Sunday, November 16, 2014

Parva 07 141


"Dhritarashtra said, 'Unvanquished by Drona, and Radha's son and Vikarna
and Kritavarman, how could the heroic Satyaki, never before checked in
battle, having after his promise to Yudhishthira crossed the ocean of the
Kaurava troops, being humiliated by the Kuru warrior Bhurisravas and
forcibly thrown on the ground?'

"Sanjaya said, 'Hear, O king, about the origin, in the past times, of
Sini's grandson, and of how Bhurisravas also came to be descended. This
will clear your doubts. Atri had for son Soma. Soma's son was called
Vudha. Vudha had one son, of the splendour of the great Indra, called
Pururavas. Pururavas had a son called Ayus. Ayus had for his son Nahusha.
Nahusha had for his son Yayati who was a royal sage equal to a celestial.
Yayati had by Devayani Yadu for his eldest son. In Yadu's race was born a
son of the name of Devamidha of Yadu's race had a son named Sura,
applauded in the three worlds. Sura had for his son that foremost of men,
viz., the celebrated Vasudeva. Foremost in bowmanship, Sura was equal to
Kartavirya in battle. In Sura's race and equal unto Sura in energy was,
born Sini, O king! About this time, O king, occurred the Swayamvara. of
the high-souled Devaka's daughter, in which all the Kshatriyas were
present. In that self-choice, Sini vanquishing all the kings, quickly
took up on his car the princess Devaki for the sake of Vasudeva.
Beholding the princess Devaki on Sini's car, that bull among men, viz.,
the brave Somadatta of mighty energy could not brook the sight. A battle,
O king, ensued between the two which lasted for half a day and was
beautiful and wonderful to behold. The battle that took place between
those two mighty men was a wrestling encounter. That bull among men,
viz., Somadatta, was forcibly thrown down on the earth by Sini. Uplifting
his sword and seizing him by the hair, Sini struck his foe with his foot,
in the midst of many thousands of kings who stood as spectators all
around. At last, from compassion, he let him off, saying, 'Live!' Reduced
to that plight by Sini, Somadatta, O sire, under the influence of wrath
began to pay his adorations to Mahadeva for inducing the latter to bless
him. That great lord of all boon-giving deities viz., Mahadeva, became
gratified with him and asked him to solicit the boon he desired. The
royal Somadatta then solicited the following boon, 'I desire a soon, O
divine lord, who will strike Sini's son in the midst of thousands of
kings and who will in battle strike him with his foot.' Hearing these
words, O king, of Somadatta, the god saying, 'So be it,' disappeared then
and there. It was in consequence of the gift of that boon that Somadatta
subsequently obtained the highly charitable Bhurisravas for son, and it
was for this, Somadatta's son threw down Sini's descendant in battle and
struck him, before the eyes of the whole army, with his foot. I have now
told thee, O king, what you had asked me. Indeed, the Satwata hero is
incapable of being vanquished in battle by even the foremost of men. The
Vrishni heroes are all of sure aim in battle, and are conversant with all
modes of warfare. They are vanquishers of the very gods, the Danavas and
the Gandharvas. They are never confounded. They always fight, relying
upon their own energy. They are never dependent on others. None, O lord,
are seen in this world to be equal to the Vrishni's. None, O bull of
Bharata's race, have been, are, or will be equal in might to the
Vrishni's. They never show disrespect to their kinsmen. They are always
obedient to the commands of those that are reverend in years. The very
gods and Asuras and Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Uragas and the Rakshasas
cannot vanquish the Vrishni heroes, what need be said of men, therefore,
in battle? They never covet also the possessions of those that ever
render them aid on any occasion of distress. Devoted to the Brahmanas and
truthful in speech, they never display any pride although they are
wealthy. The Vrishnis regard even the strong as weak and rescue them from
distress. Always devoted to the gods, the Vrishnis are self-restrained,
charitable, and free from pride. It is for this that the prowess,[173] of
the Vrishnis is never baffled. A person may remove the mountains of Meru
or swim across the ocean but cannot defeat the Vrishnis. I have told thee
everything about which you had your doubts. All this, however, O king
of the Kurus, that is happening is due to your evil policy, O best of

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 141 ---------------------