Sanjaya said, "The heroic Drona, that great bowman endued with the
prowess of an infuriate elephant, that foremost of men possessed of great
might, taking up his large bow which was capable [of] checking even an
infuriate elephant, and shaking it (in his hands), was engaged in
afflicting the Pandava ranks, having penetrated into their midst. That
valiant warrior acquainted with every omen, beholding the omens on all
sides, addressed his son who also was scorching the hostile ranks and
said these words, 'This is that day, O son, on which the mighty Partha,
desirous of slaying Bhishma in battle, will exert himself to the best of
his might. My arrows are coming out (of the quiver, of their own accord).
My bow seems to yawn. My weapon seems unwilling to obey my behests, and
my heart also is cheerless. Animals and birds are uttering fearful and
incessant cries. Vultures seem to disappear beneath the feet of the
Bharata troops. The Sun himself seems to have lost hue. The quarters are
all ablaze. The Earth seems to shriek, inspire fear, and tremble
everywhere. Kankas, and vultures, and cranes are frequently crying.
Jackals are uttering inauspicious and fierce yells foreboding great
danger. Large meteors seem to fall from the centre of the solar disc. The
constellation called Parigha, with a trunkless form, appeareth around the
Sun. The solar and the lunar discs have become awful, foreboding great
danger to Kshatriyas about the mangling of their bodies. The idols of the
Kuru king in his temples tremble and laugh and dance and weep. The
illustrious Moon riseth with his horns downward. The bodies of the kings
belonging to the Kuru army all seem to be pale, and though clad in mail,
are shorn of splendour. The loud blare of Panchajanya and the twang of
Gandiva are heard on all sides of both the armies. Without doubt, Arjuna,
relying upon his great weapons and avoiding other warriors will advance
upon the grandsire. The pores of my body are contracting, and my heart
also is depressed, thinking, O mighty-armed one, of the encounter between
Bhishma and Arjuna. Keeping on his fore the Panchala prince of sinful
soul and conversant with deceit, Partha is proceeding towards Bhishma for
battle. Bhishma said before that he would not slay Sikhandin. By the
Creator had that one been made female, though through chance he
subsequently became a male person. That mighty son of Yajnasena is also
an inauspicious omen (by himself). The son of the Ocean-going (Ganga)
will not strike that person of inauspicious self. Thinking of this, viz.,
that Arjuna, excited with wrath, is about to fall upon the aged Kuru
grandsire, my heart is exceedingly depressed. The wrath of Yudhishthira,
an encounter between Bhishma and Arjuna in battle, and an endeavour like
this (of the shooting of weapons) by myself,--these (three) are certainly
fraught with great harm to creatures. Arjuna is endued with great energy;
he is powerful, brave, accomplished in weapons, and possessed of valour
that is very active. Capable of shooting his arrows to a great distance
and shooting them with force, he is, besides, acquainted with omens,
Endued with great might and intelligence, and above fatigue, that
foremost of warriors is incapable of defeat by the very gods with Vasava
at their head. The son of Pandu possesses terrible weapons and is ever
victorious in battle. Avoiding his path, go you to battle (for Bhishma's
victory) O you of rigid vows.[478] Today in this dreadful battle thou
wilt behold a great carnage. The beautiful and costly coats of mail,
decked with gold, of brave warriors will be pierced with straight shafts.
And the tops of standards, and bearded javelins, and bows, and bright
lances of sharp points, and darts bright with gold, and the standards on
the backs of elephants, will all be cut off by Kiritin in wrath. O son,
this is not the time when dependants should take care of their lives. Go
to battle, keeping heaven before thee, and for the sake of fame and
victory. There, the ape-bannered (Arjuna) crosseth on his car the river
of battle that is awful and incapable of being easily crossed, and hath
cars, elephants, and steeds, for its eddies. Regard for Brahmanas,
self-restraint, liberality, asceticism, and noble conduct, are seen in
Yudhishthira alone who hath for his brothers Dhananjaya, and the mighty
Bhimasena, and the twin sons of Madri by Pandu, and who hath Vasudeva of
the Vrishni race for his protector. The wrath, born of grief, of that
Yudhishthira whose body hath been purified by the flames of penance,
directed to the wicked-souled son of Dhritarashtra, is consuming this
Bharata host. There cometh Partha, having Vasudeva for his protector,
checking (as he cometh) this entire Dhartarashtra army. Behold, Kiritin
is agitating this host like a large whale agitating the vast sea of
crested waves. Hark, cries of distress and woe are heard in the van of
the army. Go, encounter the heir of the Panchala king. As for myself, I
will proceed against Yudhishthira. The heart of king Yudhishthira's very
strong array is difficult of access. Inaccessible as the interior of the
sea, it is guarded on all sides by Atirathas. Satyaki, and Abhimanyu and
Dhrishtadyumna, and Vrikodara, and the twins, even these are protecting
that ruler of men, viz., king Yudhishthira. Dark as the younger brother
of Indra, and risen like a tall Sala, behold Abhimanyu advancing at the
head of the (Pandava) host, like a second Phalguna! Take up your mighty
weapons, and with your large bow in hand proceed against the royal son of
Prishata (viz., Sikhandin), and against Vrikodara. Who is there that doth
not wish his dear son to live for many years? Keeping the duties of a
Kshatriya, however, before me, I am engaging you (to this task). So
Bhishma also, in this battle, is consuming the mighty host of the
Pandavas. O son, he is, in battle, equal to Yama or Varuna himself.'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 113 ---------------------