"Sanjaya said, 'While Yudhishthira, Vasudeva, and others were thus
conversing, Dhananjaya came there, desirous of beholding that foremost
one of Bharata's race, viz., the king, as also his friends and
well-wishers. After he had entered that auspicious chamber and having
saluted him duly, had taken its stand before the king, that bull among
the Pandavas, (viz., king Yudhishthira), rising up from his seat,
embraced Arjuna with great affection. Smelling his head and embracing him
with his arms, the king blessed him heartily. And addressing him
smilingly, he said, 'It is evident, O Arjuna, that complete victory
certainly awaits you in battle, judging from your countenance (bright and
cheerful as it is), and by the fact that Janardana is well-pleased with
thee. Then Jishnu related unto him that highly wonderful incident,
saying, 'Blessed be thou, O monarch, I have, through Kesava's grace,
beheld something exceedingly wonderful.' Then Dhananjaya related
everything he had seen, about his meeting with the Three-eyed god, for
assuring his friends. Then all the hearers, filled with wonder, bent
their heads to the ground. And bowing unto the god having the bull for
his mark, they said, 'Excellent, Excellent!' Then all the friends and
well-wishers (of the Pandavas), commanded by the son of Dharma, quickly
and carefully proceeded to battle, their hearts filled with rage (against
the foe). Saluting the king, Yuyudhana and Kesava and Arjuna, cheerfully
set out from Yudhishthira's abode. And those two invincible warriors,
those two heroes, viz., Yuyudhana, and Janardana, together proceeded on
the same car to Arjuna's pavilion. Arrived there, Hrishikesa, like a
charioteer (by profession), began to equip that car bearing the mark of
the prince of apes and belonging to that foremost of car-warriors (viz.,
Arjuna). And that foremost of cars, of the effulgence of heated gold, and
of rattle resembling the deep roar of the clouds, equipped (by Krishna),
shone brightly like the morning sun. Then that tiger among men, (viz.,
Vasudeva), clad in mail informed Partha, who had finished his morning
prayers, of the fact that 'his car had been properly equipped. Then that
foremost of men in this world, viz., the diadem-decked (Arjuna), clad in
golden armour, with his bow and arrows in hand, circumambulated that car.
And adored and blessed with benedictions about victory by Brahmanas, old
in ascetic penances and knowledge and years, ever engaged in the
performance of religious rites and sacrifices, and having their passions
under control, Arjuna then ascended that great car, that excellent
vehicle, which had previously been sanctified with mantras capable of
giving victory in battle, like Surya of blazing rays ascending the
eastern mountain. And that foremost of car-warriors decked with gold, in
consequence or those golden ornaments of his, on his car like Surya of
blazing splendour on the breast of Meru. After Partha, Yuyudhana. and
Janardana mounted on that car, like the twin Aswins riding the same car
with Indra while coming to the sacrifice of Saryati. Then Govinda, that
foremost of charioteers, took the reins (of the steeds), like Matali
taking the reins of Indra's steeds, while the latter went to battle for
slaying Vritra.[133] Mounted on that best of cars with those two friends,
that slayer of large bodies of foes, viz., Partha, proceeded for
achieving the slaughter of the ruler of the Sindhus, like Soma rising (in
the firmament) with Budha and Sukra, for destroying the gloom of night,
or like Indra proceeding with Varuna and Surya to the great battle (with
the Asuras) occasioned by the abduction of Taraka (the wife of
Vrihaspati). The bards and musicians gratified the heroic Arjuna, as he
proceeded, with the sound of musical instruments and auspicious hymns of
good omen. And the voices of the panegyrists and the bards uttering
benedictions of victory and wishing good day, mingling with the sounds of
musical instruments, became gratifying to those heroes. And an auspicious
breeze, fraught with fragrance, blew from behind Partha, gladdening him
and sucking up the energies of his foes. And at that hour, O king, many
auspicious omens of various kinds appeared to view, indicating victory to
the Pandavas and defeat to your warriors, O sire! Beholding those
indications of victory, Arjuna, addressing the great bowman Yuyudhana on
his right, said these words: O Yuyudhana! in today's battle my victory
seems to be certain, since O bull of Sini's race, all these (auspicious)
omens are seen. I shall, therefore, go thither where the ruler of the
Sindhus waiteth for (the display of) my energy and in expectation of
repairing to the regions of Yama. Indeed, as the slaughter of the ruler
of the Sindhus is one of my most imperative duties, even so is the
protection of king Yudhishthira the just another of my most imperative
obligations. O you of mighty arms, be you today the king's protector.
Thou wilt protect him even as I myself protect him. I do not behold the
person in the world who would be able to vanquish thee. Thou art, in
battle, equal to Vasudeva himself. The chief of the celestials himself is
unable to vanquish thee. Reposing this burden on thee, or on that mighty
car-warrior Pradyumna, I can, O bull among men, without anxiety slay the
ruler of the Sindhus. O you of the Satwata race, no anxiety need be
entertained on my account. With your whole heart must you protect the
king. There where the mighty-armed Vasudeva stayeth, and where I myself
stay, without doubt, the slightest danger to him or me can never befall.'
Thus addressed by Partha, Satyaki, that slayer of hostile heroes, replied
saying, 'So be it.' And then the latter proceeded to the spot where king
Yudhishthira was.'
--------------------END OF PARVA 7 : UPA-PARVA 82 ---------------------