Friday, November 7, 2014

Parva 07 075


"Sanjaya said, 'Both Vasudeva and Dhananjaya, afflicted with sorrow and
grief and frequently sighing like two snakes, got no sleep that night.
Understanding that both Nara and Narayana were in rage, the gods with
Vasava became very anxious thinking, 'What will come of it?' Fierce
winds, that were again dry and foreboded danger, began to blow. And a
headless trunk and a mace appeared on the disc of the sun. And although
it was cloudless, frequent thunders were heard, of loud report, mixed
with flashes of lightning. The earth with her mountains and waters and
forests, shook. The seas, those habitation of Makaras, swelled O king, in
agitation. The rivers ran in directions opposite to their usual course.
The nether and upper lips of car-warriors and steeds and men and
elephants began to tremble. And as if for gladdening the cannibals, on
that occasion foreboding a great accession of population to the domain of
Yama, the animals (on the field) began to eject urine and excreta, and
utter loud cries of woe. Beholding these fierce omens that made the hair
stand on end, and hearing also of the fierce vow of the mighty Arjuna,
all your warriors, O bull of Bharata's race became exceedingly agitated.
Then the mighty-armed son of Pakasasana said unto Krishna. 'Go, and
comfort your sister Subhadra with her daughter-in-law. And, O Madhava, let
also that daughter-in-law, and her companions, be comforted by thee; O
lord, comfort them with soothing words that are again fraught with
truth.' Thus addressed, Vasudeva, with a cheerless heart, wending to
Arjuna's abode, began to comfort his sorrowing sister afflicted with
grief on account of the death of her son.'

"Vasudeva said, 'O lady of Vrishni's race, do not grieve, with thy
daughter-in-law, for your son. G timid one, all creatures have but one end
ordained by Time. The end your son hath met with-that becometh a hero of
proud lineage, especially who is a Kshatriya. Do not, therefore, grieve.
By good luck it is that mighty car-warrior of great wisdom, of prowess
equal to that of his father, hath, after the Kshatriya custom, met with
an end that is coveted by heroes. Having vanquished numberless foes and
despatched them unto Yama's presence, he hath himself repaired to those
eternal regions, that grant the fruition of every wish, and that are for
the righteous. Thy son hath attained that end which the righteous attain
by penance, by Brahmacharya, by knowledge of the scriptures, and by
wisdom. The mother of a hero, the wife of a hero, the daughter of a hero,
and a kinsman of heroes, O amiable one, grieve not you for your son who
hath obtained the supreme end. The wretched ruler of the Sindhus, O
beautiful lady, that murderer of a child, that perpetrator of a sinful
act, shall, with his friends and kinsmen, obtain the fruit of this
arrogance of his on the expiry of this night. Even if he enters the abode
of Indra himself he will not escape from the hands of Partha. Tomorrow
thou shalt hear that the head of the Sindhus hath, in battle, been cut
off from his trunk to roll on the outskirts of Samantapanchaka! Dispel
thy sorrow, and do not grieve. Keeping the duties of a Kshatriya before
him, your brave son hath attained the end of the righteous, that end,
viz., which we here expect to obtain as also others that bear arms as a
profession. Of broad chest, mighty arms, unreturning, a crusher of
car-warriors, your son, O beautiful lady, hath gone to heaven. Drive away
this fever (of your heart). Obedient to his sires and maternal relations,
that heroic and mighty car-warriors of great prowess hath fallen a prey
to death, after having slain thousands of foes comfort
thy-daughter-in-law, O queen! Do not grieve too much, O Kshatriya lady!
Drive away your grief, O daughter, as you shalt hear such agreeable news
on the morrow. That which Partha hath vowed must be accomplished. It
cannot be otherwise. That which is sought to be done by your husband can
never remain unaccomplished. Even if all human beings and snakes and
Pisachas and all the wanderers of the night and birds, and all the gods
and the Asuras, help the ruler of the Sindhus on the field of battle; he
shall still, with them, cease to exist tomorrow.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 75 ---------------------