Dhritarashtra said, "Beholding my sons, so many in number, O Sanjaya,
slain by a single person, what did Bhishma and Drona and Kripa do in
battle?[432] Day after day, O Sanjaya, my sons are being slain. I think,
O Suta, that they are completely overtaken by evil destiny, inasmuch as
my sons never conquer but are always vanquished. When my sons staying in
the midst of those unretreating heroes, viz., Drona and Bhishma, and the
high-souled Kripa, and Somadatta's heroic son and Bhagadatta, and
Aswatthaman also, O son, and other brave warriors, are being still slain
in battle, what can it be said save the result of fate?[433] The wicked
Duryodhana did not comprehend (our) words before, though admonished by
me, O son, and by Bhishma and Vidura. (Though forbidden) always by
Gandhari, too, from motives of doing him good, Duryodhana of wicked
understanding awoke not before from folly.[434] That (conduct) hath now
borne fruit, inasmuch as Bhimasena, excited with wrath, despatcheth, day
after day in battle, my insensate sons to the abode of Yama."
Sanjaya said, "Those excellent words of Vidura, uttered for your good, but
which you didst not then understand, have now come to be realised.
Vidura had said, 'Restrain your sons from the dice.' Like a man whose hour
is come refusing the proper medicine, you didst not then listen to the
words of well-wishing friends counselling you (for your good). Those
words uttered by the righteous have now been realised before thee.
Indeed, the Kauravas are now being destroyed for having rejected those
words, deserving of acceptance, of Vidura and Drona and Bhishma and thy
other well-wishers. These very consequences happened even then when thou
declinedst to listen to those counsels. Hear now, however, to my
narration of the battle exactly as it has happened.[435] At midday the
battle became exceedingly awful and fraught with great carnage. Listen to
me, O king, as I describe it. Then all the troops (of the Pandava army),
excited with rage, rushed, at the command of Dharma's son, against
Bhishma alone from desire of slaying him. Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandin,
and the mighty car-warrior Satyaki, accompanied, O king, by their forces,
proceeded against Bhishma alone. And those mighty car-warriors, viz.,
Virata and Drupada, with all the Somakas, rushed in battle against
Bhishma alone. And the Kaikeyas, and Dhrishtaketu, and Kuntibhoja,
equipped in mail and supported by their forces, rushed, O king, against
Bhishma alone. And Arjuna, and the sons of Draupadi, and Chekitana of
great prowess, proceeded against all the kings under the command of
Duryodhana. And the heroic Abhimanyu, and that mighty car-warrior, viz.,
the son of Hidimva, and Bhimasena excited with wrath, rushed against the
(other) Kauravas. (Thus) the Pandavas, divided into three bodies began to
slaughter the Kauravas. And similarly the Kauravas also, O king, began to
slaughter their foes.[436] That foremost of car-warriors, viz., Drona
excited with wrath, rushed against the Somakas and the Srinjayas,
desirous of sending them to the abode of Yama. Thereupon loud cries of
woe arose among the brave Srinjayas while they were being slaughtered. O
king, by Bharadwaja's son bow in hand. Large numbers of Kshatriyas,
struck down by Drona, were seen to all convulsing like persons writhing
in the agony of disease. All over the field were continuously heard moans
and shrieks and groans resembling those of persons afflicted with hunger.
And so the mighty Bhimasena, excited with wrath, and like unto a second
Yama, caused a terrible carnage amongst the Kaurava troops. There in that
dreadful battle, in consequence of the warriors slaying one another, a
terrible river began to flow whose billowy current consisted of
blood.[437] And that battle, O king, between the Kurus and the Pandavas,
becoming fierce and awful, began to swell the population of Yama's
kingdom. Then in that battle Bhima excited with wrath, fell with great
impetuosity upon the elephant division (of the Kauravas) and began to
send many to the regions of Death. Then, O Bharata, struck with Bhima's
shafts, some of those beasts fell down, some were paralysed, some
shrieked (in pain), and some ran away in all directions. Huge elephants,
their trunks cut off and limbs mangled, screaming like cranes, began, O
king, to fall down on the earth. Nakula and Sahadeva fell upon the
(Kaurava) cavalry. Many steeds with garlands of gold on their heads and
with their necks and breasts adorned with ornaments of gold, were seen to
be slain in hundreds and thousands. The earth, O king, was strewn with
fallen steeds. And some were deprived of their tongues; and some breathed
hard; and some uttered low moans, and some were void of life. The earth
looked beautiful, O chief of men, with those steeds of such diverse
kinds. At the same time, O Bharata, she looked fiercely resplendent, O
monarch, with a large number of kings slain by Arjuna in that battle. And
strewn with broken cars and rent banners and brilliant umbrellas, with
torn chamaras and fans, and mighty weapons broken into fragments, with
garlands and necklaces of gold, with bracelets, with heads decked with
ear-rings, with head-gears loosened (from off heads), with standards,
with beautiful bottoms of cars, O king, and with traces and reins, the
earth shone as brightly as she does in spring when strewn with flowers.
And it was thus, O Bharata, that the Pandava host suffered destruction
when Bhishma the son of Santanu, and Drona that foremost of car-warriors,
and Aswatthaman, and Kripa, and Kritavarman, were inflamed with wrath.
And similarly your army also suffered the same kind of destruction when
the other side, viz., the Pandava heroes were excited with rage."
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 90 ---------------------