Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parva 06 082


Sanjaya said, "O chief of the Bharatas, Ganga's son, once more addressing
thy son who was plunged in thought, told him these delightful words,
'Myself and Drona and Salya and Kritavarman of Satwata's race, and
Aswatthaman and Vikarna and Bhagadatta and Suvala's son and Vinda and
Anuvinda of Avanti, and Valhika with the Valhikas,[410] and the mighty
king of the Trigartas and the invincible ruler of the Magadhas,
Vrihadvala the king of the Kosalas, and Chitrasena and Vivingsati and
many thousands of car-warriors graced with tall standards, a large number
of country-born steeds well-mounted with excellent horse-soldiers and
many infuriate elephants of large size with temporal juice issuing from
their mouths and cheeks, and many brave foot-soldiers armed with diverse
weapons and born in diverse realms, are all prepared to do battle for thy
sake.[411] These, and many others ready for your sake to lay down their
lives, are, as I think, competent to vanquish the very gods in battle. I
should, however, always tell thee, O king, what is for your good. The
Pandavas are incapable of being vanquished by the very gods with Vasava.
They have Vasudeva for their ally and are equal to Mahendra himself in
prowess. As regards myself, I shall, however, always do your bidding.
Either I shall vanquish the Pandavas in battle or they will vanquish me.
Having said these words, the grandsire gave him an excellent herb of
great efficacy for healing his wounds. And therewith your son was cured of
his wounds. Then at dawn when the sky was clear, the valiant Bhishma,
that foremost of men well-versed in all kinds of array, himself disposed
his troops in that array called Mandala bristling with weapons. And it
abounded with foremost of warriors and with tuskers and foot-soldiers.
And it was surrounded on all sides with many thousands of cars, and with
large bodies of horsemen armed with swords and lances. Near unto every
elephant were placed seven cars, and near unto every car were placed
seven horsemen. And behind every horseman were placed seven bowmen, and
behind every bowman were seven combatants with shields. And thus, O king,
thy army, arrayed by mighty car-warriors, stood for fierce battle,
protected by Bhishma. And ten thousand horses, and as many elephants, and
ten thousand cars, and your sons, all equipped in mail, viz., the heroic
Chitrasena and others, protected the grandsire. And it was seen that
Bhishma was protected by those brave warriors, and those princes
themselves of great strength, accoutred in mail, were (in their turn)
protected by him. And Duryodhana accoutred in mail sat upon his car on
the field, and possessed of every grace, looked resplendent like Sakra
himself in heaven. Then, O Bharata, loud were the shouts uttered by thy
sons and deafening the clatter of cars and the uproar of musical
instruments. That mighty and impenetrable array of those slayer of foes,
viz., the Dhartarashtras (in the form called) Mandala, (thus) arrayed by
Bhishma, began to proceed, facing the west. Incapable of being defeated
by enemies, it looked beautiful in every point. Beholding then the array
called Mandala that was exceedingly fierce, king Yudhishthira himself
disposed his troops in the array called Vajra. And when the divisions
were thus arrayed, car-warriors and horsemen, stationed in their proper
places, uttered leonine shouts. Accompanied by their respective forces,
the brave warriors of both armies, well versed in smiting, and longing
for battle, proceeded, desirous of breaking each other's array. And
Bharadwaja's son proceeded against the king of the Matsyas, and his son
(Aswatthaman) against Sikhandin. And king Duryodhana himself rushed
against the son of Prishata. And Nakula and Sahadeva went forth against
the king of the Madras. And Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti proceeded
against Iravat. And many kings together battled with Dhananjaya. And
Bhimasena, exerting himself well, opposed the son of Hridika in battle.
And possessed of great prowess, (Abhimanyu) the son of Arjuna, fought in
battle, O king, against the sons Chitrasena and Vikarna, and Durmarshana.
And Hidimva's son, that prince of the Rakshasas, rushed against that
mighty bowman, the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, like one infuriate
elephant against another. And the Rakshasa Alamvusha, O king, excited
with wrath, rushed in battle against the invincible Satyaki in the midst
of his followers. And Bhurisravas, exerting himself greatly, fought
against Dhrishtaketu. And Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, proceeded
against king Srutayush. And Chekitana in that battle fought against
Kripa. And others (among the Kuru warriors), exerting themselves
powerfully, proceeded against that mighty car-warrior Bhima. And
thousands of (other) kings surrounded Dhananjaya, with darts, lances,
arrows, maces, and spiked clubs in their hands. Then Arjuna, excited with
great wrath, addressing him of Vrishni's race, said, 'Behold, O Madhava,
the Dhartarashtra troops in battle, arrayed by the high-souled son of
Ganga, acquainted with every kind of array. Behold, O Madhava, those
brave warriors, countless in number, and desirous of battle (with me).
Behold, O Kesava, the ruler of the Trigartas with his brothers.[412] This
very day I shall slay them all, O Janardana, before your eyes,--them, that
is, O foremost of the Yadus, who, longing for battle (with me), are on
the field.' Having said these words, the son of Kunti, rubbing his
bowstring, showered his arrows on that multitude of kings. And those
great bowmen also, poured on him thick showers of arrows, like clouds
that fill a lake with torrents of rain in the rainy season. And loud
shouts were heard in your army, O monarch, when in that great battle the
two Krishnas were seen covered with thick showers of arrows. And the
gods, the celestial Rishis, and the Gandharvas with the Uragas, beholding
the two Krishnas in that state, were filled with great wonder. Then
Arjuna, O king, excited with wrath, invoked the Aindra weapon. And then
the prowess we beheld of Vijaya seemed to be highly wonderful insomuch
that those showers of weapons shot by his foes were checked by his
myriads of arrows. And there among those thousands of kings and steeds
and elephants, was none, O king, that was not wounded. And others, O
sire, the son of Pritha pierced, each with two or three arrows. And while
being thus struck by Pritha, they sought the protection of Bhishma, the
son of Santanu. But Bhishma then became the rescuer of those warriors who
were like men sinking in the fathomless deep. And in consequence of those
warriors thus flying away and mixing with your troops, your broken ranks, O
king, were agitated like the vast deep with a tempest."

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 82 ---------------------