"Sanjaya said, 'After the ruler of the Sindhus had been slain by Partha,
Krishna, repairing unto the king, viz., Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma,
worshipped the latter with a gladdened heart. And he said, 'By good luck,
O king of kings, your prosperity increaseth. O best of men, your foe hath
been slain. By good luck, your younger brother hath accomplished his vow.'
Thus addressed by Krishna, that subjugator of hostile towns, viz., king
Yudhishthira, filled with joy, came down from his car, O Bharata! His
eyes filled with tears of joy, he embraced the two Krishnas and wiping
his bright and lotus-like face, said these words unto Vasudeva, and
Dhananjaya, the son of Pandu, 'Ye mighty car-warriors, by good luck, I
behold both of you after the have accomplished your task. By good luck,
that sinful wretch, viz., the ruler of the Sindhus, hath been slain. Ye
Krishnas, by good luck, the have done that which hath filled me with great
happiness. By good luck, our foes have been plunged into an ocean of
grief. Thou are the sovereign lord of all the worlds, O slayer of Madhu!
In the three worlds they that have you for their preceptor can have no
object incapable of accomplishment. Through your grace, O Govinda, we will
conquer our foes, like Indra conquering the Danavas in days of old. Be it
the conquest of the world, or be it the conquest of the three worlds,
everything is certain, O you of the Vrishni race, in their case with
whom you are gratified, O giver of honours! They can have no sin, nor
can they meet with defeat in battle with whom thou, O lord of the
celestials, are gratified, O giver of honours! It is through your grace, O
Hrishikesa, that Sakra hath become the chief of the celestials. It is
through your grace, that blessed personage obtained on the field of battle
the sovereignty of the three worlds! It is through your grace, O lord of
the celestials, that the latter obtained immortality, O Krishna, and
enjoy eternal regions (of bliss). Having slain thousands of Daityas, with
prowess having its origin in your grace, O slayer of foes, Sakra obtained
the lordship of the celestials. Through your grace, O Hrishikesa, the
mobile and immobile universe, without swerving from its (ordained)
course, O hero, is engaged in prayers and homa![178] In the beginning,
this universe, enveloped in darkness, had been one vast expanse of water.
Through your grace, O mighty-armed one, the universe became manifest, O
best of men! Thou are the creator of all the worlds, you are the Supreme
Soul, and you are immutable! They that behold thee, O Hrishikesa, are
never confounded. Thou are the Supreme God, you are the God of gods, and
thou are Eternal. They that seek refuge with thee, O lord of the gods,
are never confounded. Without beginning and without death, you art
Divine, the Creator of all the worlds, and immutable. They that are
devoted to thee, O Hrishikesa, always tide over every difficulty. Thou
art Supreme, the Ancient one, the Divine-Being, and that which is the
Highest of the high. He that attaineth to that viz., your Supreme Self
hath ordained for him the highest prosperity. Thou are sung in the four
Vedas. The four Vedas sing of thee. Be seeking your shelter, O high-souled
one, I shall enjoy unrivalled prosperity. Thou are the Supreme God, thou
art the God of the highest gods, you are the lord of Winged creatures,
and the lord of all human beings. Thou are the Supremest Lord of
everything. I bow to thee, O best of beings! Thou are the Lord, the Lord
of lords O puissant one! Prosperity to thee, O Madhava! O you of large
eyes, O Universal soul, Thou are the origin of all things. He, again,
that is a friend of Dhananjaya or is engaged in Dhananjaya's good,
obtaineth you that are the preceptor of Dhananjaya and attaineth to
happiness.' Thus addressed by him those high-souled ones, viz., Kesava
and Arjuna, cheerfully said unto the king, that lord of the earth, 'The
sinful king Jayadratha, hath been consumed by the fire of your wrath. O
puissant one, although the Dhartarashtra host is vast and swelleth with
pride, yet, O Bharata, struck and slain, it is being exterminated. O
slayer of foes, it is in consequence of your wrath that the Kauravas are
being destroyed. Having, O hero, angered you that canst slay with thy
eyes alone, the wicked-minded Suyodhana, with his friends and kinsmen,
will have to lay down his life in battle. Slain before in consequence of
thy ire, and struck down also by the gods themselves, the invincible
Bhishma, the grandsire of the Kurus, lieth now on a bed of arrows. O
slayer of foes, victory in battle is unattainable by them, and death also
waiteth for them, that have thee, O son of Pandu, for their foe. Kingdom,
life, dear ones, children, and diverse kinds of bliss, will soon be lost
by him with whom thou, O scorcher of foes, hast been angry. I regard the
Kauravas to be lost with their sons, and kinsmen, when thou, O scorcher
of foes, that are observant of the duties of a king, hast been angry with
them.' Then Bhima, O king, and the mighty car-warrior Satyaki, both
mangled with shafts, saluted their senior. And those two mighty bowmen
sat down on the ground, surrounded by the Panchalas, Beholding those two
heroes filled with joy and arrived and waiting with joined hands, the son
of Kunti congratulated them both, saying, 'By good luck, it is that I see
you both, the heroes, escaped with lire from that sea of (hostile) troops,
that sea in which Drona acted the part of an invincible alligator, and
the son of Hridika that of a fierce shark. By good luck, all the kings of
the earth have been vanquished (by you two).[179] By good luck, I see
both of you victorious in battle. By good luck, Drona hath been
vanquished in battle, and that mighty car-warrior also viz., the son of
Hridika. By good luck, Karna hath been vanquished in battle with barbed
shafts. By good luck, Salya also was obliged to turn away from the field
by you both, the bulls among men. By good luck, I behold you both come
back from battle safe and sound, the that are foremost of car-warriors and
well-skilled in battle! By good luck, I behold again, the heroes, that
have forded that sea of troops in obedience to my command, the that went
to battle impelled by the desire of honouring me! Ye are heroes
delighting in battle. Ye are to me as life. By good luck, I see you
both.' Having said this, the son of Pandu, O king, embraced both
Yuyudhana and Vrikodara, those tigers among men, and shed tears of joy.
Then, O monarch, the entire host of the Pandavas became cheerful and
filled with joy. And all of them once more set their hearts on battle.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 146 ---------------------