Sanjaya said,--"Then, O bull of Bharata's race, king Yudhishthira,
disposing his own troops in counter array against the divisions of
Bhishma, urged them on, saying,--'The Pandavas have now disposed their
forces in counter array agreeably to what is laid down (in the
scriptures). Ye sinless ones, fight fairly, desirous of (entering) the
highest heaven'.--In the centre (of the Pandava army) was Sikhandin and
his troops, protected by Arjuna. And Dhristadyumna moved in the van,
protected by Bhima. The southern division (of the Pandava army) was
protected. O king, by that mighty bowman, the handsome Yuyudhana, that
foremost combatant of the Satwata race, resembling Indra himself.
Yudhisthira was stationed on a car that was worthy of bearing Mahendra
himself, adorned with an excellent standard, variegated with gold and
gems, and furnished with golden traces (for the steeds), in the midst of
his elephant divisions.[114] His pure white umbrella with ivory handle,
raised over his head, looked exceedingly beautiful; and many great Rishis
walked around the king[115] uttering words in his praise. And many
priests, and regenerate Rishis and Siddhas, uttering hymns in his
praise[116] wished him, as they walked around, the destructions of his
enemies, by the aid of Japas, and Mantras, efficacious drugs, and diverse
propitiatory ceremonies. That high-souled chief of the Kurus, then giving
away unto the Brahmanas kine and fruits and flowers and golden coins
along with cloths[117] proceeded like Sakra, the chief of the celestials.
The car of Arjuna, furnished with a hundred bells, decked with Jamvunada
gold of the best kind, endued with excellent wheels, possessed of the
effulgence of fire, and unto which were yoked white steeds, looked
exceedingly brilliant like a thousand suns.[118] And on that ape-bannered
car the reins of which were held by Kesava, stood Arjuna with Gandiva and
arrows in hand--a bowman whose peer exists not on earth, nor ever
will.[119] For crushing your sons' troops he who assumeth the most awful
form,--who, divested of weapons, with only his bare hands, poundeth to
dust men, horses, and elephants,--that strong-armed Bhimasena, otherwise
called Vrikodara, accompanied by the twins, became the protector of the
heroic car-warriors (of the Pandava) army. Like unto a furious prince of
lions of sportive gait, or like the great Indra himself with (earthly)
body on the Earth, beholding that invincible Vrikodara, like unto a proud
leader of an elephantine herd, stationed in the van (of the army), the
warriors on your side, their strength weakened by fear, began to tremble
like elephants sunk in mire.
"Unto that invincible prince Gudakesa staying in the midst of his troops,
Janardana, O chief of Bharata's race, said--He, who scorching us with his
wrath, stayeth in the midst of his forces, he, who will attack our troops
like a lion, he, who performed three hundred Ashvamedha-Yajnas,--that
banner of Kuru's race, that Bhishma,--stayeth yonder! Yon ranks around
him on all sides great warriors like the clouds shrouding the bright
luminary. O foremost of men, slaying yon troops, seek battle with yonder
bull of Bharata's race."
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 22 ---------------------