Sanjaya said, "Then those heroes, O king, who cherished feelings of
hostility towards one another, retired to their tents, their persons
covered with blood. Having rested for a while agreeably to rule, and
praising one another (for the feats of the day), they were again seen
clad in mail, desirous of battle. Then your son, O king, overwhelmed with
anxiety and covered with blood trickling down (from his wounds), asked
the grandsire, saying.[406] 'Our troops are fierce and terrible and carry
innumerable standards. They are, again, arrayed properly. Yet the brave
and mighty car-warriors of the Pandavas, having penetrated (into our
array) and afflicted and slaughtered (our troops), escaped unhurt.[407]
Confounding us all, they have won great fame in battle. Bhima again,
having penetrated into our Makara array which was strong as the
thunder-bolt, afflicted me with his terrible shafts each resembling the
rod of Death. Beholding him excited with wrath, O king, I was deprived of
my senses. Even now I cannot regain my peace of mind. Through your grace,
O you that are firm in truth, I desire to obtain victory and slay the
sons of Pandu.' Thus addressed by him, the high-souled son of Ganga, that
foremost of all wielders of weapons, endued with great mental energy,
understanding that Duryodhana was possessed by grief replied unto him,
laughing the while though cheerless, saying,[408] 'Penetrating into
(their) army with the utmost exertions and with my whole soul, O prince,
I wish to give you victory and joy. For your sake I do not at all
dissemble. They that have become the allies of the Pandavas in this
battle are fierce and numerous. Mighty car-warriors of great renown, they
are exceedingly brave and accomplished in arms. Incapable of being
fatigued, they vomit forth their wrath. Cherishing feelings of animosity
towards thee, and swelling with prowess, they are not capable of being
defeated easily. I will, however, O king, contend against those heroes
with my whole soul and throwing away my very life. For your sake, in
battle, O you of great glory, my life itself shall today be recklessly
exposed. For your sake I would consume all the worlds with the celestials
and the Daityas, let alone your foes here. I will, O king, fight with
those Pandavas, and do all that is agreeable to thee. Hearing these
words, Duryodhana became inspired with great confidence and his heart was
filled with delight. And cheerfully he ordered all the troops, and all
the kings, (in his army) saying, Advance. And at that command, O king,
his army consisting of cars, steeds, foot-soldiers, and elephants, began
to advance. And that large force. O king, armed with diverse kinds of
weapons, was exceedingly cheerful. And that army of thine, O monarch,
consisting of elephants, steeds, and foot-soldiers, on the field of
battle, looked exceedingly beautiful. And huge tuskers, stationed in
large bodies, and skilfully urged, looked resplendent on the field all
around. And many royal combatants accomplished in diverse weapons were
seen in the midst of your troops. And the dust, red as the morning sun,
raised by those cars and foot-soldiers and elephants and steeds in large
bodies as they were duly moved over the field, looked beautiful,
shrouding the rays of the sun. And the many-coloured banners stationed on
cars and elephants, waving in the air and moving along the welkin, looked
beautiful like flashes of lightning amid the clouds. And loud and fierce
was the uproar made by the twang of the bows stretched by the kings,
resembling the roar of the ocean while churned in the Krita age by the
gods and the great Asuras. And that army of your sons, looking so proud,
consisting of (combatants of) diverse hues and shapes, shouting so
fiercely, and capable of slaying hostile warriors, then looked like those
masses of clouds that appear at the end of the Yuga.[409]'"
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 81 ---------------------