Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Parva 06 121


Dhritarashtra said, 'Alas, what was the state of (my) warriors, O
Sanjaya, when they were deprived of the mighty and god-like Bhishma who
had become a Brahmacharin for the sake of his reverend sire? Even then I
regarded the Kurus and all the others as slain by the Pandavas when
Bhishma, despising the son of Drupada, struck him not. Wretch that I am,
also, I hear today of my sire's slaughter. What can be a heavier sorrow
than this? My heart assuredly, O Sanjaya, is made of adamant, since it
breaketh not into a hundred fragments on hearing of Bhishma's death! Tell
me, O you of excellent vows, what was done by that lion among the Kurus,
viz., the victory-desiring Bhishma when he was slain in battle. I cannot
at all brook it that Devavrata should be slain in battle. Alas, he that
was not slain by Jamadagni's son himself in days of old by means of even
his celestial weapons, alas, he hath now been slain by Drupada's son
Sikhandin, the prince of Panchala!--

'Sanjaya said,--"Slain in the evening the Kuru grandsire Bhishma saddened
the Dhartarashtras and delighted the Panchalas. Falling down on the
earth, he lay on his bed of arrows without however, touching the earth
with his body. Indeed, when Bhishma, thrown down from his car fell upon
the surface of the earth, cries of Oh and Alas were heard among all
creatures. When that boundary-tree of the Kurus, viz., the ever
victorious Bhishma, fell down, fear entered the hearts, O king, of the
Kshatriyas of both the armies. Beholding Bhishma, the son of Santanu,
with his standard overthrown and his armour cut open, both the Kurus and
the Pandavas were inspired, O monarch, with sentiments of cheerlessness.
And the welkin was enveloped with a gloom and the Sun himself became dim.
The Earth seemed to utter loud shrieks when the son of Santanu was slain.
This one is the foremost of those conversant with the Vedas! This one is
the best of those that are conversant with the Vedas!--Even thus did
creatures speak of that bull among men as he lay (on his bed of
arrows).This one, formerly, ascertaining his sire Santanu to be afflicted
by Kama, this bull among men, resolved to draw up his vital steed!--Even
thus did the Rishis together with the Siddhas and the Charanas said of
that foremost one of the Bharatas as he lay on his bed of arrows. When
Santanu's son Bhishma, the grandsire of the Bharatas, was slain, thy
sons, O sire, knew not what to do. Their faces wore an expression of
grief. The splendour of their countenances seemed to abandon them, O
Bharata! All of them stood in shame, hanging down their heads. The
Pandavas, on the other hand, having, won the victory, stood at the head
of their ranks. And they all blew their large conchs decked with gold.
And when in consequence of their joys thousands of trumpets, O sinless
one, were blown there, we beheld O monarch, the mighty Bhimasena, the son
of Kunti, sporting in great glee, having quickly slain many hostile
warriors endued with great strength. And a great swoon overtook all the
Kurus. And Karna and Duryodhana repeatedly drew long breaths. When the
Kuru grandsire Bhishma fell down, thus, cries of sorrow were heard all
round, and the greatest confusion prevailed (among the Kuru army).
Beholding Bhishma fallen, your son Dussasana, with great speed, entered
the division commanded by Drona. That hero, clad in mail and at the head
of his own troops, had been placed by his elder brother (for the
protection of Bhishma). That tiger among men now came, plunging the
troops he had commanded into grief. Beholding him coming towards them,
the Kauravas surrounded prince Dussasana, desirous, O monarch, of hearing
what he had to say. Then Dussasana of Kuru's race informed Drona of
Bhishma's slaughter. Drona then, hearing those evil tidings, suddenly
fell down from his car. Then the valiant son of Bharadwaja, quickly
recovering his senses, forbade the Kuru army, sire, to continue the
fight. Beholding the Kurus desist from battle, the Pandavas also, through
messengers on fleet horses, forbade their orders, ceased to fight, the
kings of both armies, putting off their armour, all repaired to Bhishma.
Desisting from the fight, thousands of (other) warriors then, proceeded
towards the high-souled Bhishma like the celestials towards the Lord of
all creatures. Approaching Bhishma who was then, O bull of Bharata's
race, lying (on his bed of arrows), the Pandavas and the Kurus stood
there, having offered him their salutations. Then Santanu's son Bhishma
of righteous soul addressed the Pandavas and the Kurus who having
reverenced him thus, stood before him. And he said,--Welcome to you, ye
highly blessed ones! Welcome to you, the mighty car-warriors! Gratified am
I with your sight, the that are the equals of the very gods.--Thus
addressing them with his head hanging down, he once more said,--'My head
is hanging down greatly. Let a pillow be given to me!--The kings
(standing there) then fetched many excellent pillows that were very soft
and made of very delicate fabrics. The grandsire, however, desired them
not. That tiger among men then said unto those kings with a
laugh,--These, the kings, do not become a hero's bed.--Beholding them that
foremost of men, that mightiest of car-warriors in all the worlds, viz.,
the mighty-armed Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, he said,--O Dhananjaya, O
thou of mighty arms, my head hangeth down, O sire! Give me a pillow such
as you regardest to be fit!--'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 121 ---------------------