Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parva 06 086


Sanjaya said, "Then the mighty Dhananjaya, struck with those shafts and
drawing long breaths like a trodden snake, cut off, with great force, by
means of his successive shafts, the bows of those mighty car-warriors.
Cutting off in a moment, O king, the bows of those powerful monarchs in
that battle, the high-souled Arjuna, desiring to exterminate them pierced
all of them simultaneously with his shafts. Struck (thus) by Indra's son,
O king, some of them fell down on the field, covered with blood. And some
had their limbs mangled, and some had their heads struck off. And some
perished with bodies mangled and coats of mail cut through. And afflicted
by the arrows of Partha, many of them, falling down on the earth,
perished together. Beholding then those princes slain in battle, the
ruler of the Trigartas advanced on his car. And two and thirty others
amongst those car-warriors, they who had been protecting the rear of the
slain combatants also fell upon Partha. These all, surrounding Partha,
and drawing their bows of loud twang, poured on him a thick shower of
arrows like the clouds pouring torrents of water on the mountain breast.
Then Dhananjaya afflicted with that arrowy down-pour in that battle,
became excited with wrath, and with sixty arrows steeped in oil he
despatched all those protectors of the rear. Having vanquished in battle
those sixty car-warriors, the illustrious Dhananjaya became cheerful at
heart. And having slain also the forces of those kings, Jishnu sped for
Bhishma's slaughter. Then the ruler of the Trigartas, beholding his
friends those mighty car-warriors slain, speedily advanced upon Partha,
with a number of (other) kings in his van, for slaying him. Then the
Pandava warrior headed by Sikhandin, beholding those combatants advancing
upon Dhananjaya that foremost of all conversant with arms, proceeded with
whetted weapons in hand, desirous of protecting the car of Arjuna. Partha
also beholding those brave men advanced towards him with the ruler of the
Trigartas, mangled them in battle with arrows shot from Gandiva. Then
that distinguished bowman, desirous of approaching Bhishma beheld
Duryodhana and other kings headed by the ruler of the Sindhus. Fighting
with great energy for a moment and checking those warriors that were
desirous of protecting Bhishma, the heroic Arjuna of great valour and
infinite prowess avoiding Duryodhana and Jayadratha and others,--that
warrior of mighty strength and great mental vigour,--at last proceeded,
bow and arrow in hand, towards the son of Ganga in battle. The
high-souled Yudhishthira also, of fierce prowess and infinite renown,
avoiding in battle the ruler of the Madras who had been assigned to his
share, quickly proceeded, with excited wrath and accompanied by Bhima and
the sons of Madri towards Bhishma, the son of Santanu, for battle.
Conversant with all modes of warfare the high-souled son of Ganga and
Santanu, though attacked in battle by all the sons of Pandu united
together, wavered not at all. Of fierce might and great energy king
Jayadratha of sure aim, advancing in battle, forcibly cut off with his
own excellent bow the bows of all those mighty car-warriors. And the
illustrious Duryodhana also with excited wrath and having wrath for his
position, struck Yudhishthira and Bhimasena and the twins and Partha,
with arrows resembling flames of fire. Pierced with arrows by Kripa and
Sala and Chitrasena, O lord, the Pandavas, inflamed with rage, resembled
the gods pierced with arrows by the united Daityas (in days of old). King
Yudhishthira then, beholding Sikhandin flying away, having had his weapon
cut off by Santanu's son became filled with anger. The high-souled
Ajatasatru, angrily addressing Sikhandin in that battle, said these
words, 'Thou saidst at that time, in the presence of your sire, unto
me--Even I shall slay Bhishma of high vows with my shafts of the hue of
the effulgent sun. Truly do I say this.--Even this was your oath. That
oath of yours you dost not fulfil inasmuch as you dost not slay
Devavrata in battle. O hero, be not a person of unfulfilled vow. Take
care of your virtue, race, and fame. Behold Bhishma of terrible
impetuosity scorching all my troops with his innumerable arrows of fierce
energy and destroying everything in a moment like Death himself. With thy
bow cut off avoiding the battle, and vanquished by the royal son of
Santanu, whither dost you go, forsaking your kinsmen and brothers? This
doth not become thee. Beholding Bhishma of infinite prowess, and our army
routed and flying away, you are assuredly, O son of Drupada, frightened,
since the colour of your face is pale. Unknown to thee, O hero, Dhananjaya
hath engaged in the dreadful battle. Celebrated over the whole world, why
O hero, are you afraid today of Bhishma.[423]'--Hearing these words of
king, Yudhishthira the just, that were harsh, though fraught with sound
reason, the high-souled Sikhandin, regarding them as good counsel,
speedily set himself about slaying Bhishma.[424] And while Sikhandin was
proceeding to battle with great impetuosity for falling upon Bhishma,
Salya began to resist him with terrible weapons that were difficult of
being baffled. The son of Drupada, however, O king, of prowess equal to
that of Indra himself, beholding those weapons effulgent as the fire that
blazeth forth at the hour of universal dissolution (thus) displayed, was
not confounded in the least. Checking those weapons by means of his own
shafts, that mighty bowman, viz., Sikhandin, stayed there without moving.
And then he took up another weapon, viz., the fierce Varuna weapon for
baffling (those fiery weapons of Salya). Then the celestials staying in
the firmament, and the kings of the earth also, all beheld Salya's
weapons baffled by that Varuna weapon of Sikhandin. Meanwhile, the
high-souled and heroic Bhishma, O king, in that battle, cut off the bow
and the variegated standard also of Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira of the
Ajamida race. Thereupon casting aside his bow and arrows upon beholding
Yudhishthira overwhelmed with fear, and taking up a mace in that battle,
Bhimasena rushed, on foot, at Jayadratha. Then Jayadratha, with five
hundred terrible arrows of keen points and each resembling the rod of
Death, pierced Bhimasena from every side who was thus rushing impetuously
at him, mace in hand. Disregarding those arrows, the impetuous Vrikodara,
with heart filled with rage, slew in that battle all the steeds, born in
Aratta, of the king of the Sindhus. Then beholding Bhimasena on foot, thy
son (Chitrasena) of unrivalled prowess and resembling the chief of the
celestials himself, quickly rushed at him on his car, with upraised
weapons, for giving him his quietus. Bhima also, roaring and uttering a
loud shout, rushed at him impetuously, mace in hand. Thereupon the
Kauravas all around beholding that upraised mace resembling the rod of
Death, forsaking your brave son, fled away, desirous of avoiding its fall
(amongst them). In that fierce and awful crush (of men), O Bharata,
confounding the senses, Chitrasena, however, beholding that mace coursing
towards him, was not deprived of his senses. Taking up a bright scimitar
and a shield, he forsook his car and became a warrior on foot in the
field, for jumping down (from his vehicle) like a lion from the top of a
cliff he came down upon the level ground. Meanwhile that mace, failing
upon that beautiful car and destroying the vehicle itself with its steeds
and charioteer in that battle, dropped on the ground like a blazing
meteor, loosened from the firmament, failing upon the earth. Then thy
troops, O Bharata, beholding that highly wonderful feat became filled
with joy, and all of them together set up a loud shout over the field of
battle. And the warriors all applauded your son (for what they witnessed)."

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 86 ---------------------