"Sanjaya said, 'Thus urged by Drona, king Duryodhana, filled with rage
set his heart on battle. And your son, Duryodhana, then said unto Karna,
'Behold, the diadem-decked son of Pandu, with Krishna alone for helpmate,
penetrated into the array formed by the preceptor, an array that the gods
themselves could not pierce, and in the very sight of the illustrious
Drona struggling in battle and of many other foremost of warriors, slew
the ruler of the Sindhus. Behold, O son of Radha, many foremost of kings
lying on the earth, slain in battle. Partha unaided by any one, in the
very sight of the illustrious Drona and myself, vigorously exerting
ourselves like a host of inferior animals-slain by a lion. The son of
Sakra hath reduced my host to a small remnant of what it was. How,
indeed, could Phalguna, in spite of the resistance offered by Drona in
battle, accomplish his vow by slaying the ruler of the Sindhus? If Drona
had not himself willed it, O hero, how could the son of Pandu, in battle,
have pierced that impenetrable array, overcoming his struggling
preceptor? Truly, Phalguna is exceedingly dear to the illustrious
preceptor! For this, the latter gave him admittance, without having
fought with him. Behold my misfortune! Having in the first instance
promised protection unto the ruler of the Sindhus, Drona, that scorcher
of foes, gave unto the diadem-decked Arjuna admittance into the array! If
he had in the beginning granted permission to the ruler of the Sindhus
for his return home, without doubt, such an awful carnage would then have
never occurred. Alas! Jayadratha, in hopes of saving his life, had
desired to return home. Having obtained from Drona a promise of
protection in battle, it was I, a fool that I was, who prevented him from
going. Alas, today my brothers having Chitrasena for their head, have all
perished in the very sight of our wretched selves.'[187]
"Karna said, 'Do not blame the preceptor. That Brahmana is fighting
according to the measure of his power and courage and regardless of his
very life. If Arjuna, of white steeds, having transgressed him,
penetrated into our array, the slightest fault does not, for that, attach
to the preceptor. Phalguna is accomplished in weapons, possessed of great
activity, endued with youth; he is a hero who has mastered all arms; he
is distinguished for the celerity of his movements. Armed with celestial
weapons and mounted on his ape-bannered car, the reins of whose steeds
again were in the hands of Krishna, cased in impenetrable armour, and
taking his celestial bow Gandiva of unfading might, the valiant Arjuna,
scattering keen arrows, and proud of the strength of his arms,
transgressed Drona. There is nothing to wonder at this. The preceptor, on
the other hand is, O king, old and incapable of proceeding quickly. He is
also, O king, incapable of exercising his arms long. It was for this that
Phalguna, of white steeds and having Krishna for his charioteer,
succeeded in transgressing the preceptor. For this reason also, I do not
see any fault in Drona. For all that, when Arjuna, of white steeds,
penetrated into our array, having transgressed the preceptor it seems
that the latter, however skilled in weapons, is incapable of vanquishing
the Pandavas in battle. I think that which is ordained by Fate never
occurs otherwise. And since, O Suyodhana, in spite of ourselves fighting
to the utmost extent of our powers, the ruler of the Sindhus has been
slain in battle, it seems that Fate is all-powerful. With thyself we had
all been exerting to the utmost of our might on the field of battle.
Fate, however, baffling our exertions, did not smile on us. We have
always exerted to injure the Pandavas, relying both on deceit and
prowess. Whatever act, O king, a person afflicted by Fate does, is
frustrated by Fate, however, much the person himself may strive to
achieve it. Whatever, indeed, a man endued with perseverance should do,
ought to be done fearlessly. Success depends on Fate! By deceit the sons
of Pritha were beguiled as also by the administration of poison, O
Bharata! Burnt they were in the palace of lac, vanquished they were at
dice. In accordance with the dictates of statecraft, they were exited
into the woods. All these, though done by us with care, have been baffled
by Fate. Fight with resolution, O king, setting Fate at nought. Between
thee and them, both striving to the best of your prowess even Fate may
prove auspicious to that party which excels the other.[188] No wise
measures have been adopted by the Pandavas with the aid of superior
intelligence. Nor, O hero, do we see, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, that
thou hast done anything unwise from want of intelligence! It is Fate that
decides the result of acts, wise or unwise; Fate, ever intent on its own
purposes is awake when all else sleeps. Vast was your host, and thy
warriors are many. Even thus the battle began. With their small force,
much greater and consisting of men capable of smiting effectually, hath
been much reduced. I fear, it is the work of Fate, that has frustrated
our exertions.'
"Sanjaya continued, 'While they were discoursing thus, O king, the
Pandava divisions appeared for battle. Then occurred a fierce battle
between your warriors and theirs, in which cars and elephants encountered
one another. All this, however, O king, was due to your evil policy!'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 149 ---------------------