Friday, October 3, 2014

Parva 06 013


(Bhagavat-Gita Parva)

Vaisampayana said,--"Possessing a knowledge of the past, the present and
the future, and seeing all things as if present before his eyes, the
learned son of Gavalgana, O Bharata, coming quickly from the field of
battle, and rushing with grief (into the court) represented unto
Dhritarashtra who was plunged in thought that Bhishma the grandsire of
the Bharatas had been slain."

"Sanjaya said,--'I am Sanjaya, O great king. I bow to thee, O bull of
Bharata's race. Bhishma, the son of Santanu and the grandsire of the
Bharatas, hath been slain. That foremost of all warriors, that grandsire
of the Bharatas, hath been slain. That foremost of all warriors, that
embodied energy of all bowmen, that grandsire of the Kurus lieth to-day
on a bed of arrows. That Bhishma. O king, relying on whose energy your son
had been engaged in that match at dice, now lieth on the field of battle
slain by Sikhandin. That mighty car-warrior who on a single car had
vanquished in terrific combat at the city of Kasi all the kings of the
Earth mustered together, he who had fearlessly fought in battle with
Rama, the son of Jamadagni, he whom Jamadagni's son could not slay, oh,
even hath he been to-day slain by Sikhandin. Resembling the great Indra
himself in bravery, and Himavat in firmness, like unto the ocean itself
in gravity, and the Earth herself in patience, that invincible warrior
having arrows for his teeth, that bow for his mouth, and the sword for
his tongue, that lion among men, hath to-day been slain by the prince of
Panchala. That slayer of heroes, beholding whom when addrest for battle
the mighty army of the Pandavas, unmanned by fear, used to tremble like a
herd of kine when beholding a lion, alas, having protected that army (of
thine) for ten nights and having achieved feats exceedingly difficult of
accomplishment, hath set like the Sun.[78] He who like Sakra himself,
scattering arrows in thousands with the utmost composure, daily slew ten
thousand warriors for ten days, even he slain (by the enemy), lieth,
though he deserveth it not, on the bare ground like a (mighty) tree
broken by the wind, in consequence, O king, of your evil counsels, O

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 13 ---------------------