the son of Bharadwaja in battle. I feel a great curiosity to hear it.'
"Sanjaya said, 'Listen, O you of great wisdom, to the account of that
battle, that makes the hair stand on end, between Drona and the Pandayas
headed by Yuyudhana. Beholding the (Kuru) army slaughtered, O sire, by
Yuyudhana, Drona himself rushed towards that warrior of unbaffled
prowess, called also by the name of Satyaki. Satyaki pierced that mighty
car-warrior, viz., the son of Bharadwaja, thus advancing against him,
with five and twenty small arrows. Drona also, possessed of great prowess
in battle, with deliberate aim, quickly pierced Yuyudhana, with five
whetted arrows, equipped with wings of gold. Those arrows, piercing the
hard mount of the foe and drinking his life-blood, entered the earth, O
king, like hissing snakes. The long-armed Satyaki then, inflamed with
rage like an elephant struck with the hook, pierced Drona with fifty long
arrows that resembled flames of fire. Then Bharadwaja's son, thus quickly
pierced in battle by Yuyudhana, pierced carefully exerting Satyaki in
return with many arrows. Then that great bowman, endued with great might,
and filled with rage, once more afflicted that hero of the Satwata race
with many straight shafts. Thus struck in that battle by the son of
Bharadwaja, Satyaki, O monarch, knew not what to do. Then, O king,
Yuyudhana's face became cheerless, seeing the son of Bharadwaja shoot
countless keen arrows. Beholding Satyaki thus situated, your sons and
troops, O king, becoming exceedingly cheerful, repeatedly uttered leonine
roars. Hearing that terrible uproar and beholding that hero of Madhu's
race thus afflicted, king Yudhishthira, O monarch, addressing all his
soldiers, said, 'That foremost one among the Vrishnis, viz., the brave
Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, is about to be devoured
by the heroic Drona, like the sun by Rahu. Go and rush the to the spot
where Satyaki is battling.' The king, addressing Dhrishtadyumna. of the
Panchala race, said, Rush you with speed at Drona. Why dost you tarry,
O son of Prishata! Seest you not the great danger to ourselves that has
already arisen from Drona? Drona is a great bowman. He is sporting with
Yuyudhana, in battle, like a boy with a bird bound in a string. Let all
of you, headed by Bhimasena, and accompanied by others proceed thither
where Satyaki's car is. Behind you I will follow with my troops. Rescue
Satyaki today who is already within the jaws of the Destroyer.' Having
said these words, O Bharata, king Yudhishthira with all his troops rushed
towards Drona for the sake of Yuyudhana. Blessed be thou, great was the
uproar made there by the Pandavas and the Srinjayas all fighting with
Drona only. Together approaching, O tiger among men, that mighty
car-warrior, viz., the son of Bharadwaja, they covered with showers of
keen arrows equipped with the feathers of Kankas and peacocks. Drona,
however, received all those heroes smilingly, like a householder
receiving guests arrived of their own will, with seats and water. With
the shafts of Bharadwaja's bow-wielding son, those heroes were
well-gratified like guest, O king, with the hospitality they receive in
the houses (of good hosts). And none of them, O lord, could even gaze at
the son of Bharadwaja who then resembled the thousand-rayed sun at
midday. Indeed, Drona, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, scorched
all those great bowmen with showers of arrows like the sun scorching
(everything below) with his burning rays. Thus struck, O king, by Drona,
the Pandavas and the Srinjayas beheld no protector, like elephants sunk
in a morass. The mighty arrows of Drona, as they coursed (through the
welkin), looked like the rays of the sun blasting everything around. In
that encounter, five and twenty warriors among the Panchalas were slain
by Drona, who were all regarded as Maharathas and all approved (as such)
by Dhrishtadyumna. And amongst all the troops of the Pandavas and the
Panchalas, men quietly beheld brave Drona slaying the foremost of
warriors in succession. Having slain a hundred warriors amongst the
Kekayas and routing them on all sides, Drona stood, O monarch, like the
Destroyer himself with wide-open mouth. The mighty-armed Drona vanquished
the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the Matsyas and the Kekayas, O monarch, by
hundreds and thousands. Pierced by the arrows of Drona, the clamour made
by them resembled that made in the woods by the denizens of the forest
when encompassed by a conflagration. The gods, Gandharvas, and the
Pitris, said, 'Behold, the Panchalas, and the Pandavas, with all their
troops, are flying away.' Indeed, when Drona was thus engaged in
slaughtering the Somakas in battle, none ventured to advance against him
and none succeeded in piercing him. And while that dreadful encounter, so
destructive of great heroes, continued, Pritha's son (Yudhishthira)
suddenly heard the blare of Panchajanya. Blown by Vasudeva, that best of
conchs gave loud blasts. Indeed, while the heroic protectors of the ruler
of the Sindhus were fighting, and while the Dhartarashtras were roaring
in front of Arjuna's car, the twang of Gandiva could not be heard. The
royal son of Pandu repeatedly swooned, and thought, 'Without doubt, all
is not well with Partha, since that prince of conchs (Panchajanya) is
yielding such blasts and since the Kauravas also, filled with joy, are
incessantly uttering such shouts.' Thinking in this way, with an anxious
heart, Ajatasatru, the son of Kunti, said unto him of the Satwata race
(viz., Satyaki) these words in a voice choked with tears. Though
repeatedly stupefied, king Yudhishthira, however, did not lose sight of
what was to be done next. Addressing Sini's grandson, that bull of his
clan, (Yudhishthira said), 'O grandson of Sini, the time for that eternal
duty which the righteous ones of old have indicated (for friends) towards
friends in seasons of distress, hath now come. O bull amongst the Sinis,
reflecting within myself, I do not, O Satyaki, see amongst all my
warriors one who is a greater well wisher to us than you art. He who is
always well-affected, he who is always obedient, I think, he should be
appointed to a grave commission in times of distress. As Kesava is ever
the refuge of the Pandavas even, so are thou, O you of Vrishni's race,
who are like Kesava in prowess. I will, therefore, lay a burthen on thee.
It behoveth you not to frustrate my purpose. Arjuna is your brother,
friend, and preceptor, O bull among men, in this battle render him aid in
time of distress. Thou are devoted to truth. Thou are a hero. Thou art
the dispeller of the fears of friends. Thou are celebrated in the world,
in consequence of your acts, O hero, as one that is truthful in speech.
He, O grandson of Sini, who casteth away his body while fighting in
battle for friends, is equal to him who giveth away to Brahmanas the
whole earth. We have heard of various kings gone to heaven, having given
away the whole of this earth unto Brahmanas with due rites. O you of
virtuous soul, I beg of thee, with joined hands, even this viz., that, O
lord, attain you the fruit of giving away (unto Brahmanas) the whole
earth, or something higher than that by incurring danger to your life
itself for helping Arjuna. There is one, viz., Krishna, that dispeller of
the fears of friends, who is ever willing to cast away his life in battle
(for the sake of friends). Thou, O Satyaki, are the second. None but a
hero can render aid unto a hero, exerting valorously in battle, from
desire of fame. An ordinary person cannot do so. In this matter, here is
none else but you who can protect Arjuna. On one occasion, while
applauding your numerous feats, Arjuna, giving me great pleasure
repeatedly recited them. He said of you that you are endued with
extreme lightness of hand, that you are conversant with all modes of
warfare, that you are possessed of great activity and great prowess. He
said, 'Satyaki is endued with great wisdom, is acquainted with every
weapon, is a hero, and is never stupefied in battle. Of broad neck and
broad chest, of mighty arms and broad cheeks, or great strength and great
prowess, Satyaki is a high-souled Maharatha. He is my disciple and
friend; I am dear to him and he is dear to me. Becoming my ally,
Yuyudhana will crush the Kauravas. Even if Kesava and Rama, and
Aniruddha, and the mighty car-warrior Pradyumna, and Gada, and Sarana,
and Samva, with all the Vrishnis, case themselves in mail for assisting
us, O king, in the field of battle, I shall yet appoint that tiger among
men viz., Satyaki of unbaffled prowess, for our aid, since there is none
equal to him.' Even this is what Dhananjaya told me in the Dwaita woods,
in your absence, while truly describing your merits in an assembly of
righteous persons. It behoveth you not, O you of the Vrishni race, to
falsify that expectation of Dhananjaya, and also of myself and Bhima!
When, returning from various tirthas, I proceeded to Dwaraka; there I
witnessed your reverence for Arjuna. While we were at Upaplavya I did not
mark anybody else, O grandson of Sini, who showed us such affection as
thou didst. Thou are of noble lineage and feelest reverence for us. For
showing kindness, therefore, to one who is your friend and preceptor, it
behoveth thee, O you of mighty arms, to act in a way deserving, O great
bowman, of your friendship and prowess and noble parentage and
truthfulness. O you of Madhu's race! Suyodhana, cased in armour by Drona
himself, hath suddenly gone, following Arjuna! The other great
car-warriors of Kauravas have, before that followed Arjuna. Loud uproars
are being heard against Arjuna's car. O grandson of Sini, it behoveth
thee, O giver of honours, to go thither quickly. Bhimasena and ourselves,
well-equipped and with all our forces, will resist Drona if he advances
against thee. Behold, O Grandson of Sini, the Bharata troops are flying
away in battle, and as they are flying away, they are tittering loud
wails. Like the very ocean at full tide agitated by a mighty tempest, the
Dhartarashtra host, O sire, is agitated by Savyasachin. Behold, in
consequence of countless cars and men and steeds moving quickly, the
earthly dust raised is gradually spreading (over the field). See, that
slayer of hostile hosts, Phalguna, is encompassed by the Sindhu-Sauviras,
armed with spikes and lances and adorned with many horses in their ranks.
Without vanquishing this force it will not be possible to vanquish
Jayadratha. These warriors are prepared to lay down their lives for the
sake of the ruler of the Sindhus. Behold the invincible Dhartarashtra
force, stationed there, that bristles with arrows and darts and tall
standards, and that teems with steeds and elephants. Hear the beat of
their drums and the loud blare of their conchs, the tremendous leonine
shouts uttered by them, and the rattle of their car-wheels. Hear the
grunt of their elephants, the heavy tread of their foot-soldiers, and the
stamping of their rushing cavalry which all seem to shake the very earth
itself. Before him is the division of Jayadratha, and behind is that of
Drona. So great is the number of the foes that he is capable of
afflicting the chief of the celestials himself. Sunk in the midst of the
fathomless host, Arjuna may lose his life. If he be slain in battle, how
can one like me live? Is this calamity to befall me when you are alive?
Dark-blue in colour, young in years, of curled locks and exceedingly
handsome is that son of Pandu. Active in the use of weapons, and
conversant with every mode of warfare, the mighty-armed Arjuna hath, O
sire, penetrated into the Bharata host at sunrise. The day is about to
end. O you of Vrishni's race, I do not know whether he liveth or not.
The vast Kuru host is like ocean. O sire, Vibhatsu hath penetrated into
it all alone. That army is incapable of being resisted by the very gods
in battle. In today's battle, I fail to keep my judgment clear. Drona
also is, with great might, afflicting my forces! Thou seest, O
mighty-armed one, how that regenerate one is careering in battle. When
several tasks present themselves together, you are well-skilled in
selecting that which would be first attended to. It behoveth thee, O
giver of honours, to accomplish with activity that task which is the
gravest of all. Amongst all these tasks, I myself think, that this
(aiding Arjuna) is the first that demands our attention. The rescue of
Arjuna in battle should be first undertaken. I do not grieve for him of
Dasarha's race. He is the Protector and the Lord of the Universe. I tell
thee truly that tiger among men, O sire, is able to vanquish in battle
the three worlds assembled together. What need I say, therefore, of this
weak Dhritarashtra host? Arjuna, however, O you of Vrishni's race, is
being afflicted by countless odds in battle. He may yield up his life. It
is for this that I am so cheerless. O you then go in his track, since
persons like you should follow a person like him, at such a season,
urged on by one like me. Amongst the foremost ones of the Vrishni race,
two are regarded as Atirathas. They are mighty-armed Pradyumna and
thyself, O Satwata, that are so famous. In weapons, you are equal to
Narayana himself, and in strength to Sankarshana. In bravery, you art
equal to Dhananjaya, O tiger among men, and surpassest Bhishma and Drona
and every one accomplished in battle. O tiger among men, the wise speak
of thee, saying. O Madhava, 'There is nothing unachievable by Satyaki.' O
thou of great strength, do thou, therefore, that which I say unto thee,
viz., obey the wishes of all here, of myself and of Arjuna. It behoveth
thee not, O mighty-armed one, to frustrate that wish. Reckless of thy
very life, career you in battle like a hero. O grandson of Sini, the
scions of Dasarha's race never care to protect their lives in battle.
Avoiding battle, or fighting from behind breast-works, or flying away
from battle,--those practices of cowards and wretches are never practised
by the Dasarhas. The virtuous-souled Arjuna is your superior, O bull among
the Sinis! Vasudeva is the superior of both thyself and intelligent
Arjuna, Casting my eyes on these two reasons, I say unto you these
words. Do not discard my words, I am the superior of your superiors. That
which I am saying unto you is approved as also by Arjuna. I tell thee
this truly. Go then to the spot where Dhananjaya is. Attending to these
words of mine, O you of prowess incapable of being baffled, penetrate in
this host of the wicked son of Dhritarashtra. Having penetrated into it
duly, encounter the great car-warriors, and display, O Satwata, such
feats as are worthy of thyself!'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 107 ---------------------