, and Karna, and
Dussasana, all equally foolish, gave foolish and vindictive Duryodhana
much improper advice regarding thee. Indeed, what use is there in my
repeating to you all that the Kuru prince hath said? In brief, that
wicked-souled wight beareth no good will towards thee. Not even in all
these kings together, that form your army, is that measure of sinfulness
and wickedness which resideth in Duryodhana alone. As regards ourselves,
we do not desire to make peace with the Kauravas by abandoning our
property. War, therefore, is that which should now take place.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing these words uttered by Vasudeva, all
the kings (there present), O Bharata, without saying anything, looked at
Yudhishthira's face. And Yudhishthira, understanding the intention of
those monarchs, said, with Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, 'Draw up the
troops in battle array.' And the word of command having been passed, a
great uproar rose amongst the Pandava army and all the soldiers were
filled with joy. King Yudhishthira the Just, however, beholding the
(impending) slaughter of those that deserved not to be slain, began to
sigh deeply, and addressing Bhimasena and Vijaya, said, 'That for the
sake of which I accepted an exile into the woods and for which I suffered
so much misery, that great calamity overtaketh us of a set purpose. That
for which we strove so much leaveth us as if on account of our very
striving. On the other hand, a great distress overtaketh us, although we
did nothing to invite it. How shall we fight with those reverend
superiors (of ours) whom we on no account can slay? What kind of victory
shall we achieve by slaying our preceptors of venerable age?'

"Hearing these words of king Yudhishthira the Just, Savyasachin repeated
to his elder brother all those words that Vasudeva had said. And
addressing Yudhishthira, Arjuna continued, 'Thou hast, O king, certainly
understood all the words spoken by Kunti and Vidura, that were repeated
to you by Devaki's son. I know it for certain that neither Vidura nor
Kunti would say anything that is sinful. Besides this, O son of Kunti, we
cannot withdraw without engaging in battle.'

"Hearing this speech of Savyasachin, Vasudeva also said unto Partha, 'It
is even so (as you hast said). The sons of Pandu then, O great king,
made up their minds for war, and passed that night with their soldiers in
great happiness.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 5 : UPA-PARVA 155 ---------------------