Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Parva 06 108


Sanjaya said, "While they were battling, the Sun set, O Bharata, aid
there came the dreadful hour of twilight and the battle could no longer
be seen. Then king Yudhishthira, seeing that twilight had come and that
his own troops, slaughtered by Bhishma, had thrown aside their weapons,
and that stricken with fear, and turned off the field, they were seeking
to flee away, and beholding Bhishma also, that mighty car-warrior,
excited with wrath and afflicting everybody in fight, and noticing that
the mighty car-warriors of the Somakas, having been vanquished, had all
become cheerless, reflected a little, and then ordered the troops to be
withdrawn. Then king Yudhishthira withdrew his forces. And similarly, the
withdrawal of your forces also took place at the same time. Then those
mighty car-warriors, O chief of the Kurus, having withdrawn their forces,
entered their tents, themselves mangled in battle. Afflicted by the
shafts of Bhishma and reflecting upon that hero's feats in battle, the
Pandavas obtained no peace of mind. Bhishma also, having vanquished the
Pandavas and the Srinjayas in battle, was worshipped by your sons and
glorified by them, O Bharata. Accompanied by the rejoicing Kurus, he then
entered his tent. Night then set in, that deprives all creatures of their
senses. Then in that fierce hour of night, the Pandavas, the Vrishnis and
the invincible Srinjayas sat down for a consultation. All those mighty
persons, skilled in arriving at conclusions in council, coolly
deliberated about that which was beneficial for them in view of their
immediate circumstances. Then king Yudhishthira, having reflected for a
long while, said these words, casting his eyes on Vasudeva, 'Behold, O
Krishna, the high-souled Bhishma of fierce prowess. He crusheth my troops
like an elephant crushing a forest of reeds. We dare not even look at
that high-souled warrior. Like a raging conflagration he licketh up my
troops. The valiant Bhishma of keen weapons, when excited with wrath in
battle and bow in hand shooting his shafts, becometh as fierce as the
mighty Naga Takshaka of virulent poison. Indeed, the angry Yama is
capable of being vanquished, or even the chief of the celestials armed
with the thunder, or Varuna himself, noose in hand, or the Lord of the
Yakshas armed with mace. But Bhishma, excited with wrath, is incapable of
being vanquished in battle. When this is the case, O Krishna, I am,
through the weakness of my understanding, plunged in an ocean of grief
having got Bhishma (as a foe) in battle. I will retire into the woods, O
invincible one. My exile there would be for my benefit. Battle, O
Krishna, I no longer desire. Bhishma slayeth us always. As an insect, by
rushing into a blazing fire meeteth only with death, even so do I rush
upon Bhishma. In putting forth prowess, O you of Vrishni's race, for the
sake of my kingdom, I am, alas, led to destruction. My brave brothers
have all been exceedingly afflicted with arrows. In consequence of the
affection they bear to myself their (eldest) brother they had to go into
the woods, deprived of kingdom. For myself alone, O slayer of Madhu, hath
Krishna been sunk into such distress. I regard life to be of high value.
Indeed, even life now seemeth to be difficult of being saved. (If I can
save that life), its latter remnant will I pass in the practice of
excellent virtue. If, with my brothers, O Kesava, I am worthy of thy
favour, tell me, O Krishna, what is for my benefit, without contravening
the duties of my order. Hearing these words of his, and (describing the
situation) in detail, Krishna, from compassion, said these words in reply
for comforting Yudhishthira, 'O son of Dharma, O you that are firm in
truth, do you not indulge in sorrow, you that hast these invincible
heroes, these slayers of foes, for your brothers. Arjuna and Bhimasena are
each endued with the energy of the Wind and the Fire. The twin sons of
Madri also are each as valiant as the Chief of the celestials himself.
From the good understanding that exists between us, do you set me also
to this task. Even I, O son of Pandu, will fight with Bhishma. Directed
by thee, O great king, what is there that I may not do in great battle.
Challenging that bull among men, viz., Bhishma, I will slay him in
battle, in the very sight of the Dhartarashtras, if Phalguni doth not
wish to slay him. If, O son of Pandu, you seest victory to be certain on
the slaughter of the heroic Bhishma, even, I, on a single car, will slay
that aged grandsire of the Kurus. Behold, O king, my prowess, equal to
that of the great Indra in battle. I will overthrow from his car that
warrior who always shooteth mighty weapons. He that is an enemy of the
sons of Pandu, without doubt, is my enemy also. They, that are yours, are
mine, and so they, that are mine, are yours. Thy brother (Arjuna) is my
friend, relative, and disciple. I will, O king, cut off my own flesh and
give it away for the sake of Arjuna. And this tiger among men also can
lay down his life for my sake. O sire, even this is our understanding,
viz., that we will protect each other. Therefore, command me, O king, in
what way I am to fight. Formerly, at Upaplavya, Partha had, in the
presence of many persons, vowed, saying, 'I will slay the son of Ganga.'
These words of the intelligent Partha should be observed (in practice).
Indeed, if Partha requests me without doubt I will fulfill that vow. Or,
let it be the task of Phalguni himself in battle. It is not heavy for
him. He will slay Bhishma, that subjugator of hostile cities. If excited
in battle, Partha can achieve feats that are incapable of being achieved
by others. Arjuna can slay in battle the very gods exerting themselves
actively, along with the Daityas and the Danavas. What need be said of
Bhishma, therefore, O king? Endued with great energy, Bhishma, the son of
Santanu, is now of perverted judgment, of intelligence decayed, and of
little sense, without doubt, he knoweth not what he should do.'

"Hearing these words of Krishna, Yudhishthira said, 'It is even so, O
thou of mighty arms, even as you sayest, O you of Madhu's race. All
these together are not competent to bear your force. I am sure of always
having whatever I desire, when, O tiger among men, I have thyself staying
on my side. O foremost of victorious persons, I would conquer the very
gods with Indra at their head, when, O Govinda, I have you for my
protector. What need I say, therefore, of Bhishma, though he is a mighty
car-warrior? But, O Krishna, I dare not, for my own glorification,
falsify your words. Therefore, O Madhava, as promised before by thee,
render me aid without fighting for me. In this battle an agreement was
made by me with Bhishma. He said,--I will give you counsel, but fight I
shall never for thee, since I shall have to fight for Duryodhana's sake.
Know this for truth. Therefore, O Lord, Bhishma may give me sovereignty
by giving me good counsel, O Madhava. Therefore, O slayer of Madhu, all
of us accompanied by thee, will once more repair unto Devavrata, for
asking him about the means of his own death. All of us then, O best of
persons, together going to Bhishma without delay, will speedily ask him
of Kuru's race his advice. O Janardana, he will truly give us beneficial
counsel; and O Krishna, I will do in battle what he will say. Of austere
vows, he will give us counsel, as also victory. We were children and
orphans. By him were we reared. O Madhava, him, our aged grandsire, I
wish to day,--him, the sire of our sire. Oh, fie upon the profession of a

Sanjaya continued, "Hearing these words, O king, he of Vrishni's race
said unto Yudhishthira, 'O you of great wisdom, these words of thine, O
king, are to my taste. Bhishma, otherwise called Devavrata, is skilled in
weapons. With only his glances he can consume the foe. Repair unto that
son of the Ocean-going (Ganga), for asking him about the means of his
death. Asked by thee, in particular, he will certainly say the truth. We
will, therefore, proceed for questioning the Kuru grandsire. Repairing
unto the reverend son of Santanu, we will, O Bharata, ask him his advice
and according to the advice that he will give us we will fight with the
foe.' Having thus deliberated, O elder brother of Pandu, the heroic sons
of Pandu, and the valiant Vasudeva, all proceeded together towards the
abode of Bhishma, casting aside their coats of mail and weapons and
entering then his tent, they all bowed to him, bending their heads. And
the sons of Pandu, O king, worshipping that bull of Bharata's race, and
bowing unto him with their heads, sought his protection. The Kuru
grandsire, the mighty-armed Bhishma, then addressed them, saying,
'Welcome are thou, O you of Vrishni's race. Welcome are thou, O
Dhananjaya. Welcome to thee, O king Yudhishthira the just, Ad to thee, O
Bhima. Welcome to you also, the twins. What am I to do now for enhancing
your joy? Even if it be exceedingly difficult of achievement, I will yet
do it with all my soul. Unto the son of Ganga who thus repeatedly spoke
unto them with such affection, king Yudhishthira, with a cheerful heart,
lovingly said, these words, 'O you that are conversant with everything,
how shall we obtain victory, and how shall we acquire sovereignty? How
also may this destruction of creatures be stopped? Say all these unto me,
O lord. Tell us the means of your own death. How, O hero, shall we be able
to bear you in battle? O grandsire of the Kurus, you givest not thy
foes even a minute hole to pick in thee. Thou are seen in battle with thy
bow ever drawn to a circle. When you takest your shafts, when aimest
them, and when drawest the bow (for letting them off), no one is able to
mark. O slayer of hostile heroes, constantly smiting (as you dost) cars
and steeds and men and elephants, we behold you on your car, O
mighty-armed one, to resemble a second Sun. What man is there, O bull of
Bharata's race, who can venture to vanquish thee, scattering showers of
arrows in battle, and causing a great destruction. Tell me, O grandsire,
the means by which we may vanquish you in battle, by which sovereignty
may be ours, and lastly, by which my army may not have to undergo such
destruction. Hearing these words, Santanu's son, O elder brother of
Pandu, said unto the son of Pandu, 'As long as I am alive, O son of
Kunti, victory cannot be yours in battle, O you of great wisdom. Truly
do I say this unto thee. After, however, I am vanquished in fight, the may
have victory in battle, the sons of Pandu. If, therefore, the desire
victory in the battle, smite me down without delay. I give you
permission, the sons of Pritha, strike me as the please. I am thus known to
you in what I regard to be a fortunate circumstance.[472] After I am
slain, all the rest will be slain. Therefore, do as I bid'.

"Yudhishthira said, 'Tell us the means by which we may vanquish you in
battle, you that art, when excited with wrath in the fight, like unto
the Destroyer himself armed with mace. The wielder of the thunder-bolt
may be vanquished or Varuna, or Yama. Thou, however, are incapable of
being defeated in battle by even the gods and Asuras united together,
with Indra at their head.'

"Bhishma said, 'That, O son of Pandu, is true, which you sayest. O thou,
of mighty arms. When with weapons and my large bow in hand I contend
carefully in battle, I am incapable of being defeated by the very gods
and the Asuras with Indra at their head. If, however, I lay aside my
weapons, even these car-warriors can slay me. One that hath thrown away
his weapons, one that hath fallen down, one whose armour hath slipped
off, one whose standard is down, one who is flying away, one who is
frightened, one who says--I am thine--one who is a female, one who
beareth the name of a female, one no longer capable of taking care of
one's self, one who hath only a single son, or one who is a vulgar
fellows,--with these I do not like to battle. Hear also, O king, about my
resolve formed before. Beholding any inauspicious omen I would never
fight. That mighty car-warrior, the son of Drupada, O king, whom thou
hast in your army, who is known by the name of Sikhandin, who is wrathful
in battle, brave, and ever victorious, was a female before but
subsequently obtained manhood. How all this took place, the all know it
truly. Brave in battle and clad in mail, let Arjuna, keeping Sikhandin
before him, attack me with his sharp shafts. When that inauspicious omen
will be there, especially in the form of one that was a female before, I
will never seek, though armed with bow and arrow, to strike him.
Obtaining that opportunity, let Dhananjaya the son of Pandu quickly
pierce me on every side with his shafts, O bull of Bharata's race. Except
the highly blessed Krishna, and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, I do not
behold the person in the three worlds who is able to slay me while
exerting myself in battle. Let Vibhatsu, therefore, armed with weapons,
struggling carefully in battle, with his excellent bow in hand, placing
(Sikhandin or) something else before, throw, me down (from my car). Then
the victory will be certain. Do this, O great king, even this that I have
said unto thee, O you of excellent vows. Thou wilt then be able to slay
all Dhartarashtras assembled together in battle.'

Sanjaya continued, "The Parthas then, having ascertained all this went
back to their tents, saluting the Kuru grandsire, viz., the high-souled
Bhishma. After Ganga's son, prepared to go to the other world, had said
this, Arjuna. burning with grief and his face suffused in shame, said
these words, 'How, O Madhava, shall I fight in battle with the grandsire
who is my senior in years, who is possessed of wisdom and intelligence,
and who is the oldest member of our race? While sporting in days of
childhood, O Vasudeva, I used to smear the body of this high-souled and
illustrious one with dust by climbing on his lap with my own filthy body.
O elder brother of Gada, he is the sire of my sire Pandu. While a child,
climbing on the lap of this high-souled one I once called him father, I
am not your father but your father's father, O Bharata!--even this is what
he said to me (in reply) in my childhood. He who said so, Oh, how can he
be slain by me. O, let my army perish. Whether, it is victory or death
that I obtain I will never fight that high-souled person. (Even this is
what I think). What dost you think, O Krishna!'

"Vasudeva said, 'Having vowed the slaughter of Bhishma before, O Jishnu,
how canst you abstain from slaying him, agreeably to the duties of a
Kshatriya? Throw down from his car, O Partha, that Kshatriya who is
invincible in battle. Victory can never be yours without slaying Ganga's
son. Even thus shall he go to the abode of Yama. This hath been settled
before by the gods. That which hath been destined before, O Partha, must
happen. It cannot be otherwise. None save thee, O invincible one, not
even the wielder of the thunder-bolt himself, would be capable of
fighting with Bhishma, who is like the Destroyer with wide-open mouth.
Slay Bhishma, without any anxiety. Listen also to these words of mine
that are what Vrihaspati of great intelligence had said unto Sakra in
days of old. One should slay even an aged person endued with every merit
and worthy of reverence if he cometh as a foe, or, indeed any other who
approacheth for destroying one's self--O Dhananjaya, this is the eternal
duty sanctioned for the Kshatriya, viz., that they should fight, protect
subjects, and perform sacrifices, all without malice.'

"Arjuna said, 'Sikhandin, O Krishna, will certainly be the cause of
Bhishma's death, for Bhishma, as soon as he beholds the prince of the
Panchalas, abstains from striking. Therefore, keeping Sikhandin before
him and at our head, we will, by that means, overthrow the son of Ganga.
Even this is what I think. I will hold in check other great bowmen with
my shafts. As regards Sikhandin, he will fight with Bhishma alone, that
foremost of all warriors. I have heard from that chief of the Kurus that
he would not strike Sikhandin, for having been born before as a woman he
subsequently became a male person.'

Sanjaya continued, "Having settled this with Bhishma's permission, the
Pandavas, along with Madhava, went away with rejoicing hearts. And then
those bulls among men retired to their respective beds."

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 108 ---------------------