Friday, October 3, 2014

Parva 06 002


Vaisampayana said,--"Seeing then the two armies (standing) on the east
and the west for the fierce battle that was impending, the holy Rishi
Vyasa, the son of Satyavati, that foremost of all persons acquainted with
the Vedas, that grandsire of the Bharatas, conversant with the past, the
present, and the future, and beholding everything as if it were present
before his eyes, said these words in private unto the royal son of
Vichitravirya who was then distressed and giving way to sorrow,
reflecting on the evil policy of his sons.

"Vyasa said,--'O king, your sons and the other monarchs have their hour
arrived.[10] Mustered in battle they will kill one another. O Bharata,
their hour having come, they will all perish. Bearing in mind the changes
brought on by time, do not yield your heart to grief. O king, if you wish
to see them (fighting) in battle, I will, O son, grant you vision.
Behold the battle."

"Dhritarashtra said,--'O best of regenerate Rishi, I like not to behold
the slaughter of kinsmen. I shall, however, through your potency hear of
this battle minutely."

Vaisampayana continued.--"Upon his not wishing to see the battle but
wishing to hear of it, Vyasa, that lord of boons, gave a boon to Sanjaya.
(And addressing Dhritarashtra he said),--'This Sanjaya, O king, will
describe the battle to thee. Nothing in the whole battle will be beyond
this one's eyes.' Endued, O king with celestial vision, Sanjaya will
narrate the battle to thee. He will have knowledge of everything.
Manifest or concealed, (happening) by day or by night, even that which is
thought of in the mind, Sanjaya shall know everything. Weapons will not
cut him and exertion will not fatigue him. This son of Gavalgani will
come out of the battle with life. As regards myself, O bull of Bharata's
race, the fame of these Kurus, as also of all the Pandavas, I will
spread. Do not grieve. This is destiny, O tiger among men. It behoveth
thee not to give way to grief. It is not capable of being prevented. As
regards victory, it is there where righteousness is.'"

Vaisampayana continued,--"That highly-blessed and holy grandsire of the
Kurus, having said so, once more addressed Dhritarashtra and
said,--'Great will the slaughter be, O monarch, in this battle. I see
here also (numerous) omens indicative of terror. Hawks and vultures, and
crows and herons, together with cranes, are alighting on the tops of
trees and gathering in flocks. These birds, delighted at the prospect of
battle, are looking down (on the field) before them. Carnivorous beasts
will feed on the flesh of elephants and steeds. Fierce herons, foreboding
terror, and uttering merciless cries, are wheeling across the centre
towards the southern region. In both the twilights, prior and posterior,
I daily behold, O Bharata, the sun during his rising and setting to be
covered by headless trunks. Tri-coloured clouds with their extremities
white and red and necks black, charged with lightning, and resembling
maces (in figure) envelope the sun in both twilights. I have seen the
sun, the moon, and the stars to be all blazing. No difference in their
aspect is to be noted in the evening. I have seen this all day and all
night. All this forbodes fear. On even the fifteenth night of the
lighted-fortnight in (the month of) Kartika, the moon, divested of
splendour, became invisible, or of the hue of fire, the firmament being
of the hue of the lotus. Many heroic lords of earth, kings and princes,
endued with great bravery and possessed of arms resembling maces, will be
slain and sleep lying down on the earth. Daily I notice in the sky during
night time the fierce cries of battling boars and cats.[11] The images of
gods and goddesses sometimes laugh, sometimes tremble, and sometimes
again these vomit blood through their mouths and sometimes they sweat and
sometimes fall down. O monarch! drums, without being beaten, give sounds,
and the great cars of Kshatriyas move without (being drawn by) animals
yoked to them. Kokilas, wood-peckers, jaws, water-cocks, parrots, crows,
and peacocks, utter terrible cries. Here and there, cavalry soldiers,
cased in mail, armed with weapons, send forth fierce shouts. At sun-rise
flights of insects, by hundreds are seen. In both twilights, the cardinal
quarters seem to be ablaze, and the clouds, O Bharata, shower dust and
flesh. She, O king, who is celebrated over the three worlds and is
applauded by the righteous, even that (constellation) Arundhati keepeth
(her lord) Vasistha on her back. The planet Sani also, O king, appeareth
afflicting (the constellation) Rohini. The sign of the deer in the Moon
hath deviated from its usual position. A great terror is indicated. Even
though the sky is cloudless, a terrible roar is heard there. The animals
are all weeping and their tears are falling fast.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 6 : UPA-PARVA 2 ---------------------