Friday, November 7, 2014

Parva 07 104


"Sanjaya said, 'Kshemadhurti, O monarch, pierced the advancing
Vrihatkshatra of great valour, that prince of the Kaikeyas, with many
arrows in the chest. King Vrihatkshatra then, O monarch, desirous of
piercing through Drona's division, quickly struck his antagonist with
ninety straight shafts. Kshemadhurti, however, filled with rage, cut off,
with a sharp well-tempered, and broad-headed shaft, the bow of that
high-souled prince of the Kaikeyas. Having cut off his bow, Kshemadhurti
then, with a keen and straight shaft, quickly pierced in that encounter
that foremost of all bowmen. Then Vrihatkshatra, taking up another bow
and smiling (at his foe), soon made the mighty car-warrior Kshemadhurti
steedless and driverless and carless. And with another broad-headed shaft
that was well-tempered and sharp, he cut off, from the trunk of his royal
antagonist his head blazing with (a pair of) ear-rings. That head, graced
with only locks and a diadem, suddenly cut off, fell down on the earth
and looked resplendent like a luminary fallen from the firmament. Having
slain his foe, the mighty car-warrior Vrihatkshatra became filled with
joy and fell with great force upon your troops for the sake of the
Parthas. The great bowman Viradhanwan, O Bharata, endued with great
prowess, resisted Dhrishtaketu who was advancing against Drona.
Encountering each other, those two heroes having arrows for their fangs,
and both endued with great activity, struck each other with many
thousands of arrows. Indeed, those two tigers among men fought with each
other, like two leaders of elephantine herds in the deep woods with fury.
Both endued with great energy, they fought, each desirous of slaying the
other, like two enraged tigers in a mountain-cave. That combat, O
monarch, became exceedingly fierce. Deserving to be witnessed, it became
highly wonderful. The very Siddhas and the Charanas, in large numbers,
witnessed it with wonder-waiting eyes. Then Viradhanwan, O Bharata, with
a laugh, cut off in rage Dhrishtaketu's bow in twain by means of
broad-headed arrows. Abandoning that broken bow, the ruler of the Chedis,
that mighty car-warrior took up a fierce dart made of iron and equipped
with a golden staff. Bending with his hands, O Bharata, that dart of
fierce energy towards the car of Viradhanwan, Dhrishtaketu hurled it
carefully and with great force. Struck with great force by that
hero-slaying dart, and his heart pierced by it through, Viradhanwan,
quickly fell down on the earth from his car. Upon the fall of that hero,
that mighty car-warrior among the Trigartas, your army, O lord, was broken
by the Pandavas. (Thy son) Durmukha sped sixty shafts at Sahadeva, and
uttered a loud shout in that battle, challenging that son of Pandu. The
son of Madri, then., filled with rage, pierced Durmukha with many keen
arrows, smiling the while, the brother striking the brother. Be. holding
the mighty Durmukha fighting furiously, Sahadeva, then, O Bharata, once
more struck him with nine shafts. Endued with great strength, Sahadeva
then cut off Durmukha's standard with a broad-headed arrow and struck
down his four steeds with four other arrows. And then with another broad.
headed arrow, well-tempered and sharp, he cut off, from his trunk, the
head of Durmukha's charioteer that shone with a pair of ear-rings. And
cutting off Durmukha's large bow with a razor-faced arrow, Sahadeva
pierced Durmukha himself in that battle with five arrows. Durmukha
fearlessly jumping down from that steedless car, mounted the car, O
Bharata, of Niramitra. Then that slayer of hostile heroes, viz.,
Sahadeva, filled with rage slew in that great battle Niramitra in the
midst of his division with a broad-headed arrow. Thereupon, prince
Niramitra, the son of the ruler of the Trigartas, fell down from his car,
afflicting your army with great grief. Slaying him, the mighty-armed
Sahadeva looked resplendent like Rama, the son of Dasaratha, after
slaying the mighty (Rakshasa) Khara. Beholding that mighty car-warrior,
viz., prince Niramitra slain, loud cries of Oh and Alas arose, O monarch,
among the Trigarta warriors. Nakula, O king, in a moment vanquished thy
son Vikarna of large eyes. This seemed highly wonderful. Vyaghradatta, by
means of his straight shafts, made Satyaki invisible with his steeds and
driver and standard in the midst of his division. The brave grandson of
Sini, baffling those shafts with great lightness of hand, felled
Vyaghradatta by means of his arrows, with his steeds and driver and
standard. Upon the fall, O lord, of that prince of the Magadhas, the
latter, struggling vigorously, rushed against Yuyudhana from all sides.
Scattering their shafts and lances by thousands, and sharp arrows and
spears and mallets and thick clubs, those brave warriors fought in that
battle with that invincible hero of the Satwata race. Endued with great
might, invincible Satyaki, that bull among men, with the greatest ease
and laughing the while, vanquished them all. The Magadhas were nearly
exterminated. A small remnant flew from the field. Beholding this, thy
army, already afflicted with the arrows of Yuyudhana, broke, O lord! Then
that foremost one of Madhu's race, having slaughtered ill battle thy
troops, that illustrious hero, looked resplendent as he shook his bow.
The army, O king, was thus routed by that high-souled one of the Satwata
race. Indeed, frightened by that hero of long arms, none approached him
for fight. Then Drona filled with rage and rolling his eyes, himself
rushed impetuously towards Satyaki, of feats incapable of being baffled.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 104 ---------------------