Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Parva 04 024


"Vaisampayana said, 'And beholding the Sutas slain, the citizens went to
the king, and represented unto him what had happened, saying, 'O king,
those mighty sons of the Sutas have all been slain by the Gandharvas.
Indeed, they lie scattered on the earth like huge peaks of mountains
riven by thunder. Sairindhri also, having been set free, returneth to thy
palace in the city. Alas, O king, if Sairindhri cometh, your entire
kingdom will be endangered. Sairindhri is endued with great beauty; the
Gandharvas also here exceedingly powerful. Men again, without doubt, are
naturally sexual. Devise, therefore, O king, without delay, such means
that in consequence of wrongs done to Sairindhri, your kingdom may not
meet with destruction.' Hearing those words of theirs, Virata, that lord
of hosts, said unto them, 'Do the perform the last rites of the Sutas. Let
all the Kichakas be burnt, in one blazing pyre with gems and fragrant
unguents in profusion.' And filled with fear, the king then addressed his
queen Sudeshna, saying, 'When Sairindhri comes back, do you tell her
these words from me, 'Blessed be thou, O fair-faced Sairindhri. Go thou
whithersoever you likest. The king hath been alarmed, O you of graceful
hips, at the defeat already experienced at the hands of the Gandharvas.
Protected as you are by the Gandharvas, I dare not personally say all
this to thee. A woman, however, cannot offend, and it is for this that I
tell you all this through a woman.'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus delivered by Bhimasena after the slaughter
of the Sutas, the intelligent and youthful Krishna relieved from all her
fears, washed her limbs and clothes in water, and proceeded towards the
city, like a doe frightened by a tiger. And beholding her, the citizens,
O king, afflicted with the fear of the Gandharvas fled in all directions.
And some of them went so far as to shut their eyes. And then, O king at
the gate of the kitchen, the princess of Panchala saw Bhimasena staying,
like an infuriate elephant of gigantic proportions. And looking upon him
with wonder-expanded eyes, Draupadi, by means of words intelligible to
them alone, said, 'I bow unto that prince of the Gandharvas, who hath
rescued me.' At these words of her, Bhima said, 'Hearing these words of
hers in obedience to whom those persons were hitherto living in the city,
they will henceforth range here, regarding themselves as freed from the

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then she beheld the mighty-armed Dhananjaya, in
the dancing-hall instructing king Virata's daughters in dancing. And
issuing with Arjuna from the dancing-hall, all those damsels came to
Krishna who had arrived there, and who had been persecuted so sorely, all
innocent though she was. And they said, 'By good luck also it is, O
Sairindhri, that you hast been delivered from your dangers. By good luck
it is that you hast returned safe. And by good luck also it is that
those Sutas have been slain that had wronged thee, innocent though thou
art.' Hearing this, Virhannala said, 'How hast thou, O Sairindhri, been
delivered? And how have those sinful wretches been slain? I wish to learn
all this from you exactly as it occurred.' Sairindhri replied, 'O
blessed Vrihannala, always passing your days happily in the apartments of
the girls, what concern hast you with Sairindhri's fate to say? Thou
hast no grief to bear that Sairindhri hath to bear! It is for this, that
thou askest me thus, distressed as I am in ridicule.' Thereat Vrihannala
said, 'O blessed one, Vrihannala also hath unparalleled sorrows of her
own. She hath become as low as a brute. Thou dost not, O girl, understand
this. I have lived with thee, and thou, too hast lived with us. When,
therefore, you are afflicted with misery, who is it that will not, O
thou of beautiful hips, feel it? But no one can completely read another's
heart. Therefore it is, O amiable one, that you knowest not my heart!'

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Then Draupadi, accompanied by those girls
entered the royal abode, desirous of appearing before Sudeshna. And when
she came before the queen, Virata's wife addressed her at the command of
the king, saying, 'Do thou, O Sairindhri, speedily go whithersoever thou
likest. The king, good betide thee, hath been filled with fear at this
discomfiture at the hands of the Gandharvas. Thou art, O you of graceful
eye-brows, young and unparalleled on earth in beauty. Thou art, besides,
an object of desire with men. The Gandharvas again, are exceedingly
wrathful.' Thereat Sairindhri said, 'O beauteous lady, let the king
suffer me to live here for only thirteen days more. Without doubt, the
Gandharvas also will be highly obliged at this. They will then convey me
hence and do what would be agreeable to Virata. Without doubt, the king,
by doing this, with his friends, will reap great benefit.'"

--------------------END OF PARVA 4 : UPA-PARVA 24 ---------------------