Friday, August 8, 2014

Parva 04 071


"Virata said, 'If this one, indeed, be the Kuru king Yudhisthira the son
of Kunti, which amongst these is his brother Arjuna, and which, the
mighty Bhima. Which of these is Nakula, and which Sahadeva and where is
the celebrated Draupadi? After their defeat at dice, the sons of Pritha
have not been heard of by any one.'

"Arjuna said, 'Even this one, O king, who is called Vallava and is thy
cook, is that Bhima of mighty arms and terrible prowess and furious
impetus. It was he who slew the furious Rakshasas on the mountains of
Gandhamadana, and procured for Krishna celestial flowers of great
fragrance. Even he is that Gandharva, who slew the Kichaka of wicked soul
and it was he who killed tigers and bears and boars in the inner
apartment of your palace. He who had been the keeper of your horse is that
slayer of foes called Nakula, and this one is Sahadeva, the keeper of thy
kine. Both these sons of Madri are great car-warriors, possessed of great
fame and beauty of person. These two bulls of the Bharata race, attired
in handsome robes and decked in excellent ornaments, are a match for a
thousand great car-warriors. And even this lady of eyes like lotus-petals
and slender-waist and sweet smiles is Drupada's daughter, your wife's
Sairindhri, for whose sake, O king, the Kichakas were slain. I am, O
king, Arjuna who, it is evident, you hast heard, is that son of Pritha,
who is Bhima's junior and the senior of the twins! We have, O king,
happily passed in your abode the period of non-discovery, like infants in
the womb!'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'After Arjuna had pointed out those heroes--the
five Pandavas, the son of Virata then spoke of Arjuna's prowess. And
Uttara once again identified the sons of Pritha. And the prince said,
'That one whose complexion is bright like that of pure gold, who is stout
like a full-grown lion, whose nose is so prominent, whose eyes are large
and expansive, and whose face is broad and of coppery hue, is the king of
the Kurus. And behold, that one whose tread is like that of an infuriate
elephant, whose complexion is like that of heated gold, whose shoulders
are broad and expanded, and whose arms are long and thick, is Vrikodara.
And he who stands by his side, that youth of darkish hue, who is like
unto a leader of a herd of elephants, whose shoulders are broad like
those of a lion, whose tread is like that of a mighty elephant, and whose
eyes are large and expansive like lotus-leaves, is Arjuna that foremost
of bowmen. All lo, close to the king, are those foremost of men, the
twins, like unto Vishnu and Indra, and who have no equals, in the world
of men, in beauty, might, and behaviour. And close by them, behold,
standeth Krishna, beautiful as gold, like unto the very embodiment of
light, possessing the complexion of the blue lotus, like unto a celestial
damsel, and resembling the living embodiment of Lakshmi herself.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then Virata's son began to describe the prowess
of Arjuna, saying, 'Even this one is he that slew the foe, like unto a
lion devastating a flock of deer. Even he ranged through, crowds of
hostile cars, slaying their best of car-warriors. By him was slain a
huge, infuriate elephant by means of a single arrow. Pierced by him, that
huge beast having its flanks adorned with an armour of gold, fell down
piercing the earth with his tusks. By him have the kine been recovered
and the Kauravas vanquished in battle. My ears have been deafened by the
blare of his conch. It was by this hero of fierce deeds that Bhishma and
Drona, along with Duryodhana, were vanquished. That achievement is his
and not mine.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing these words of his, the mighty king of
the Matsyas, considering himself guilty of having offended Yudhishthira,
said unto Uttara in reply, 'I think the time hath come for me to
propitiate the sons of Pandu. And, if you likest, I shall bestow my
daughter Uttara upon Arjuna.'

"Uttara said, 'Worthy of our adorations and worship and respect, the time
hath come for worshipping the illustrious sons of Pandu who deserve to be
worshipped by us.'

"Virata said, 'When brought under the foe's subjection in battle, it was
Bhimasena that rescued me. My kine also have been recovered by Arjuna. It
is through the might of their arms that we have obtained victory in
battle. Such being the case, all of us, with our counsellors, shall
propitiate Yudhishthira the son of Kunti. Blessed be thou, with all thy
brothers, O bull among the sons of Pandu. If, O king, we have ever said
or done anything in ignorance to offend thee, it behoveth you to forgive
us. The son of Pandu is virtuous.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then the high-souled Virata, delighted greatly,
approached king Yudhishthira and made an alliance with him, and offered
him his whole kingdom together with the sceptre and treasury and
metropolis. And addressing all the Pandavas, and especially Dhananjaya,
the mighty king of the Matsyas repeatedly said, 'By good luck it is that
I see you.' And having again and again embraced Yudhishthira and Bhima
and the sons of Madri, and smelt their heads, Virata, that owner of a
large army, was not satiated with gazing at them. And being highly
pleased, he said unto king Yudhishthira, 'By good luck it is that I see
you safe from woods. By good luck it is that the have accomplished with
difficulty the period of exile, undiscovered by those wicked wights. I
make over my entire kingdom to the sons of Pritha, and what else I have.
Let the sons of Pandu accept these without the slightest hesitation. And
let Dhananjaya, called also Savyasachin, accept the hand of Uttara: for
that best of men is fit to be her lord.' Thus addressed, king
Yudhishthira the just cast a look upon Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha. And
looked at by his brother, Arjuna said unto the Matsya king, 'O monarch, I
accept your daughter as my daughter-in-law. And alliance of this kind
between the Matsya and the Bharatas is, indeed, desirable.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 71 ---------------------