Sanjaya said, "King Virata then pierced that mighty car-warrior, viz.,
Bhishma, with three shafts. And that great car-warrior pierced his
(antagonist's) steeds also with three shafts furnished with golden wings.
And that terrible bowman and mighty car-warrior of firm hand, viz.,
Drona's son, pierced with six shafts the wielder of Gandiva between his
two breasts. Thereupon that grinder of foes, viz., Phalguni, that slayer
of hostile heroes, cut off Aswatthaman's bow and deeply pierced him in
return with five shafts. Deprived of his senses by anger, and unable to
bear the cutting off of his bow in that battle, Drona's son, taking up
another bow that was tougher, pierced Phalguni, O king, with ninety
sharp-shafts, and Vasudeva also with seventy fierce arrows. Then, with
eyes red in wrath, Phalguni, with Krishna, breathing long and hot
breaths, reflected for a moment. Firmly grasping the bow with his left
hand, that grinder of foes, viz., the wielder of gandiva excited with
rage, fixed on his bowstring a number of fierce shafts, sharp and
perfectly straight, and capable of taking (the foe's) life. And that
foremost of mighty men speedily pierced Drona's son, in that battle, with
those arrows. And those arrows, penetrating through his armour, drank his
life-blood. But though thus pierced by the wielder of Gandiva, Drona's
son wavered not. Shooting in return similar arrows at Partha, he stayed
unperturbed, in that battle, desirous, O king, of protecting Bhishma of
high vows. And that feat of his was applauded by the foremost warriors of
the Kuru army, consisting, as it did, of his having encountered the two
Krishnas united together. Indeed, Aswatthaman daily battled fearlessly
amid the forces, having obtained from Drona all weapons with the methods
also of their withdrawal. This one is the son of my preceptor. He is
again the dear son of Drona. He is especially a Brahmana, and, therefore,
worthy of my regard. Thinking so, that scorcher of foes, the heroic
Vibhatsu, that foremost of car-warriors, showed mercy to the son of
Bharadwaja. Avoiding the son of Drona, Kunti's son endued with great
prowess and having white steeds (yoked unto his car), began to fight,
displaying great quickness of arms and causing a great carnage of thy
troops. Duryodhana then pierced that great bowman Bhima with ten shafts
winged with vulturine feathers, adorned with gold, and whetted on stone.
Thereupon Bhimasena, excited with wrath, took up a tough and well-adorned
bow capable of taking the life of the foe, and also ten sharp shafts. And
steadily aiming those sharp-pointed shafts of fierce energy and impetuous
velocity, and drawing the bow-string to his ear, he deeply pierced the
king of the Kurus in his wide chest. Thereupon the gem hanging on his
breast on threads of gold, surrounded by those shafts, looked beautiful
like the Sun in the firmament surrounded by the planets. Thy son,
however, endued with great energy, thus struck by Bhimasena, could not
bear it (coolly), like a snake unable to bear the sounds of a man's slap.
Excited with wrath and desirous of protecting his army, he then pierced
Bhima in return, O king, with many shafts whetted on stone and endued
with golden wings. Thus struggling in battle and mangling each other
fiercely, those two mighty sons of yours looked like a pair of celestials.
"That tiger among men and slayer of hostile heroes, viz., the son of
Subhadra, pierced Chitrasena with many sharp shafts and Purumitra also
with seven shafts. And piercing Satyavrata too with seventy shafts, that
hero resembling Indra himself in battle, began as it were to dance on the
field, and caused us much pain. Chitrasena then pierced him in return
with ten shafts, and Satyavrata with nine, and Purumitra with seven. Then
the son of Arjuna, thus pierced, while yet covered with blood, cut off
the large and beautiful bow of Chitrasena that was capable of checking
foes. And cutting through his coat of mail he pierced his antagonist's
breast with a shaft. Then the princes of your army, all heroic and mighty
car-warriors, excited with wrath and united together in that conflict,
pierced him with sharp arrows. And Abhimanyu, acquainted with the
mightiest weapons, smote them all with keen shafts. Beholding that feat
of his, your sons then surrounded the son of Arjuna, who was consuming thy
army in that conflict like a swelling fire of blazing flames consuming a
heap of dry grass in summer. And the son of Subhadra, while smiting thy
troops (thus), seemed to glow in splendour. Seeing that conduct of his,
thy grandson Lakshmana then, O monarch, quickly fell upon the son of
Subhadra. Thereupon that mighty car-warrior Abhimanyu, excited with
wrath, pierced Lakshmana graced with auspicious marks, as also his
charioteer, with six sharp arrows. But Lakshmana also, O king, pierced
Subhadra's son with many keen shafts. And that feat, O king, seemed to be
highly wonderful. Then that mighty car-warrior, viz., Abhimanyu, slaying
the four steeds as also the charioteer of Lakshmana with sharp shafts,
rushed towards the latter. Thereupon Lakshmana, that slayer of hostile
heroes, staying on that car of his whose steeds had been slain, and
excited with wrath, hurled a dart towards the car of Subhadra's son.
Abhimanyu, however, with his sharp arrows, cut off that irresistible dart
of fierce mien, resembling a snake, and coming impetuously towards him.
Then Kripa, taking Lakshmana up on his own car, bore him away from the
conflict, in the very sight of all the troops. Then when that awful
conflict became general, the combatants rushed against one another,
desirous of taking another's life. And the mighty bowmen of your army and
the great car-warriors of the Pandava host, prepared to lay down their
lives in battle, slew one another. With hair dishevelled, divested of
their coats of mail, deprived of their cars, and their bows broken, the
Srinjayas fought with the Kurus with their bare arms. Then the
mighty-armed Bhishma, endued with great strength, and excited with wrath,
slew with his celestial weapons the troops of the high-souled Pandavas.
And the earth became covered with the fallen bodies of elephants deprived
of their guides of men and steeds and car-warriors and cavalry-soldiers."
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 73 ---------------------