Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parva 06 085


Sanjaya said, "Then when the sun attained the meridian, king
Yudhishthira, beholding Srutayush, urged on his steeds. And the king
rushed at Srutayush, that chastiser of foes, striking him with nine
straight shafts of keen points. That great bowman, viz., king Srutayush
then, checking in that battle those arrows shot by the son of Pandu,
struck Yudhishthira with seven shafts. These penetrating through his
armour, drank his blood in that battle, as if sucking the very vital
energies dwelling in the body of that high-souled one.[418] The son of
Pandu then, though deeply pierced by that high-souled king, pierced king
Srutayush (in return), at the latter's heart, with an arrow shaped as the
boar's ear. And that foremost of car-warriors, viz., the son of Pritha,
with another broad-headed arrow, quickly felled on the earth the standard
of the high-souled Srutayush from his car. Beholding his standard
overthrown, king Srutayush then, O monarch, pierced the son of Pandu with
seven sharp shafts. Thereupon Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, blazed up
with wrath, like the fire that blazeth forth at the end of the Yuga for
consuming creatures. Beholding the son of Pandu excited with rage, the
gods, the Gandharvas, and the Rakshasas, trembled, O king, and the
universe became agitated. And even this was the thought that arose in the
minds of all creatures, viz., that that king, excited with rage, would
that day consume the three worlds. Indeed, when the son of Pandu was thus
excited with wrath, the Rishis and the celestials prayed for the peace of
the world. Filled with wrath and frequently licking the corners of his
mouth, Yudhishthira assumed a terrible expression looking like the sun
that riseth at the end of the Yuga. Then all your warriors, O king, became
hopeless of their lives, O Bharata. Checking, however, that wrath with
patience, that great bowman endued with high renown then cut off
Srutayush's bow at the grasp. And then, in the very sight of all the
troops, the king in that battle pierced Srutayush whose bow had been cut
off, with a long arrow in the centre of the chest. And the mighty
Yudhishthira then, O king, speedily slew with his arrows the steeds of
Srutayush and then, without losing a moment, his charioteer. Beholding
the prowess of the king, Srutayush leaving that car whose steeds had been
slain, quickly fled away from battle. After that great bowman had been
vanquished in combat by the son of Dharma, all the troops of Duryodhana,
O king, turned their faces. Having, O monarch, achieved this feat,
Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, began to slay your troops like Death
himself with wide-open mouth.

"Chekitana of the Vrishni race, in the very sight of all the troops,
covered with his shafts Gautama, that foremost of car-warriors. Baffling
all those arrows, Kripa the son of Saradwat, pierced Chekitana in return
who was fighting with great care, O king, with arrows in that battle.
Then, O Bharata, with another broad-headed arrow he cut off Chekitana's
bow, and endued with great lightness of hand, he also felled with another
broad-headed arrow the former's charioteer. Kripa then, O monarch, slew
Chekitana's steeds, as also both the warriors that protected the latter's
wings. Then Chekitana of the Satwata race, quickly jumped down from his
car, and took up a mace. The foremost of all wielders of the mace,
Chekitana, with that hero-slaying mace of his, slew the steeds of Gautama
and then felled his charioteer. Then Gautama, standing on the ground,
shot sixteen arrows at Chekitana. Those arrows, piercing through that
hero of the Satwata race, entered the earth. Thereat, Chekitana excited
with rage, once more hurled his mace, desirous of slaying Gautama, like
Purandara desirous of slaying Vritra. Then Gautama with many thousands of
arrows checked that huge mace, endued with the strength of adamant, that
was coursing towards him. Then Chekitana, O Bharata, drawing his sabre
from the sheath, rushed with great speed towards Gautama. Thereupon
Gautama also, throwing away his bow, and taking up a polished sabre,
rushed with great speed towards Chekitana. Both of them possessed of
great strength, and both armed with excellent sabres, began to strike
each other with those sharp-edged weapons of theirs. Then those bulls
among men, struck with the force of each other's sabres, fell down on the
earth, that (common) element of all creatures. Exhausted by the efforts
they had made, the limbs of both were motionless in a swoon. Then
Karakarsha impelled by friendship, quickly rushed to that spot. And that
invincible warrior, beholding Chekitana in that plight, took him up on
his car in the very sight of all troops. And so also the brave Sakuni,
thy brother-in-law, O monarch, speedily caused Gautama, that foremost of
car-warriors, to mount on his car.

"The mighty Dhrishtaketu, excited with wrath, speedily pierced the son of
Somadatta, O king, with ninety shafts in the chest. And the son of
Somadatta looked highly resplendent with those shafts on his chest, like
the sun, O king, with his rays at mid-day. Bhurisravas, however, in that
battle, with his excellent shafts, deprived Dhrishtaketu, that mighty
car-warrior, of his car, slaying his charioteer and steeds. And beholding
him deprived of his car, and his steeds and charioteer slain, Bhurisravas
covered Dhrishtaketu in that combat with a thick shower of arrows. The
high-souled Dhrishtaketu then. O sire, abandoning that car of his,
mounted upon the vehicle of Satanika. Chitrasena, and Vikarna, O king,
and also Durmarshana,--these car-warriors cased in golden mail,--all
rushed against the son of Subhadra. Then a fierce battle took place
between Abhimanyu and those warriors, like the battle of the body, O
king, with wind, bile, and phlegm.[419] That tiger among men, however,
(viz., Abhimanyu), having, O king, deprived your sons of their cars, slew
them not, remembering Bhima's words.[420] Then during the progress of the
fight, Kunti's son (Arjuna), of white steeds, beholding Bhishma, who was
incapable of being vanquished by very gods, proceeding to rescue your sons
in view of Abhimanyu--a boy and alone though a mighty car-warrior,
addressed Vasudeva and said these words, 'Urge the steeds, O Hrishikesa,
to that spot where are those numerous car-warriors. They are many in
number, brave, accomplished in arms, invincible in battle. Guide the
horses so, O Madhava, that the foe may not be able to slay our troops.'
Thus urged by Kunti's son of immeasurable energy, he of Vrishni's race
then drove that car, unto which were yoked white steeds, to battle. When
Arjuna, excited with rage, thus proceeded towards your army, a loud
uproar, O sire, arose among your troops.[421] The son of Kunti then,
having come up to those kings that were protecting Bhishma, (first)
addressed Susarman, O king, and said these words, 'I know you to be
foremost in battle, and a dire enemy (of ours) of old. Behold to-day the
terrible fruit of that evil behaviour (of thine).[422] I will today cause
thee to visit the manes of your ancestors.' That leader of car-divisions,
Susarman, however, hearing these harsh words uttered by that slayer of
foes viz., Vibhatsu, told him nothing (in reply), well or ill. (But)
approaching the heroic Arjuna, with a large number of kings in his train,
and surrounding him in that battle, he covered him aided by your sons, O
sinless one, with arrows from all sides, viz., front, rear, and flanks,
like the clouds covering the maker of day. Then, O Bharata, a dreadful
battle took place between your army and the Pandavas, in which blood ran
like water."

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 85 ---------------------