Sunday, November 16, 2014

Parva 07 132


"Dhritarashtra said, 'I think, Destiny is supreme. Fie on exertion which
is useless, inasmuch as the son of Adhiratha, though fighting resolutely,
could not vanquish the son of Pandu. Karna boasts of his competency to
vanquish in battle all the Parthas with Govinda amongst them. I do not
see in the world, another warrior like Karna! I often heard Duryodhana
speak in this strain. Indeed, O Suta, the wretched Duryodhana used to
tell me formerly, 'Karna is a mighty hero, a firm bowman, above all
fatigue. If I have that Vasushena for my ally, the very gods will not be
a match for me, what need be said, therefore, O monarch, of the sons of
Pandu that are weak and heartless?' Tell me therefore, O Sanjaya, what
Duryodhana said, beholding that Karna defeated and looking like a snake
deprived of its poison and flying away from battle. Alas, deprived of his
senses, Duryodhana despatched the unsupported Durmukha, unacquainted
though he was with battle, into that fiery encounter, like an insect into
the blazing fire. O Sanjaya, even Aswatthaman and the ruler of the Madras
and Kripa, united together, could not stand before Bhimasena. Even these
know the terrible might, equal to that of ten thousand elephants, of
Bhima, endued with the energy of Marut himself, as also his cruel
intents. Why did they provoke the fire in battle, of that hero of cruel
deeds, that warrior resembling Yama himself as the latter becomes at the
end of the Yuga? It seems that Suta's son, the mighty armed Karna alone,
relying on the prowess of his own arms, fought in battle with Bhimasena,
disregarding the latter. That son of Pandu who vanquished Karna in battle
like Purandara vanquishing an Asura, is capable of being vanquished by
anybody in fight. Who is there that would, hopeful of life, approach that
Bhima who, in Arjuna's quest, alone entered my host, having ground Drona
himself? Who, indeed, is there, O Sanjaya, that would dare stay in the
face of Bhima? Who is there among the Asuras that would venture to stay
before the great Indra with the thunderbolt uplifted in his hand?[157] A
man may return having entered the abode of the dead, but none, however,
can return having encountered Bhimasena! Those men of weak prowess, who
senselessly rushed against the angry Bhimasena were like insects falling
upon a blazing fire. Without doubt, reflecting upon what the angry and
fierce Bhima had said in the assembly in the hearing of the Kurus about
the slaughter of my sons, and beholding the defeat of Karna, Duhsasana
and his brothers ceased to encounter Bhima from fear. That wicked son
also of mine, O Sanjaya, who repeatedly said in the assembly (these
words, viz.,) Karna and Duhsasana and I myself will vanquish the Pandavas
in battle,'--without doubt, beholding Karna defeated and deprived of his
car by Bhima, is consumed with grief in consequence of his rejection of
Krishna's suit![158] Beholding his mail-clad brothers slain in battle by
Bhimasena, in consequence of his own fault, without doubt, my son is
burning with grief. Who that is desirous of life will make a hostile
advance against Pandu's son, Bhima, excited with wrath armed with
terrible weapons and standing in battle like Death himself? A man may
escape from the very jaws of the Vadava fire. But it is my belief that no
one can escape from before Bhima's face. Indeed, neither Partha, nor the
Panchalas, nor Kesava, nor Satyaki, when excited with wrath in battle,
shows the least regard for (his) life. Alas, O Suta, the very lives of my
sons are in danger.'

"Sanjaya said, 'Thou, O Kaurava, that are thus grieving in view of the
present carnage, thou, without doubt, are the root of this destruction of
the world! Obedient to the counsels of your sons, you hast thyself
provoked this fierce hostility. Though urged (by well-wishers) thou
acceptest not the proper medicine like a man fated to die. O monarch, O
best of men, having thyself drunk the fiercest and the most indigestible
poison, take you all its consequences now. The combatants are fighting
to the best of their might, still you speakest ill of them. Listen,
however, to me as I describe to you how the battle raged on.

"Beholding Karna defeated by Bhimasena, five of your sons, those uterine
brothers that were great bowmen, could not, O sire, brook it. They were
Durmarshana and Duhsaha and Durmada and Durdhara and Jaya. Clad in
beautiful mail, all of them rushed against the son of Pandu. Encompassing
the mighty-armed Vrikodara, on all sides, they shrouded all the points of
the compass with their shafts looking like flights of locusts. Bhimasena,
however, in the battle, smilingly received those princes of celestial
beauty thus rushing suddenly against him. Beholding your sons advancing
against Bhimasena, Radha's son, Karna rushed against that mighty warrior,
shooting arrows of keen points that were equipped with golden wings and
whetted on stone. Bhima, however, quickly rushed against Karna, though
resisted by your sons. Then the Kurus, surrounding Karna, covered
Bhimasena with showers of straight shafts. With five and twenty arrows, O
king, Bhima, armed with his formidable bow, despatched all those bulls
among men to Yama's abode with their steeds and charioteers. Falling down
from their cars along with their charioteers, their lifeless forms looked
like large trees with their weight of variegated flowers uprooted by the
tempest. The prowess that we then beheld of Bhimasena was exceedingly
wonderful, inasmuch as, resisting Adhiratha's son the while, he slew
those sons of thine. Resisted by Bhima with whetted arrows on all sides,
the Suta's son, O king, only looked at Bhima. Bhimasena also, with eyes
red in wrath, began to cast angry glances on Karna, stretching his
formidable bow the while.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 132 ---------------------