Sunday, November 16, 2014

Parva 07 179


"Arjuna said, 'How, O Janardana, for our good, and by what means, were
those lords of the earth, viz., Jarasandha and the others, slain?'

"Vasudeva said, If Jarasandha, and the ruler of the Chedis, and the
mighty son of the Nishada king, had not been slain, they would have
become terrible. Without doubt, Duryodhana would have chosen those
foremost of car-warriors (for embracing his side). They had always been
hostile to us, and, accordingly, they would all have adopted the side of
the Kauravas. All of them were heroes and mighty bowmen accomplished in
weapons and firm in battle. Like the celestials (in prowess), they would
have protected Dhritarashtra's sons. Indeed, the Suta's son, and
Jarasandha, and the ruler of the Chedis, and the son of the Nishada
adopting the son of Suyodhana, would have succeeded in conquering the
whole earth. Listen, O Dhananjaya, by what means they were slain. Indeed,
without the employment of means, the very gods could not have conquered
them in battle. Each of them, O Partha, could fight in battle with the
whole celestial host protected by the Regents of the world. (On one
occasion), assailed by Valadeva, Jarasandha, excited with wrath, hurled
for our destruction a mace capable of slaying all creatures. Endued with
the splendour of fire, that mace coursed towards us dividing the welkin
like the line on the head that parts the tresses of a woman, and with the
impetuosity of the thunder hurled by Sakra. Beholding that mace thus
coursing towards us the son of Rohini hurled the weapon called
Sthunakarna for baffling it. Its force destroyed by the energy of
Valadeva's weapon, that mace fell down on the earth, splitting her (with
its might) and making the very mountains tremble. There was a terrible
Rakshasa of the name Jara, endued with great prowess. She, O prince, had
united that slayer of foes, and, therefore, was the latter called
Jarasandha. Jarasandha had been made up of two halves of one child. And
because it was Jara that had united those two halves, it was for this
that he came to be called Jarasandha.[237] That Rakshasa woman, O Partha,
who was there within the earth, was slain with her son and kinsmen by
means-of that mace and the weapon of Sthunakarna. Deprived of his mace in
that great battle, Jarasandha was afterwards slain by Bhimasena in thy
presence, O Dhananjaya.[238] If the valiant Jarasandha had stood armed
with his mace, the very gods with Indra at their head could not have
slain him in battle. O best of men! for your good, the Nishada's son also,
of prowess incapable of being baffled, was, by an act of guile, deprived
of his thumb by Drona, assuming the position of his preceptor. Proud and
endued with steady prowess, the Nishada's son, with fingers cased in
leathern gloves, looked resplendent like a second Rama. Undeprived of
thumb, Ekalavya, O Partha, was incapable of being vanquished in battle by
the gods, the Danavas, the Rakshasas, and the Uragas (together). Of firm
grasp, accomplished in weapons, and capable of shooting incessantly day
and night, he was incapable of being looked at by mere men. For your good,
he was slain by me on the field of battle. Endued with great prowess, the
ruler of the Chedis was slain by me before your eyes. He also was
incapable of being vanquished in battle by the gods and the Asuras
together. I was born to slay him as also the other enemies of the gods,
with your assistance, O tiger among men, from desire of benefiting the
world. Hidimva and Vaka and Kirmira have all been slain by Bhimasena. All
those Rakshasas were endued with might equal to that Ravana and all of
them were destroyers of Brahmanas and sacrifices. Similarly, Alayudha,
possessed of large powers of illusion, had been slain by Hidimva's son.
Hidimva's son also, I have slain by the employment of means, viz.,
through Karna with his dart. If Karna had not slain him with his dart in
great battle, I myself would have had to slay Bhima's son Ghatotkacha.
From desire of benefiting you, I did not slay him before. That Rakshasa
was inimical to Brahmanas and sacrifices. Because he was a destroyer of
sacrifices and of a sinful soul, therefore hath he been thus slain. O
sinless one, by that act as a means, the dart given by Sakra, hath also
been rendered futile. O son of Pandu, they that are destroyers of
righteousness are all slayable by me. Even that is the vow made by me,
for establishing righteousness. Whither the Vedas and truth and
self-restraint and purity and righteousness and modesty and prosperity
and wisdom and forgiveness are always to be met with, thither I myself
always remain. Thou needst not be at all anxious about Karna's slaughter.
I will tell you the means by which you will slay him. Vrikodara also will
succeed in slaying Suyodhana. I will tell thee, O son of Pandu, the means
by which that will have to be compassed. Meanwhile, the uproar made by
the hostile army is increasing. Thy troops also are flying away on all
sides. Having achieved their objects, the Kauravas are destroying thy
host. Indeed, Drona, that foremost of all smiters, is scorching us in

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 179 ---------------------