Sunday, November 16, 2014

Parva 07 152


"Dhritarashtra said, "When the invincible Drona, of immeasurable energy,
unable to bear (the slaughter of Jayadratha), Wrathfully entered into the
midst of the Srinjayas, what did all of you think? When that warrior of
immeasurable soul, having said those words unto my disobedient son,
Duryodhana, so entered (the hostile ranks), what steps did Partha take?
When after the fall of the heroic Jayadratha and of Bhurisravas, that
unvanquished warrior of great energy, that scorcher of foes, viz., the
unconquerable Drona, proceeded against the Panchalas, what did Arjuna
think? What also did Duryodhana think as the most seasonable step that he
could adopt? Who were they that followed that boon-giving hero, that
foremost of regenerated ones? Who were those heroes, O Suta, that stood
behind that hero while engaged in 'battle? Who fought in his van, while
he was employed in slaughter? I think, all the Pandavas, afflicted with
the arrows of Bharadwaja's son, were, O Suta, like lean kine trembling
under a wintry sky. Having penetrated into the midst of the Panchalas how
did that great bowman, that scorcher of foes, that tiger among men, meet
with his death?[194] When on that night all the troops, united together,
and all the great car-warriors combined were being separately ground (by
Drona), who were those intelligent men amongst you that were present
there? Thou sayest that my troops were slain or huddled together, or
vanquished, and that my car-warriors were made carless in those
encounters. While those combatants became cheerless and were being ground
by the Pandavas, what did they think when they sank in such affliction on
that dark night? Thou sayest that the Pandavas were hearty and
exceedingly hopeful, and that mine were melancholy and heartless and
panic-stricken. How, O Sanjaya, couldst you mark the distinction on that
night between the Kurus and the unretreating Parthas?'

"Sanjaya said, 'During the progress, O king, of that fierce night-battle,
the Pandavas along with the Somakas all rushed against Drona. Then Drona,
with his swift-going shafts, despatched all the Kaikeyas and the sons of
Dhrishtadyumna into the world of spirits. Indeed, all those mighty
car-warriors, O king, that advanced right against Drona, all those lords
of the earth, were despatched (by him) into the region of the dead. Then
king Sivi, of great prowess, filled with rage, proceeded against that
mighty car-warrior, viz., the heroic son of Bharadwaja, while the latter
was thus employed in grinding (the hostile combatants). Beholding that
great car-warrior of the Pandavas advancing, Drona pierced him with ten
shafts made entirely of iron. Sivi, however, pierced Drona in return with
thirty shafts, winged with Kanka feathers. And smiling the while, he
also, with a broad-headed shaft felled the driver of Drona's car. Drona
then, slaying the steeds of the illustrious Sivi as also the driver of
his car, cut off from his trunk Sivi's head with head-gear on it. Then
Duryodhana quickly sent unto Drona a driver for his car. The reins of his
steeds having been taken up by the new man, Drona once more rushed
against his foes. The sort of the ruler of the Kalingas, supported by the
Kalinga troops, rushed against Bhimasena, filled with rage at the
slaughter of his sire by the latter, Having pierced Bhima with five
shafts he once more pierced him with seven. And he struck Visoka (the
driver of Bhima's car) with three shafts and the latter's standard with
one. The Vrikodara, filled with rage, leaping from his own car to that of
his foe, slew with only his fists that angry hero of the Kalingas. The
bones of that prince thus slain in battle by the mighty son of Pandu with
only his fists, fell down on the earth separated from one another, Karna
and the brother of the slain prince, (and others), could not brook that
act of Bhima. All of them began to strike Bhimasena with keen shafts
resembling snakes of virulent poison. Abandoning then that car of the foe
(upon which he stood), Bhima proceeded to the car of Dhruva,[195] and
crushed, by a blow of his fist, that prince who had been striking him
incessantly. Thus struck by the mighty son of Pandu. Dhruva fell down.
Having slain him, O king, Bhimasena of great strength, proceeding to the
car of Jayarata, began to roar repeatedly like a lion. Dragging Jayarata
then with his left arm, while, employed in roaring, he slew that warrior
with a slap of his palm in the very sight of Karna. Then Karna hurled at
the son of Pandu, a dart decked with gold. The Pandava, however, smiling
the while, seized with his hand that dart. And the invincible Vrikodara
in that battle hurled that very dart back at Karna. Then Sakuni, with a
shaft that had drunk oil, cut off that dart as it coursed towards Karna.
Having achieved these mighty feats in battle, Bhima, of wonderful
prowess, came back to his own car and rushed against your troops. And
while Bhima was thus advancing, slaughtering (thy troops) like the
Destroyer himself in rage, your sons, O monarch, attempted to resist that
mighty-armed hero. Indeed, those mighty car-warriors covered him with a
dense shower of arrows. Then Bhima, smiling the while, despatched in that
battle, with his shafts, the driver and the steeds of Durmada unto the
abode of Yama. Durmada, at this, quickly mounted upon the car of
Dushkarna. Then those scorchers of foes, viz., the two brothers, riding
oh the same car, both rushed against Bhima in the front rank of battle,
like the Regent of the waters and Surya rushing against Taraka, that
foremost of Daityas. Then your sons, Durmada and Dushkarna, mounting on
the same car, pierced Bhima with shafts. Then in the very sight of Karna,
of Aswatthaman, of Duryodhana, of Kripa, of Somadatta, and of Valhika,
the son of Pandu, that chastiser of foes, by a stamp of his foot, caused
that car of the heroic Durmada and Dushkarna to sink into the earth.
Filled with rage, Bhima struck with his fists those mighty and brave sons
of thine, viz., Durmada and Dushkarna, and crushed them therewith and
roared aloud. Then cries of Oh and Alas arose among the troops. And the
kings, beholding Bhima said, 'That is Rudra who is fighting in Bhima's
form among the Dhartarashtras.' Saying these words, O Bharata, all the
kings fled away, deprived of their senses and urging the animals they
rode to their greatest speed. Indeed, no two of them could be seen
running together. Then, when on that night a great carnage had been
caused among the (Kaurava) army, the mighty Vrikodara, with eyes
beautiful as the full-blown lotus, highly applauded by many bulls among
kings, repairing unto Yudhishthira, paid his regards unto him. Then the
twins (Nakula and Sahadeva), and Drupada and Virata, and the Kaikeyas,
and Yudhishthira also, felt great joy. And all of them paid their
adorations unto Vrikodara even as the celestials did unto Mahadeva after
Andhaka had been slain. Then your sons, all equal unto the sons of Varuna,
filled with rage and accompanied by the illustrious Preceptor and a large
number of cars, foot-soldiers, and elephants encompassed Vrikodara on all
sides from desire of fight. Then, O best of kings, on that terrible
night, when everything was enveloped in darkness, as thick as a cloud, a
dreadful battle took place between those illustrious warriors, delightful
to wolves and crows and vultures.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 152 ---------------------