Dhritarashtra said,--"When the Sun rose, O Sanjaya, of my army led by
Bhishma and the Pandava army led by Bhima, which first cheerfully
approached the other, desirous of fight? To which side were the Sun, the
Moon and the wind hostile, and against whom did the beasts of prey utter
inauspicious sounds? Who were those young men, the complexions of whose
faces were cheerful? Tell me all these truly and duly."
Sanjaya said,--"Both armies, when arrayed, were equally joyful, O king.
Both armies looked equally beautiful, assuming the aspect of blossoming
woods, and both armies were full of elephants, cars and horses. Both
armies were vast and terrible in aspect; and so also, O Bharata, none of
them could bear the other. Both of them were arrayed for conquering the
very heavens, and both of them consisted of excellent persons. The
Kauravas belonging to the Dhritarashtra party stood facing the west,
while the Parthas stood facing the east, addrest for fight. The troops of
the Kauravas looked like the army of the chief of the Danavas, while that
of the Pandavas looked like the army of the celestials. The wind began to
blow from behind the Pandavas (against the face of the Dhartarashtras),
and the beasts of prey began to yell against the Dhartarashtras. The
elephants belonging to your sons could not bear the strong odour of the
temporal juice emitted by the huge elephants (of the Pandavas). And
Duryodhana rode on an elephant of the complexion of the lotus, with rent
temples, graced with a golden Kaksha (on its back), and cased in an
armour of steel net-work. And he was in the very centre of the Kurus and
was adored by eulogists and bards. And a white umbrella of lunar
effulgence was held over his head graced with a golden chain. Him Sakuni,
the ruler of the Gandharas, followed with mountaineers of Gandhara placed
all around. And the venerable Bhishma was at the head of all the troops,
with a white umbrella held over his head, armed with bow and sword, with
a white headgear, with a white banner (on his car), and with white steeds
(yoked thereto), and altogether looking like a white mountain. In
Bhishma's division were all the sons of Dhritarashtra, and also Sala who
was a countryman of the Valhikas, and also all those Kshatriyas called
Amvastas, and those called Sindhus, and those also that are called
Sauviras, and the heroic dwellers of the country of the five rivers. And
on a golden car unto which were yoked red steeds, the high-souled Drona,
bow in hand and with never-failing heart, the preceptor of almost all the
kings, remained behind all the troops, protecting them like Indra. And
Saradwat's son, that fighter in the van,[110] that high-souled and mighty
bowman, called also Gautama, conversant with all modes of warfare,
accompanied by the Sakas, the Kiratas, the Yavanas, and the Pahlavas,
took up his position at the northern point of the army. That large force
which was well protected by mighty car-warriors of the Vrishni and the
Bhoja races, as also by the warriors of Surashtra well-armed and
well-acquainted with the uses of weapons, and which was led by
Kritavarman, proceeded towards the south of the army. Ten thousand cars
of the Samasaptakas who were created for either the death or the fame of
Arjuna, and who, accomplished in arms, intended to follow Arjuna at his
heels[111] all went out as also the brave Trigartas. In your army, O
Bharata, were a thousand elephants of the foremost fighting powers. Unto
each elephant was assigned a century of cars; unto each car, a hundred
horsemen; unto each horseman, ten bowmen; and unto each bowman ten
combatants armed with sword and shield. Thus, O Bharata, were thy
divisions arrayed by Bhishma. Thy generalissimo Bhishma, the son of
Santanu, as each day dawned, sometimes disposed your troops in the human
army, sometimes in the celestial, sometimes in the Gandharva, and
sometimes in the Asura. Thronged with a large number of Maharathas, and
roaring like the very ocean, the Dhartarashtra army, arrayed by Bhishma,
stood facing the west for battle. Illimitable as your army was, O ruler of
men, it looked terrible; but the army of the Pandavas, although it was
not such (in number), yet seemed to me to be very large and invincible
since Kesava and Arjuna were its leader."
--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 20 ---------------------